A Question For Jay

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*The Core Four thanks domolicious456 for the question

Carlos: Hello, hello! Our question today is for: Jay!

Jay: I feel loved!

Mal: *snorts*

Carlos: *looking at his phone* Okay, Jay, have you ever tried to rob Mal?

Jay: Uh...

Mal: *leans in* Yes, Jay, we would all love the answer to that.

Jay: Okay, yes, on the Isle. I mean, duh, I was the master thief. Of course I stole from Mal! Sometimes she found out, sometimes she didn't-

Mal: Wait, what?

Jay: -but that's how we survived on the Isle. We stole something, we sold it, and then we stole it back. It's like the circle of life of stealing.

Evie: But we don't steal anymore.

Jay: Right! On the Isle, we needed to. But no anymore.

Carlos: That's why I'm glad the barrier is down. All of those kids finally get a chance to become something great- and they don't have to steal to eat anymore.

Mal: Yeah... I can't be mad at Jay for this. I stole from him too.

Jay: You wHAT?!

Evie: Bye everyone!

(The camera cuts off)

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