6. Dream

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6. Dream

The world around her is bright, and she can't quite tell where she is. She hears a crying child some-where off in the distance and is drawn to it.

Her feet move before she can stop herself  and she finds a red-headed boy, no more than six years old, in the middle of a crowded street bustling with people. He turns around and looks at her, rubbing his tear-soaked eyes. He looks so familiar but she can't place just who he is. Has she seen this child before? She has worked a lot with the pediatric unit.

"Hey, don't cry." She says softly, moving down to her knees. She goes to wipe the child's tears away.

"I need to find mommy and daddy!" The child explains, sobbing louder. Sakura puts a reassuring hand on the kid's back.

"It's okay, we'll find them!" She says with a smile. She gets up off her knee and offers her hand out. "Let's go."

However instead of taking her hand, the child turns on his heels and begins running.

"Hey, wait up!" She yells, running after him. She weaves in out of the crowd of the blurry people. Chasing after the child's figure for what feels like an eternity. As she follows him, she notices his shadow getting bigger. He finally stops and she smacks right into him, unable to stop.

"We still need to find your parents!" She says and the boy begins turning out. Her eyes widen, looking at the familiar man standing before her. She stares into those cold brown eyes, usually so vibrant around her.

"They're dead, silly little girl."


"Sasori!" Sakura cries out, flinging herself upward in the nurses bed. The world around her becomes clearer and she notices where she is. Everything begins flooding back to her. The game, the ball flying at her, losing consciousness. She only wonders how she got here.

"Oh, you're finally awake." A familiar voice says, pulling the curtains aside. Sakura looks up him, confusion written all over her face. She then notices he has two drinks from the vending machine in his hands.

"What are you doing here?" She asks. He takes a seat next to her on the bed and tosses her a drink. She catches it in both hands and sees that it's a water.

"How do you think you got here?" He asks rhetorically, raising an eyebrow at her. Her face lights up red.

"Y-You carried me here!?" She exclaims.

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