Part 7

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I cut my fucking finger with a fucking book urgh

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I cut my fucking finger with a fucking book urgh.. I am never touching that bitch ever again.


Y/N POV (next day)

I woke up sunlight hitting my face. I tried to stretch my hand but felt something hevy their. I look down only to such cute creature sleeping on the floor while holding my hand. Kookie was sleeping. How can a person be so nice? I don't know. Ever since Kookie came to my life I founed happiness in my small life. Every time I look at him I feel butterflies in stomach. I have never felt like this before. Maybe I've never met someone before. All I can say is that after spending this months with him I can't stay away for him, I can't live without him. But I am scared that every happiness of my has an expiry date. What if this also go away from me? What am I gonna do? no! I can't..  I don't want this to go.. please god don't take this away from me. The way he takes care of me no one did before. 

(A/N : but little did they know that they are goona be separate soon?)

I came back to sense when I heard a small winning sound. Kookie was whining while sleeping. Pfft.. so cute. I ruffled his hair with my other hand. He then open his doe eyes slowly...

"Nonna?? (smile) Good morning.." " Good morning Kookie..(smile)" "How are you feeling now nonna?" " Better then before thanks to you.." he gave me a bunny smile in return. he stood up.

"Nonna.. You go and fresh up. I'll be downstairs. Okay?" I just hummed in respons. He then made his way to downstairs and me to bathroom.

Time skip

I came down only to see Kookie is cooking. "Woah!! Kookie.. u can cook?" I asked in surprised. He nodded. "Well apart from cooking I can do other things, but cooking is not my thing. I litterally make a mess in kichen (laughing)" I said. Kookie laughed along with me. "Nonna, U don't have to to cook. In future your husbened will cook for u (wink)" I was a little confused by this this but I just nodded thinking he might said this for comforting me.

 (a/m: nope. he said this cause he's never letting you cook and he's preaty much sure that he's gonna be your husbend ;3)

After that we talked for sometimes while eating.He washed the plates tho I said it's okay I can do this but he's not listening to me. Sometimes I thing who is the older one here -_-

" I am going Nonna, I'll be back after few hours don't worry." kookie said. I just hummed. "Don't do any work and do u wan't anything to eat?" "Yah! kookie. I am not a kid you are and I don't wan't anything don't waste your pocket money on me." "Whatever" he said as he rolled his eyes on me.. "yah! don't roll your eyes on me kid." "Bye..." 

Jungkook POV

What she thing of me huh? Why does she always have to remined me that I am a kid? I am not a kid. He sulked but suddenly that turens into a smirk as he said...



sORRY it was a short chapter as you can see I hurt my finger so it's difficult to write and it was my right hand. So yeah...

Anyway hope you like it. Thanks for reading my story.. LIKE, VOTE and COMMENT....

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