𝗱𝗮𝘆 𝗳𝗶𝘃𝗲

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The rays of sun shone through the curtains of your room on Sunday morning, hitting your face. You rolled over, being blinded by the sun. You mumbled a quiet 'fuck' as you got out of bed, rubbing your eyes. As your senses started to wake up, the sound of music came up the stairs, filling the house with the sound of Justin Bieber's 'Mistletoe'.

You knew that the only person that would think of playing Justin Bieber at 9 in the morning was Paddy, which made a smile appear on your face.

Just the thought of the redhead boy made you all giddy and warm inside, like that feeling you get when you drink hot chocolate.

Now I'm craving hot chocolate

When you reached the kitchen you were met with the sight of the youngest Holland making breakfast, and he was shirtless, again.

This boy is going to be the death of me

You observed the boy as you walked in quietly, "Since when did you decide to make breakfast?" you quizzed as you hugged him from behind, your hands running over his torso.

He sucked in a breath as your warm hands tickled his skin, his cheeks heating up slightly, luckily you couldn't see them.

"No idea" he chuckled as he twisted around in your embrace, now facing you, "You alright?" he asked as he examined your face.

You rested your head against his chest, listening to his steady heartbeat, "Yeah" you sighed contently.

You wanted to stay like this forever; just you and Paddy holding onto each other, but of course that moment of serenity had to be interrupted by the three older Holland boys.

"Morning lovebirds" Tom singsonged as he walked in. You choked on air at his comment as you stepped away from the redhead boy, already missing his warmth.

"We-we not-" you stuttered as Tom smiled at your embarrassed state.

"I know I know, just friends" he said as you let out a sigh of relief, not having to defend yourself.

For fucks sake Tom you're going to kill me

"You know I was thinking we could do a movie day today" you suggested as you threw yourself onto the sofa, Paddy lifting up your legs so he could sit down, then putting your legs on his lap.

"Sounds good to me" Harry agreed as he walked in with his cup of tea, almost overflowing from the amount of milk he added.

"Same" Sam and Tom both said as joined you in the living room, "let's make a request list" the oldest brother grabbed the piece of paper from the coffee table, pointing at each of you asking for a film request.

'Little Women' requested by you, 'The fault in our stars' for Sam, 'Back to the future' for Harry, 'Fast & Furious 7' for Paddy and 'How I live now' requested by Tom.

"Obviously you would choose a film you're in" Paddy chuckled.

"It's a pretty good film, plus it has Saoirse Ronan so" you shrugged, "But if we're going to do this properly then we need popcorn and hot chocolate" you said as you shot up from the sofa, darting to get kitchen.

Paddy followed behind you, figuring that you'll need so help. You were running around the kitchen; taking our mugs, turning on the kettle, grabbing the bag of corn, turning on the stove, getting out a pot. It was safe to say you had it all under control.

The redhead boy just watched as you whizzed around, getting everything done in no time at all.

"Need some help with that" he offered as you balanced the bowls of popcorn and the mugs of hot chocolate.

"I can manage" you smiled as you waltzed back in, handing everyone their food, "Let's start"


You had just finished watching 'Little Women', and it was safe to say that you were an emotional wreck.

You sniffled as your tears subsided, using the sleeve of your hoodie to wipe away your tears. The Holland brothers looked at you like you were crazy.

"I'm emotional okay?!" you defended yourself as you took deep breaths, your chest hurting from the heaving you had done during the movie.

"I feel like I have nothing left in me anymore" you sighed as you shoved your face into the nearest pillow. Paddy stroked your head softly.

"You ready for the next one?" he asked as you lifted your head up, "As long as it's not 'The fault in our stars' then yes. I'm still composing myself" you laughed dryly.

"Imagine how that's going to be" Tom teased as you swatted him over the head.

"Just imagine how she's going to be when we watch 'How I live now'" Harry added on, making you flip him off.

"Fuck you all" you said as you leaned away from them, snuggling into Paddy's side.

"Only one person wants to do that" Tom smirked. All of a sudden a pillow came hurtling in his direction, hit him in the face.

You suppressed a smile as Paddy pretended to sweep the dust off his shoulders before pulling back into him, leaving Tom with a shocked expression on his face.

"You kind of had it coming" you shrugged as you looked back at the tv, "Good shot" you whispered in Paddy's ear making him smile.


"You okay Y/n?" Paddy knocked on the door of the bathroom. You had all finished watching the last film, which just so happened to be the one that made you lock yourself in the bathroom.

You felt like your eyes had produced gallons upon gallons of water, and you mentally scolded yourself for being so emotional.

And then came the best bit, the dry heaving. You're body had a tendency to throw up every time you cried excessively, but this time nothing came out.

"Yeah" you choked as you tried to calm down your tears, but they just came back again, making your eyes sting, puffy and red.

After a few deep breaths your tears stopped, allowing you to finally wash your face and unlock the door.

You slowly walked out, seeing Paddy standing in front of the door, "You don't look fine to me" he said as he pulled you in for a hug.

"I just can't control the fact that I cry in every film it's-" you rambled on but the boy cut you off.

"It's understandable" he reassured you, "I mean, it's not my fault that they fell in love and then the tragedy happened. They loved each other and then Hazel had to let go and-" you sniffled as you cut yourself off, not wanting to make yourself cry again.

"Hey, it's alright. I don't think your crazy or stupid because you cry, it shows you have emotions, it's normal ok" he said as he stroked your head.

"But right now you need to sleep" he said as he pulled your towards the living room, making you lay down on the sofa. He put a blanket over you.

"Stay with me?" you pleaded as he nodded, laying down next to you. He placed a single kiss to your head, pulling you into his chest.

Oh, this is nice

days of december ; paddy hollandWhere stories live. Discover now