You skipped along the hall to your best friends room, knocking on his bedroom door vigorously.
"Wake up you div, we've got a tree to decorate" you said as you heard footsteps coming towards the door. The door swung open, revealing a very tired Paddy. His hair was messy and all he was wearing was a pair of shorts, his chest on display for everyone to see.
Your eyes scanned his chest for a second before you looked up at his face again.
"Why are you up so early?" his raspy morning voice making you weak in the knees.
"It's already 9" you chuckled, "Plus your parents have already gone out to get the tree" Now it was Paddy's turn to laugh at your enthusiasm.
"Give me five minutes" he said. You nodded as you skipped down the stairs to the kitchen.
Since Nikki was out, you decided to make breakfast for everyone. You knew the Hollands kitchen like the back of your hand, manoeuvring around with ease. But there was one thing missing; music.
Grabbing your phone, you connected it to the speaker, scrolling through your playlists until you found your christmas playlist, tapping on the shuffle button. The kitchen filled with the sound of 'Santa tell me' by Ariana Grande as you danced around, making your signature vanilla pancakes.
Paddy had finished getting changed, knocking on his brothers bedroom doors to wake them up. Tom was the first to open his bedroom door, rubbing his eyes tiredly.
"Since when are you our wake-up call" Tom asked sarcastically. Paddy rolled his eyes.
"Mum 'n dad went to get the tree, Y/n's already up" he said as Sam poked his head out of his door.
Tom chuckled, "Yeah I can tell" he said as he pointed towards the stairs, your music loud and clear.
"Morning. Who's playing Ariana Grande?" Harry stepped out of his room, already dressed. His mouth made an 'o' shape when he realised it was you in the kitchen.
"What's she doing?" Sam reappeared, no longer in his pyjama shorts.
"Let's go see" Tom said as he slipped on one of his hoodies and a pair of tracksuit bottoms before following his brothers down the stairs.
As they entered the kitchen, they were graced by the sight of you flipping pancakes while you danced around. Paddy's eyes followed you around the room, admiring your body, well mostly you ass but he wasn't going to deny the fact that you whole body was gorgeous.
He had found himself doing that a lot lately. He always knew you were special, but over the years he started to see you as more than a friend, and he hoped that maybe, just maybe, it was mutual.
Tom nudged Paddy's arm lightly, "Take a picture, it'll last longer" he smirked at his little brothers pink cheeks. He avoided his older brothers gaze, looking back at you.
He watched as you swayed your hips to the music, hitting every beat as you hummed along.
"Hey isn't that your T-shirt?" Harry whispered to his little brother, who nodded slowly, "And my shorts" he mumbled to himself.
"Nice dancing" Sam raised his voice, catching you by surprise. You spun around, your eyes widening as you saw the four brothers looking at you, but it was Paddy's face that caught your attention. He had a small smirk on his face as he looked you up and down, making you self conscious. You were about to cross your arms over your chest to try and cover up when Paddy shook his head slowly, a quiet 'no' slipping from his lips.
"How long have you been watching?" you asked as you put the plates of food on the table, signalling for the boys to sit down.
"Enough to make Paddy droo-" the youngest Holland elbowed his older brother, cutting him off mid sentence.
You chuckled as you sat down next to the redhead boy, who fake pouted at you.
"Stealing all my clothes now huh?" he said as the front door swung open, Nikki and Dominic carrying the tree.
"Possibly" you winked playfully as you put your plate in the sink, taking mugs out of the cupboard.
"Tea Nikki, Dom?" you asked the two grown ups as they hung up their coats.
"Oh yes please dear, thank you" "I'll go for a cup" they both sat down, starting to eat away at the food you had made.
"Y/n there was no need for all of this dear" Nikki said as she gave you a sympathetic smile.
"Mum and dad never let me cook for them, so it's the least I could do for you guys" you reciprocated the womans smile.
"Well you need to be here more often dear. The boys don't cook anything, well apart from Sam, and even he gets fed up of cooking for his brothers" Nikki said as she smiled at her son.
"I'm cooking for a 27-year-old, it's embarrassing honestly" Sam admitted as he glared at Tom from across the table, who flipped his off, earning a slap on the head from his mum.
You decided to start taking out the boxes of decorations, since everyone was still eating. As you grabbed one of the boxes, you were surprised to find it was heavier than you thought. Using all the strength in you, you carried two boxes into the living room, placing them down gently on the floor.
Paddy came into the living room, carrying the rest of the boxes effortlessly. He had gotten significantly taller, and stronger, the reason as to why you had innocently checked him out when you went to wake him up.
His arm muscles bulged as he put down the boxes, and you knew that your legs were going to give in.
Holy fuck that was hot
Snap out of it Y/n!
You found yourself gawking at the the redhead boy as everyone filed into the living room.
"Stop drooling L/n" Harry smirked as you snapped out of your daydreaming state, glaring at the boy as you all started to take out the decorations, passing them around.
You looked over at Paddy as Tom whispered something in his ear, making his cheeks turn bright red. You laughed as you grabbed a handful of ornaments, starting to hang them around the tree.
After about half an hour, the house was fully decorated, from tinsel winding down the banister to the majestic christmas tree in the living room. All that was left was the star on the top.
"Why don't you put up the star, you're the guest after all" Nikki said as she handed you the star.
"Are you sure?" you asked. Everyone nodded in agreement.
"Alright well I'm too small so give me a hand would ya?" you said, Paddy laughed as he bent down, putting his head between your legs as he hoisted you up. You let out a squeak as the rest of Hollands laughed. Harry pulled out his camera, filming you as you put the star on the tree.
Paddy reached his hands up, grabbing your waist as he brought you back down, hugging you from behind as you all admired the tree. It was perfect, absolutely perfect.

days of december ; paddy holland
Fanfiction𝐷𝐴𝑌𝑆 𝑂𝐹 𝐷𝐸𝐶𝐸𝑀𝐵𝐸𝑅 ─ since they could remember, paddy and y/n were inseparable. so when they spend the run up to christmas together, they'll have to juggle their feelings for each other, which becomes difficult in a house where the whole...