7. Sick

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3. Sick


Sasuke is the last to hear that Sakura is sick. When he arrives at school, he waits at entrance for Naruto at their usual spot. Leaning back against the wall, shutting his eyes.

He thinks about Sakura and how much she's changed since they were kids. Once a shy crybaby who seemed to need their constant protection and having him and Naruto by her side. Now, strong and outspoken, and no need for her former best friends to be there.
He wonders if she hates him for what he did, cutting her off in order to pursue his goals. He then thinks that she doesn't seem to have a hateful bone in her body. Angry maybe, but she still treats him too kindly. She was always chasing after him, though he didn't deserve it.

As if on cue, Naruto obnoxiously pulls him out of his thoughts.
"Sasuke!!" He yells, jogging towards him. Sasuke let's out an annoyed sigh. It's 8 in the morning and he's so loud already.

"What?!" Sasuke snaps, visibly frustrated as Naruto slides to a halt and places his hands on his knees. The idiot wore himself out in his hurry to his best friend and is left struggling to breathe.

"S-Sakura-Chan.." he trails off, wheezing for air.

"Spit it out, Usuratonkachi!"

"Sakura-Chan is out sick!!" He spits out and Sasuke's face briefly fills with shock. He shakes his head, composing himself.

"I'm heading to class." He says, changing the subject and walking away.


Sasuke attempts to drown himself in thoughts of schoolwork and a recent case that's piqued his interest at the police station. He knows he shouldn't meddle in it, but he can't help but feel something strange about it in his gut.

A few days ago Sasuke was called into his Father's office. While waiting outside, he overheard a conversation about a new case with his brother.

"Are there any leads?" He heard his brother ask.

"None. However, Suna's police force is lending a hand. They believe that it could be the same culprit that committed the same crimes there with all the similarities." He hears his father explain.

"And who would that be?" Itachi asks.

"The Killer of the Red Sand."

Sasuke flinched at the same. If that was true, it wasn't good. This guy was a master at covering up his crimes and has been on the run for a few years. His name was coined because the blood of his victims would stain the sand red. Often, they would find traces of a peculiar poison that's never been seen before. None of Suna's medical professionals were able to identify nor cure it, not that any of his victims made it to the hospital.

Most of his victims had the trend of being considered attractive, and having all gone to Sunagakure University. There's a rumor that only one person alive knows his true identity, but he practically disappeared off the face of the earth.

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