5. Exhaustion

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5. Exhaustion

A few weeks have passed since Sakura agreed to let Sasori walk her home from work. After finishing her shifts at the hospital she can always find him outside, leaning against the wall. He waits there for her every night she works.

Nothing too eventful has occurred during their usual routine. He walks with her to the train station, they ride together and he accompanies Sakura to her apartment complex.

However, today is a bit different. It is now the beginning of May and that means Midterms are rapidly approaching. Sakura couldn't lie and say the stress hasn't been getting to her lately. After all, she has to manage school and apprenticing under Tsunade, and that was becoming quite the challenge. She's been staying up late and putting as much time into studying as she can. With it being her 3rd year at Konoha University, her grades matter the most right now, so that she can get into the medical school of her dreams. So to say the least, she feels like she hasn't slept in days.

"Do you need anything else from me, Tsunade-sama?" Sakura asks, standing at the entrance of her mentor's office. Tsunade glances up at the girl and notices dark circles under her eyes and frowns. Sakura does so much to help the hospital it makes her upset how hard her apprentice is pushing herself.

"No that'll be all tonight, Sakura, thank you. Now, go get some rest." She chastises calmly, dismissing her student.

Sakura collects her bag from the rack that sits next to the door, slinging it over her shoulder. "I'll try. Goodnight, Tsunade-sama." She waves with a smile, and is out the door.


"Hey there." Sasori greets her as she exits the building. He peels himself off the wall behind him and falls into step with her. Sakura doesn't respond, lost in her thoughts about the upcoming exams.

Every night when Sasori picks her up they exchange greetings and Sakura usually gives him a soft smile, making Sasori melt at the sight. He wonders if something had happened tonight that robbed him of that, and it fills him with rage. He looks over at her and examines her face. He notices that she looks paler than usual and has dark circles under her eyes. He fights with himself whether or not to say anything, before deciding to open his mouth.

"You look tired." He comments. She glances over at him, flashing a forced smile.

"I didn't sleep well last night is all." She says shortly, averting her eyes towards the ground. Sasori wants to prod but decides not to. He knew if she wanted to talk about it she would. They resume their quiet walk towards the train station.


Sakura takes her usual seat on the train, facing the door. Sasori sits across from her, hood up and hands in his pockets. She often thinks he looks like a delinquent or even a stalker when he sits like this and finds it amusing, because he is neither of those things. To her knowledge. While looking, She can't help but admire his features. Thick lashes framing his deep, rich, chocolate-brown eyes. Fiery red hair peeking out from under his hood. He truly was handsome. Sasori meets her eyes and his lips turn upwards into a knowing smirk. Sakura's cheeks burn red and she quickly averts her eyes from the man.

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