Chapter #44

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We drove back to Ray house and I was confused asf. Why they ain't go to they own houses. Mmcht niggas is aggy.

I walked into the house and went upstairs. Everybody seemed to have been already sleep.

I watched as Dulla and Lele went into their room. Melly went into the room Dre is sleeping in and I walked over to Dyno room.

I opened the door and seen Dyno all cuddled up with Keyaa. I was on a killing spree today. So if I gotta kill them it ain't shit to me.

I put my stuff down and closed the door quietly. I walked over to the bed and stared at them for a good minute.

I tapped on Dyno shoulder waking him up. Nigga looked like he ain't give not one fuck.

"Fuck you waking me up for, get in the bed and go to sleep" Dyno said resting his head back onto Keyaa neck.

"You back fucking with Keyaa?" I asked getting straight to the point.

"Fuck is you talking about?" Dyno said sitting up. I looked at him then at Keyaa who was sleep.

"Yea" he said nonchalantly.

"Bae why you stop cuddling with me" Keyaa pouted waking up.

"Ohh" she said once saw me.

"You tell her?" She said point to me but looking at Dyno.

"Yea now come on and go to sleep, she bout to blow me" Dyno said going back into the comforter with Keyaa following.

"When you leave can you close the door" Keyaa asked.

I just got my bag and left out the room closing the door. I walked down th stairs and out the house making sure I locked it.

I didn't have my car and my house was 30 minutes from here but I don't care. This Nigga just played the fuck out my heart.

As I started my walk I just broke down into tears. Me crying and shit wasn't gonna stop me from continuing to walk home.

I cried my entire way home, it was a 2 hour walk because I was walking so slow.
Once I got to my house I unlocked the front door with the spare key and walked in.

All the light were off letting me know my momma was in her room either sleep or chilling.

I really need my momma right now so I walked up the stairs and into her room.

"Omg baby what's wrong" she asked getting up from her bed.

"Momma he played me, I loved him. He told me he loved me and that he wouldn't do it again. Momma how could I be so dumb" I cried into her chest.

"Baby it's okay, you could've never known. If his heart wasn't pure that's that's on him. As long as her heart was always in the right place you can't do nothing but learn from what you lived." Momma said comforting me.

We walked over to her bed and got in. I cuddled under her and just cried softly.
This nigga really broke my heart.

"Momma I think I'm pregnant too" I said lowly.

"It's okay baby, we gotchu" she said rubbing my head.

I ended up crying myself to sleep under my momma. I really do love my momma with all my heart.

If I'm pregnant then imma just have to raise this baby by myself. He clearly don't want nothing to do with me. So he most def not gonna wanna help raise his baby.

It's alright though, I'm financially good to raise a baby. I needa get better mentally for my baby too though. I got a house and all that so I'm good. But I'm already knowing it's gonna be hard.

Next day...

I woke up underneath my momma arms. I looked at her for a moment then kissed her cheeks waking her up.

"Good morning momma" I said softly.

"Good morning baby, you want breakfast. I cook you some vegan" She cheesed. I nodded my head yes and she started getting up and out the bed.

I got up along with her but I went to my room. She went downstairs to cook me and her breakfast.

I went into my room and straight into my bathroom. I took a long hot shower, just taking in all that happened yesterday.

How can do much stuff happen in one day?

I got out the shower and did my morning hygiene. I went into my closet and picked out some comfortable clothes to lounge in.

After getting dressed I started going down the stairs. As I was going down I could smell the food my momma was cooking.

Lord knows she should be a chef for real. Everybody love her cooking. Imma open her a restaurant for real.

As soon as I got downstairs I went into the kitchen. Seeing my momma whip in down in here. I looked closely and seen it was a whole lot more food than me and her could eat.

"Whole all that extra food for" I asked her.

"Everybody decided they wanted to eat breakfast at my house today. Along with two other people ion know" She said sounding annoyed.

I sucked my teeth and left out the kitchen going into the living room. I walked into the living room seeing everybody in here.

Dre, Joker, Ray, Dyno, Jem, Dulla,Melly, Lele, Keyaa, and little ole Raylana.

They all looked at me except Dyno. Who was ignoring my existence. He know he wrong and that's on him.

Can't show nothing but love to him and his family. Ian the type to be bitter.

"Wassup Excend" Lele said cheesing.

"You gave her sum dick huh" I said looking at Dulla who shook his head laughing.

"Mmcht yes I did get dicked down but a shawty can be happy to see you?" She asked pouting.

I just shook my head in disappointment.

"You staright, you look like you been crying all night" Melly said worried.

"I'm straight" I said dismissing it.

My momma soon came into the living room with plates of food. We all grubbed and I went to my room after I was done.

Short little filler chapter... hall like it ? Comment and Vote😘

Sorry for any typos

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