A Suggestion For Jay

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*The Core Four thanks DaJonnieFan for the suggestion

(The camera turns on and focuses on Jay, who is trying to get Dude to drop a tennis ball. Jay glances over to the camera, then nervously to the cameraman.)

Jay: Uh... We're not doing questions here, are we?

Carlos: *from behind the camera* No, if we were, the girls would be here. Today you have a suggestion.

Jay: *dimly* I'm not going to sing "dancing queen" again...

Carlos: *from behind the camera* Heh, no that's not the suggestion.

Jay: Oh. Then ask away, what do I have to lose?

Carlos: *snorts*

Carlos: *from behind the camera* They want you to kiss Lonnie, and if you don't, Mal, Evie, and I get to lock you in a room with Mushu for a day.


Jay: What?!

Carlos: *from behind the camera* You heard me.

Dude: Well, that's easy, since you like Lo-

Jay: Shush! Shut up! Go fetch! *tosses the tennis ball*

Dude: *looks at the ball, then back at Jay* You threw it...

Jay: You're a dog! You're supposed to like this game!

Dude: I do!

Jay: Then why-

Carlos: *from behind the camera* Jay, don't change the subject. What will it be?

Jay: Can't we say no?!

Carlos: *from behind the camera* You can, but I'm not going to.

Jay: Why?!

Carlos: *from behind the camera* Because we want to see you locked it a room with Mushu.

Jay: Fine. My answer is...

Jay: *sprints*

Carlos: *from behind the camera* He asked for it...

Mushu: *jumps from a nearby tree and onto Jay's head*

Jay: *shrieks*

Mushu: *hits him repeatedly with a stick* DISHONOR ON YOU! DISHONOR ON YOUR FAMILY! DISHONOR ON YOUR COW!

Carlos: *turns the camera to himself* We'll give you updates in the next video. I need to go find Mal and Evie- Thanks for the suggestion and thanks for watching!

Jay: *shrieks again*

(The camera turns off)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2022 ⏰

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