Part 13

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Hello ya'll again.. Your seeing this irregular annoying author. Anyway... if ur still up for this then let me bless you with the next chapter...ENJOY.


Y/N Pov

After coming from there I went to my cabin. I am still wondering why that kid said if I know him or not. He does look some kind of familiar but I am not sure. But at least I am sure I have never seen him before. Or else maybe before memory loss?? No it can't be. He would be only 11 or 12, How could he remember me??

I shrugged of this weird feeling and went to my next class.

Jungkook Pov

After what happened there I came with a blank expression. As I was walking some girls cam in my way and start saying gibberish. "Oppa, let's go out." "Oppa let me show you the college" "Oppa are u single??"

I was already annoyed and they were not making it less so I screamed and glare at them." JUST FU***** SHUT UP,  GO AWAY AND DON'T LET  ME SEE YOUR FACES AGAIN." I said and they flinched and walked away. Then Jimin poped out of no where and said, "Hey calm down bro, Why are u so mad?? I thought u'll be happy after meeting ur Nonna after so long." "She doesn't remember anything hyung." I said and sighed. "What?? but why??" "I don't know" " Maybe because--" "Don't complete that hyung, I know Nonna. She is not like that.. Something must've happened in this years. And I am pretty much sure That's why I couldn't contact her." "Okay, if you say so.. But what are u gonna do now??" "Find out obviously, Hyung call Jin hyung and tell him to find out about it, since we know where she works it wont be too difficult for him to do that. I need every details by the time I reach there." I said as angryness is visible in my face and eyes, Jimin gulped and nodded.

Time skip

We are going home..Jimin is sleepimg and I am sitting here thinking. Our mansion is pretty much far so it takes time. As I was thinking, I remembered I didn't do any class today. I was only stalking Nonna. I didn't get to see her for 8 years and now that I met, I can't take my eyes off her even for a second. She looks soo etheral when she teach, smile, talk basically anything she do is so beautiful. Call me obsessed, but I don't care. But what caught my eyes that every fu***** students were drooling over her. I mean I know she angel but No one can do that except me..  I also thing no matter how she don't remember, I have to do something. How about I build a new relationship?? I will get close to her as her student and will try ways to make her remember me. Yes that's a brilliant idea. 

We reached as I woke Jimin up and we both went to our mansion. Jin hyung opened the door for us as there is no maid inside cause we don't trust anyone. As soon as he opened I said, " Hyung did you get all the information??" " Gosh Jungkook, at least come and breath for second, I just opened the door, and yeah I did it. Who do u think I am?? I am world wide handsome you know, I can do everything." He said and wink and I rolled my eyes. " Oho, you ungrateful brat, How dare you roll your eyes at me, ffs I am older than you." " Hyung I have no time for this shit, Just tell what u found out." I said as we all took a sit on the couch. 

"Look when you left she had a car accident, and that made her lose her memory's. after that her mom transfer to another city and she left, but they don't behave that well with her so they didn't tried to make her memory back and she lost hope, and she came to this city and she found Mr. Woo Shik, who think of her as his own child and let her stay at his own house, Mrs. Woo also took good care of her as they don't have any child and they made her their child, after that she became professor in the college." Jin hyung finished as I was almost having tears in my eyes, Nonna went through so many things and I wasn't here for her. "Don't be on gult Jungkook, You can still make it. maybe it's for better. Don't lose hope." Hobi hyung said as I nodded. 

"Hyung find out where the hell is her mother and sister, their going to pay for this."


Hope ya'll like it, if u do then vote, comment and share also read my other ff as well. 

Thank uwu and love ya'll....

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