11. Study Session

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11. Study Session

Sakura finds herself staring off into space, in her own little world. She's on the subway ride home with Sasori right next to her. She can't stop thinking about whether or not to go through with inviting him to Saturday. He's a whole year ahead of them and goes to a different college. That and... well, him and Sasuke didn't get along too great. Also, she is totally nervous about introducing him to her friend group. 

For weeks now it's just been the two of them, almost like they're in their own little universe. It was like a secret part of her away from her friends and school and complications. So, to finally share that part of her was a little daunting. Sasori also isn't the most social person she knows. Unless it's kicking some strangers ass in alleyway for a random pink-haired girl.

Upon glancing over at her, Sasori can tell something's bugging her. He was very skilled at reading her by now, but getting the information out of her is usually the hardest part.

"Something wrong?" He asks, and she jumps in her seat from the unexpected question.

"Oh, uh, it's nothing! Sorry." She answers with a laugh, but there's not humor in it. However, Sasori isn't having it tonight.

"You can tell me, Sakura." He responds, looking directly into her emerald eyes. She can see the sincerity in his and with the way he said her name. It makes her heart skip a beat. It frustrates her how easy it is for him to break her walls like this. She then goes on to explain her friends plans for Saturday. When finished, she braces herself for the rejection, scared of getting her hopes up.

"Of course I'll go." Sasori answers and she jolts  in surprise, eyes wide.

"Really?!" She asks excitedly and sees his lips twist into a half-smile.

"Sure. Unless you don't want me to?" He says and she shakes her head at his comment.

"Of course I want you to! I'm just... nervous, you know?" She explains, breaking their eye contact. He probably thinks it's stupid of her to be nervous, but he also doesn't know how she feels. About him specifically, and being scared of complicating what they have.

"Nervous?" He asks, tilting his head. He falls silent, as if contemplating what to say next. She gives him another glance and sees the puzzle coming together in his mind. He nods in understanding. "I see." He mumbles in response. He reaches for her hand, interlacing them and giving a reassuring squeeze.

She wonders if he actually figured it out, or if he has another reason in mind. Rather than dwell on it too long though, she enjoys the feeling of his hand in hers. Sakura returns the squeeze and he smiles in response.

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