"W-what do you mean?" I asked.
He had his hand on this heart. "The techno string, it's..getting closer..."
Quincy, Essence, D, and I were exchanging looks. But then it hit me too, like a bolt of lighting.
"Your heart! It's fully pink again...with no grey." I said, slowly and gently moving his hand away from his heart so I could see it more clearly. My eyes were right, it was all pink again, no blue or grey.
Then I looked at the funky fam, and it seemed the lightning struck them too.
"Oh my gosh." She said as she took out a crystal ball like bubble. It must had been some kind of security camera, because we could see outside the ship.
We saw many large cattail plants growing around the river. But then in the distance we could see a raft. It was holding three trolls, two looked familiar, the other didn't.
"Trollex, It's Poppy and Branch." I told him.
"What are they doing here?" He asked.
I just shrugged.
Essence, Quincy, and D looked a bit nervous to see them. But why?
"Hey, are you guys okay?" I asked.
They looked over at me. "Well, just...we don't want the pop troll trying to take our string too, if what you said about the rock trolls is true." D explained to me and Trollex.
I then realized what he was talking about. I drooped my ears down a little. I know what had happened, but Poppy and Branch would never do that...right?
"What are they talking about?" Trollex asked me.
"I'll explain later, but I know Poppy and Branch are just here to help, they wouldn't do anything to hurt anyone." I told the funky fam.
"Are you sure?" Quincy asked. I just nodded. "Okay then...let them in D."
D just nodded and left.
"You guys stay here, we'll go talk to them." Essence said as she and her husband left.
Now it was just me and Trollex. We looked at each other.
"What were they talking about when they said pop trolls taking their string?" Trollex asked, breaking the complete silence.
I took a deep breath. "When the strings were first made, the pop trolls wanted all the music to themselves, so they took the strings. Our ancestors decided to take one string and live on their own. Our ancestor took the string and ran. She ran to the ocean and kept swimming. She eventually found out reef and decided to raise her tribe there."
Trollex just sat there, absorbing all of the information like a sponge. As I continued to talk, his ears bent down slowly.
After I finished, we sat there in silence. Trollex opened his mouth to say something, but we were interrupted by the door being kicked open.
"I found two more! They're techno troll - wait, aren't you two the ones who broke out!?" Said the rock troll who bursted in.
Trollex and I sprang up and started to run to the other door. That plan failed once three more rock trolls knocked that door open. We looked back in forth through the two doors.
We were now surrounded by 6 rock trolls. We looked at each other with fear once we noticed some ropes and tasers.
"Stay still and you won't get hurt." One of them said with a smirk.
We looked back to see if there was anywhere left to run.
No where.
We looked at each other and nodded. We took a deep breath and ran as quickly as we could around them to the door.

Trollex and Roxie's Story
FantasyRoxie was always alone, she never had anyone to help her when she grew up. She never had any friends, no one to talk to, no one to share her feelings with. She hoped one day to find someone who actually cares about her and will guide her. Hopefully...