A Question For Harry

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*The Core Four thanks unicorn-girl14 for this question

(The camera turns on, and is following Jay, Mal, and Evie through the halls of Castle Beast. They are all laughing and chatting excitedly.)

Jay: *snickering* Oh my goblins, I can't believe the first question was actually for Harry-

Carlos: *from behind the camera* Guys, the camera's on!

Evie: Oh! Hi guys! Our first question was for our friend Harry. Now we are looking for him so we can ask-

Jay: *cupping his hands around his mouth* HARRY! HARRY HOOK! HARRYYYYY-

Harry: *muffled and in the distance* Eh? What?

Mal: That was from the kitchen, let's go- *runs and is followed by Evie and Jay*

Carlos: *from behind the camera. The camera is shaking back and forth while he runs* Guys, wait up!

(The Core Four enters the kitchen. Harry is seen, sitting on the counter and eating a sandwich)

Evie: Hey, Harry! We have a question for you!

Harry: *bites into his sandwich* I told ye I didn't want to be a part of yer stupid blog.

Mal: Just answer one question!

Jay: Yeah, everyone else is doing it!

Harry: *raises an eyebrow* Who else has answered anything?

Carlos: *from behind the camera* Actually, this is our first question.

Mal: Yeah, you should feel honored.

Evie: Do it for the people.

Jay: Yeah, the people.

Harry: *sighs* Fine. What's the question, eh?

(Mal, Evie, Jay and Carlos snicker. Mal and Jay mutter between each other before nodding. Jay looks down at his phone.)

Jay: Harry, *he snickers* do you or do you not have a crush on Uma-

Harry: *chokes on his sandwich*

Jay: -answer honestly.

Harry: I- what-

Mal and Evie: Answer the question!

Harry: Oi, shut yer mouths!

Carlos: *from behind the camera* C'mon, yes or no?

Harry: *muttering* I mean I may or may not, *mutters something inaudible* I mean ye can't say- *mutters something else*

Mal: What? We can't hear you.

Harry: *looks at her* Is Uma going to see this?

Jay: Y-

Evie: No.

Mal: Come on!

Harry: "Crush" is a strong word, okay!

Evie: For such a flirtatious man, you sure have a lot of difficulties admitting your feelings for Uma.

Harry: But-

Mal: I mean, he kind of said yes...

Jay: Yeah, he never gets tongue-tied like this for anyone, so...

Harry: But I-

Mal: The answer is yes, peoples! Thanks for watching!

Mal, Evie, and Jay: BYEEE!

Harry: Wait, but-

(Carlos turns off the camera)

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