I swim home that night in a good mood. I finally not just met someone new for the first time in nine years, but I think I am also made a friend. I'm not so sure since I've never had a friend, I don't really know what it feels like, I felt like we had a pretty strong connection. I spun in circles in the water on my way home, smiling gill to gill.
When I got home, I swam in and flopped on my bed. I laughed softly and looked at my nightstand. I saw a picture of my parents in a frame I made of seashells. The picture was really the only thing I had left that reminds me of my parents. I sighed, but then I smiled. I took the picture frame, opened the drawer in my nightstand, and gently placed the picture in.
I laid my head on my pillow and put my hands on my chest I could hear my heart beating softly but quickly, calm but excited. I close my eyes so I can listen to my heart be easier.
But just as I shut my eyes, I heard my phone ring. I wasn't fully sure who it was, since no one knew my phone number. Or so I thought.
I set up and leaned over to get my phone. I looked at the phone and read the words on the screen. "Unknown". I was kind of scared to pick up the phone, but I picked it up anyways. "Hello?" I asked, not really hiding my shyness very well.
"Hey, is this Roxie?" If you know your voice said. I covered the phone and sighed in relief. It was Trollex.
"Yes, it me. What's up?" I asked.
"I need your help, you're the only troll I can really come to." Trollex sounded very desperate on the other side of the phone. I could see the fear all over his face, even though I couldn't see it.
"Sure, what do you need help with?" I asked.
"Can you please come to LED Palace? I'll explain when you get here." I could tell he was nervous and stressed right now and needed help, so I had to say yes.
"Of course. I'll be there in five." I said with a hint of panic in my voice.
"Thank you so much. You're a life saver." He sighed in relief.
After that I hung up the phone. I managed to swim out LED Palace without being noticed. I'm still kind of shy about people seeing me, but I didn't really have to worry about it because everyone was still focus on each other.
I swim up to two huge doors at the front of the palace and found myself looking face to face with two guard, and they didn't look very friendly. I looked up with the tall guards, they both were a good foot taller than me. "State your business." One of the guards said in a booming voice.
"I-The prince asked me to come." I looked at the guards and talked in a shaky voice.
"You mean the king?" The other guard said. I didn't even think about that, I guess Trollex was the king now.
"Um, yes, the king asked me to come." I said, still talking to shaky voice. The two guards looked at each other, nodded, and open the doors.
"You may come in." They both said in deep, booming voices. I nodded and swam inside, and as they shut the door behind me, I wiped my forehead and relief.
I looked around, just this whole way I was standing it was huge. I could fit my whole living room in here. I felt super small, and I always felt small. I felt smaller. I had no idea where I was going, I didn't have any directions, any specific place to meet, so I just swim around in the hallway.Then I saw him come out from a different hallway, what do you spider me, he said relief.
"Oh thank goodness you're here, sorry for not meeting at the door, I myself have trouble navigating through the palace." He said with a fake chuckle.
He lead me to his room and didn't speak a word to me on the way there, he just stared at the floor, looking depressed. My heart felt heavy and I wondered what was wrong, but I didn't ask yet.

Trollex and Roxie's Story
FantasyRoxie was always alone, she never had anyone to help her when she grew up. She never had any friends, no one to talk to, no one to share her feelings with. She hoped one day to find someone who actually cares about her and will guide her. Hopefully...