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"Hey Y/n schau mal da."
"Was? Was ist da? Wo? Hä? Was ist denn da? Hallo? Papa? Was und wo?"
"Na da. Da schau. Da."
Mein Vater zeigte unauffällig auf drei Mädchen welche mich zu verfolgen schienen. "Was wollen die denn?" "Keine Ahnung geh doch mal zu ihnen und frag sie." "Was neinnnn bist du verrückt?" "Warum?"
"Das sind wild fremde. Außerdem verfolgen die mich und nicht ich sie. Sollen sie schon zu mir kommen wenn die was wollen."
Wir sitzen jetzt in einem sehr schönen Café am Stadtrand. Die Mädchen wollten ein Foto mit mir. Ohne Paddy. Warum weiß ich nicht. Ich meine es hat mich ja niemand mit ihm gesehen wie wir uns geküsst haben. Oh doch stimmt ja da war ja was in meiner Story. Shit. Aber trozdem bin ich nicht berühmt. Egal jetzt.
"Freust du dich schon auf zuhause?" fragte ich meinen Vater um auf andere Gedanken zu kommen. "Ja besonders auf Ronja (dein Hund (falls du einen besseren Namen hast kannst du den nehmen))" "War ja klar 😂" 
Wir sind jetzt in der Stadt ein wenig rum gelaufen und ab und zu kamen ein paar Leute und wollten ein Foto. Da wir es schon 16Uhr hatten beschlossen wir, zurück zu gehen. "Damit ich nicht bis in die Nacht arbeiten muss" meinte Papa.
Padmaster <3
Y: Hey hru?
P: Hey <3 I'm fine how about you?
Y: 2
Y: Uhh just a question... when will Zendaya will be there? 🌚
P: Ugh😂
P: Wait a minute I'll ask Tom
P: about 7
Y: okay will be there at 6 :)
P: Okay, well, I'll see you later <3 Pretty sure you just want to come because of me 😂
Y: Yessss of curse see ya <3
Es ist 17.30
Gut was mache ich jetzt? Ich könnte meine Kamera einpacken. Nikki wollte ja ein paar Fotos sehen. Joa könnte ich machen. Gut und jetzt? Umziehen. Ich kann ja nicht in diesen Sachen los gehen.

Dein Outfit Okay jetzt ist es schon 17

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Dein Outfit
Okay jetzt ist es schon 17.45Uhr
"Papa ich würde dann jetzt mal los gehen."
"Mhm? Achso ja warte." Er setzte seine Kopfhörer ab und kam zu mir. "Tschüss meine große." "Hu? Was ist denn bei dir los? Sowas machst du doch sonst nicht." "Ach naja du bist ja jetzt groß." "Ahja, naja dann Tschö"
Pünktlich 18.00Uhr stehe ich an Paddys Tür. Als ich klingelte, hörte ich schon Tessas bellen. "Hi y/n, you want to come in?" "Hi Nikki, yes i think this would be cool." Nikki ging wieder zurück in die Küche um dort alles vorzubereiten. "Can I help you?" "Oh thanks darling this would be nice.You can feed Tessa. Her food is under the stairs and her bowl also. There is a mark, this is what she gets." "Okay." Nachdem ich Tessa gefüttert habe kam ich wieder in die Küche. Nikki war gerade dabei einen Salat zu schneiden. "Finished can I do something other for you?" "Oh you are so lovely. Yes if you want to. There are carrots and potatoes, you can cut them into strings."
Ich mag Nikki, sie ist echt nett.
Nachdem ich fertig war kam Paddy die Treppe runter. "Hey Y/n, sorry I took a shower." "No its okay I helped your mum with the dinner." "Okay so if you want you can mix some spices together and then put it over the Potatoes and carrots with some oil. Then you put it in the oven. All our spices are up there." Nikki zeigte auf ein kleines Gewürzfach neben dem Kühlschrank.
Nachdem ich alles in den Ofen geschoben habe ging ich hoch in Paddys Zimmer. Shit! Er machte gerade ein Live Video auf Instagram. Paddy's Blick war genauso geschockt und gepeinigt zugleich wie ich mich gerade fühlte. "Okay so now its to late. Come on they want to see you." "Hi" Das war alles was ich sagen konnte. Die ganzen Kommentare unter dem Video flogen so schnell das ich nicht mal ansatzweise einen sehen konnte. Gut. Das wars. Ich geh mich dann mal begraben. "Guys I liked our conversation but I now have to say bye."
"Okay so this was a little bit embarrassing." "Yeahhh."
"So what are we doing now? We have exactly half an hour to do something." "We could go downstairs or something." "Come on thats all?" "Yes I don't know. Just say something." "Okay how about finish the movie we watched yesterday?" "Yes okay." "We also could get Tessa upstairs." "Yes yes yes this is the best Idea you ever had." "What? Okay thanks :'(" "joke" "pff"

Wir schauen gerade zusammen mit Tessa unseren Film zu ende als Nikki von unten unsere Namen rief.
Paddy's pov: "Paddy! Y/n! Come downstairs we have guests." "Oh okay so I'm officially no guest anymore." "No you are a parasite." "Hey! 😂"
"Hey Paddy! Its been so long I saw you." "Hi Zendaya." "Oh and you have to be Y/n." "Yes nice to meet you." Oh no... if these two guys will be friends Tom and me would be dead. They would dissen (ka was das auf englisch heißt).

We sit on the table and Zendaya is speaking about some trip i don't know I just looked at Y/n. I know why she slept last night in my bed. Because this girl enchanted me. Her eyes, smell, hair, body, character, her laugh, her face, her helpfulness. Ahhh. Think of something other. Elephants and and eh and giraffes no no noooo. Uhh my friend is up.... I hope no one will notice. Shit! Why now? It was so nice in here and now? Ahhhh. Come onnnn. Tom naked Tom naked. Ugh okay my friend doesn't like this thats good.
"Hey I like these french fries oh sorry these chips are sooo delicious who made this?" Zendaya asked. "Y/n made these." " Uh yeah." "Wow Y/n wheres the recipe from?" "I just made it by my self." "Oh wow you're very talented." "Thanks."
I saw on her plate. She haven't eaten something. Oh wait now. She had a little bit of salat on her fork. But its now much. I don't like this. Why is she doing this? She is soo beautiful she don't have to do something like this nobody has.

After dinner we sat on the couch. "So what are we doing now?" Harry asked because everybody were on their phone. „I don't know I think Zendaya should say what we are doing now" I said so I haven't to decide. „Yeah nice idea." Tom said with a wink. „What? Noo why me?" „You're the guest." „Oh wow thanks Tom for support me" „Always happy to;)" „Okay I decide we... uh we... play something?" „Okay and what?" „Oh come on Tom why are like that?" „mhm"
„Wow. Okay so what about truth or dare. I have to learn something about Y/n, Paddy, Sam and Harry." „Okay." We all said.
P: Truth or Dare Sam
S: Dare
P: Big mistake. You have to eat a whole table spoon of mustache.
S: Oh come on Paddy.
P: Nope it's your dare.
(Ich habe gerade nach einem Video gesucht aber keins gefunden also ✨just imagine✨)
S: Oh Paddy I will kill you for this. No! You filmed this? I... you're deadddddd!!!
P: Ha no you are if you wont do this what i want I will post it.
S: Padddyyyyyyy
P: Its your turn Sam.
S: Truth or Dare Tom?
T: Truth
S: Uhh... okay so is it how you imagined your life would be as a kid?
T: No definitely not. As a kid I thought I would be sitting in my room and watching someone others playing spiderman. I thought Noone would know my name anymore.
T: Truth or dare Zendaya?
Z: Dare
T: You have to change you Profile picture on whats app to your second picture in you camera roll.
Z: Its the floor and how I walk to the airport.
Z: Truth or dare Paddy
S: Pay him back my suffering!
P: truth
Z: Is Y/n your girlfriend? If not why is she here?
P: Uhh so indirectly yes
Z: indirectly?
T: Yes?
Y: Yes?
P: Uhh yeah? Or not?
Y: you haven't asked me yet.
P: Oh
P: anyways truth or dare Y/n
Y: Dare
P: you have to sleep this night at our place
Y: uhm okay
Y: truth or dare Harry
H: truth
Y: you have a girlfriend?
H: No truth or dare Paddy
S: Pay him back!
H: shhh
P: dare?
H: you have to ask y/n
P: Uhm okay
I took my ring off my finger and knelt in front of y/n
P: Y/n, will you be my girlfriend?
Y: Yes?
All of us laughed.
P: Yes? Or Yes.
Y: Yes.
H: You may kiss the bride now

T: Okay guys this is going very fast

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T: Okay guys this is going very fast.
Z: Oh c'mon Tom you killed the vibe.
Y: It's okay I now have to go.
P: Nonono you had a dare and you have to complete it.
Y: I just wanted to get my stuff.
P: I'll come with you. You shouldn't be alone outside.
Z: We too
T: We too?
Z: yes
T: yes? Okay. You guys too?
H: Nahh we have something to do
S: Yes very Important
Z: okay

Just a trip?Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt