A Question For Maleficent

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*The Core Four thanks domolicious456 for the question

(The camera turns on, showing Maleficent reading a book in Castle Beast's library. Sitting next to her is Hera, who is also reading a book while getting her hair braided by Amphitrite)

Mal: *offscreen* Target spotted.

Maleficent: *looks up, glares, and looks back down at her book*

Mal: *walking onscreen with Jay and Evie, slowly towards Maleficent* Hey, Mom...

Maleficent: *not looking up* No.

Mal: But-

Maleficent: I said one question, Mal. No more.

Jay: But the people love you!

Maleficent: *throws her head back and laughs*

Hera: *looks up from her book* Hm? What was the joke, dear, I wasn't listening?

Amphitrite: *focusing on the braid* Jay said the people love her.

Maleficent: You're hilarious, child.

Jay: I get called that a lot.

Evie: Hilarious?

Jay: No. Child.

Carlos: *from behind the camera* Please, Miss Maleficent? It's a good question!

Maleficent: *raises an eyebrow at Mal*

Mal: *shrugging* Don't look at me, only Carlos knows the questions until he asks them.

Maleficent: *sighing* Very well.

Carlos: Yay! Okay: Is Hades like a puppy?

Mal: *snorts*

Maleficent: *thinking* Yes.

Hera: I second that.

Evie: I knew it!

Jay: You guys are going to ruin this man's reputation. Why is he a puppy?

Maleficent: Because he's loud and needy.

Hera: But you still decide to keep him because you think he's adorable. He also lights up when you walk into the room, much like a dog with his owner.

Maleficent: Well, I-

Amphitrite: And if he's not getting enough attention he gets grumpy.

Hera: His sacred animal is Cerberus as well, so...

Mal: Wow. My dad is a puppy.

Jay: *snorting* If he sees this-

Carlos: *from behind the camera* Well, there you have it, folks. The Lord of the dead is in fact a puppy. Thanks for watching!

(The camera turns off)

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