4. Over Coffee

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4. Over Coffee


Later that night, Sakura was still reeling from the events that transpired earlier. After emerging from the bathroom, having just took a nice relaxing bath, Sakura hears her phone ring. The screen lights up with a picture of her and Ino and "Ino-pig" in big letters as her contact name. She picks up the phone and flops on her bed.


"Oh my gosh, Forehead, you have to spill everything that happened today! I want all the details, girl! You should've seen how worried Sasuke was about you earlier." Ino squeals into the phone from the other side. Sakura giggles.

"Was he really?!" She asks in disbelief. That was so out of character for Sasuke. Feels like he never so much as gives her a second glance when they're together.

"Yes!! Of course he tried to play it off but I could see through that lame facade anyday! Now spill!" She gushes, and Sakura does.


The next day Sakura is sitting in class, her hand supporting her as she leans against it. Her mind is clouded by thoughts of Sasuke and his strange behavior the day before.

She grew up in a small town, so Sakura knew everyone there. However, she was especially close to Sasuke and Naruto because of their families. So, they always looked out for each other. She even remembers Kushina and Mikoto arguing over who would be her future mother-in-law.

Sakura reminisces when they were all in elementary school together and Sasuke and Naruto would threaten anyone who bullied her over her forehead. Or how in Middle School they scared off any boy that sparked an interest in her. Naruto would own up to it, claiming she was "his Sakura-Chan" and that no one else could have her. Sasuke was just a guilty, though he would never admit it and just brush it off as 'annoying'.

'Back then,' she thinks to herself 'things were much simpler.' Once they reached their second year in High School, things got more complicated. Sasuke pulled away and became so cold. Sakura couldn't even recognize him. One day they were best friends and the next he wanted nothing to do with her. So to say the least, his resurgence in her life took her by surprise.

'How long will it last this time?' She wonders, letting out a sigh.


Sakura was unsure of what to expect when meeting  with Sasori, but it definitely was not the air of awkwardness that surrounded them. What was she supposed to talk about? She knows nothing about the man sitting across from her. When their coffee orders arrive, she bubbles with excitement. She ordered her favorite iced coffee. She then notices he drinks his coffee black and cringes. He lets out a chuckle upon seeing her reaction.

"I noticed you like your coffee sweet. We're quite the opposites aren't we?" Sasori breaks the silence, still yet to wipe the smirk off his face. Though, what he said reminds her of someone, and an image of Sasuke  sitting across from her flashes through her mind. She shakes her head and brings herself back to reality.

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