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Pov Paddy:
"Y/n wake up." I whispered now for the 12th time. Carefully I shook her arm. She is so sweet when she sleeps, wich is why I don't really want to wake her up. But I have to. I promised Sam and Harry to wake them up. "Hmhmh was ist denn?" "What?" "What?" "Why have you waked me up?"
"We have to go." "What? Where to?"
"We have to Wake up Sam and Harry and then we go to Tom. Its his birthday."
"But what if they doing... you know."
"If they would we are fucked."
"And Zendaya too." She giggles. Its sweet. And this why she is here. She has humor.
"Harry! Sam! Wake up! Now! Come on! Wake up! Wake up!" "Paddy shut up we're awake."
"Yeah shut up I want to sleep." "I don't think all of you are awake."

We're now in front of Toms door. "Okay so at first Harry, after him Y/n, Sam and then I." "Okay."
"What? Who? Where? What?"
Tom turned the lights on and got out of the bed. "What are you..." "Tom oh my god." "What? What?" "You are Naked!" "What? Shit! Fuck! Nononono! Wheres Y/n?" "Im here..." She looked at me with wide eyes and I think she was about to faint. "Oh fuck!" Tom, now with trousers stand in the room. Zendaya under the blanked. "You... you saw my .... Right?" "Mhm.And thats not what it should be. Actually is the Holland I can see it 16 and not 25 but Hey uhm... i don't know what I should say." "Okay okay okay so how about we just ignore this and you never tell someone about this? Because somehow it will be come to all these fan girls you know?" "...yes... i.... I think this works. Happy birthday?"
"Y/n? Do you want to go?"
"Yes but not if you wanted to stay here, but i think zendaya and tom want to have a break... you know?"

We're laying in my bed. Y/n is laying on my chest.  It's just the perfect moment.
No fans, no parents, no siblings, no cameras, no phones. Just me and her. I strocked her silky soft hair. It smelled like roses. Just imagine to be her husband forever and have kids with this perfect person. We would have two daughters and one son, one dog, and the house of her dreams. Just like a normal family. But this can't be. She would be famous and me too. My kids. Why? Why do I have to be the brother of spiderman. Can't I be just the brother of the normal guy Thomas Stanley Holland? Why does I have to be the brother of the Thomas Stanley Holland. Its not like I don't like him but sometimes it's just... just like too much. If he would be a ugly spiderman he wouldn't be that fame. Why?

We sat on the table. The whole room where full of balloons and paper Steamers. A „happy birthday" garland had gone up at the window. On the table where a cake with 25 candles. Counted them all by my self. Sam cooked his best breakfast. One other boy sat beside Sam and Harry. Zendaya came down slowly with Tom. He has gotten a Blindfold around his head.
„Happy Birthday!"
„Oh wow! No...no way... Harrison!!!!!!"
„Oh my god. We haven't seen each other since..."
Since 4 month and 28 days."
„Oh my god!"
„Happy Birthday."
„Thank you. Thank you all for this location. It Looks kinda cute.".

Y/n and Harrison are friends now, Tom and Zendaya are dating, Harry and Sam are Together, Y/n is my girlfriend. Everything is perfect.

But there is something, something bad. Y/n has to go. Why? Because she will fly tomorrow morning to Germany. Maybe I'm paranoid but SHE HAS TO STAY HERE BY ME! I don't want to say goodbye.
„You have to fly home tomorrow."
„I don't want to."
"Hey in my holidays I will come back to you. And in a few month me and my class will come to London."
"I have holidays in two weeks."
"Hey thats great but I have to go to school."
"I could come with you."
"I don't think its a good idea."
" Why?"
"I don't know, these guys in my class."
"Come on I would love to."
"Okay but first we have to ask our parents."
"Wait but if you'll have holidays in two weeks why weren't you in school this week?"
"My mum called I am sick."

Y/n is gone.
She wanted to pack her stuff but wanted also to come back in the afternoon. Its 1 pm. I can't wait anymore.

—————————————————————————Eh ja also Entschuldigung dass es "so lange" gedauert hat aber irgendwie konnte ich mich diese Woche nicht darauf konzentrieren

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Eh ja also Entschuldigung dass es "so lange" gedauert hat aber irgendwie konnte ich mich diese Woche nicht darauf konzentrieren.
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Joa das wars.

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