Chapter one

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Nova's POV

So where to start. My names Novalie Ophelia evans. I'm 13 years  old. I grew up with my family. But let's just say that didn't work because my parents died when I was 8 in a car crash. Can't say I'm sad about it but that's a story for a different day. After I was orphaned I got told that I was going home with my biological father. Which brings us to me Christopher evans. My dad. Captain America. Yep that one. I didn't know who he was at the time. But if I had I'd probably be freaking out. But now he's just dad. The man who wakes me up at the arse crack of dawn. The man who makes me run and work out with him. The man that's loved me through it all. My dad.

The lady in the hospital told me that my parents didn't make it. I didn't feel like crying not over them. I just sat there in silence while I got stitched up. The lady was giving me a sad smile. I don't think she would if she knew what had actually happened in that accident. But now I was scared of what was gonna happen next. I didn't know what they'd do with me.

I had a social worker called Sam. She was nice but she just did her work and went on. If she'd maybe looked abit closer she'd have seen how things weren't okay. She came kneeled next to me " we've got some good news kid. You're real dad is here he's gonna take you home" and I looked at her like she had two heads. My real parents didn't want me now who she sending me with. But then I saw a man with a beard he was massive but he had a kind smile. He came and sat next to me. " hey bubs" and I looked him up and down but I didn't speak " I'm erm you're dad. I'm sorry about you're parents" and I spoke " they weren't my parents and neither are you" and he looked a little hurt but he covered it fast. " I know but I'd like to be. How about we head out, this place is making me depressed" and I giggled despite wanting to not like him. He gave me a smile happy with himself. " are you really my dad?" And he nodded with a small smile " how did they know to contact you?" And he looked down " I came looking for you about a year ago. I just wanted to check on you but they said it was classified. So I just left my information in case and we'll thank god I did" and I nodded " you don't have the same accent  as me" and he nodded " I'm American. That's where we're gonna go I was only here for work" and I nodded at least I'd be far away from here.

I knew things were going to be different for me after that day. We stayed in England for about a week dad said it was to sort the legal stuff out and he was also working. But when we came to the states I can't say I wasn't nervous.

" hey bubs it's okay I've got you" yes apparently I'm scared of flying. I mean my fear of heights may have given that one away. Chris was really nice. He's been with me the past week and he's made sure that everything is ready. I can already tell he's nothing like those other people. Even though he's told me why he still did give me up. He's told me constantly how sorry he is and I've told him it's okay but I think he can tell I'm chatting a load of shit. When we landed he told me that' we'd go straight to his home and I was happy with that I was sleepy. Like very sleepy. When we got to his hone he looked nervous. He showed me aorund and then he showed me my room " I know it's not much" and I smiled at him " I like it" it was blush pink and white and those were my favourite colours. It was kiddish but yet mature and I just adored it.

Now that you get a feel for my life I'm just here. I have a good family around me. I even have my god parents. Lizzie and Robert I met them both the day after I came here they have always been in my life and even when dad has to leave me he leaves me with one of them. Dads family isn't that big. He only has a brother and my grandparents. but they have never even held anything against me. I mean I wasn't a part of the family for a while. And I'm pretty sure I have some abandonment issues.

Now they've asked me about my mother before. Well I have aswell but when they do it's always the same question " if she wanted to get to know you would you let her" and I just refuse to answer because I don't have one to give. That's the shit part. I have asked multiple times who she is. I know they all know but no one will tell me. It's like this big family secret and I don't think they'll ever actually tell me which is rubbish.and it pissed me off but I think it's just to protect me. I at least try to make myself feel better with that. It really does play on my mind. How she just doesn't want me. How she knows I'm with my dad but yet she doesn't want me. I don't think I could cross that road even if I wanted to. But I'm strong. I'm a good kid. She doesn't deserve me. I know my worth but I also want a mum. Dads tried to be everything I need but it's not everything and I feel so bad. Lizzie has been there for me with everything but she's not my mum. And then there auntie scar. She's the closest thing I have. She's dads best friend I didn't get to meet her for a while but shes always looked out for me. I've stayed a couple times with her when dad couldn't look after me. Never for the night just for the day. I never understood why. She was abit distant at first but after abit she's now my favourite person. She has a daughter called rose she was 3 when I came here. Now shes 9 she's like my little sister. I've been told
We look alike but i don't see it. That kid had it perfect from where I saw it though. Her mother would do anything for her and Her dad still comes to look after her even if her parents aren't together. Scarlett is the perfect mother to her I just wish my mother was around to look after me the way Scarlett does rose.

I did go to public school until I got to high school and the kids knew who my dad was. I hated it so dad and I compromised with the help of aunt scar he agreed to let me home school. I do online lessons and my grades are the highest they've ever been. I do play football and I like to sing but acting is more my thing. Guess I got that from my dad. He lets me go for roles and I've done a few big ones but I only do roles that I feel a connection too. I don't just say yes. I like to know the role and that has a big part in if I work on it or not.

I do a lot of song writing to get everything just out. It helps me a lot with all my emotions. It's like therapy except it's not at all it's just me on my own. I'm not the type of person to just talk about there feelings. I actually hate being vulnerable so yeh its the last thing I'd do. But I don't think that's the best thing for a mentally unstable teenager.

Anyway ignoring my untold trauma. My days gone how it normally goes. My birthday is soon and we'll dad usually goes all out for it. But he has been working a lot more recently. I didn't mind because he loves his work but I'd I asked he's stop just to spend time with me. I loved him and that's why I'd never ask if that from him. I just wish he'd talk to me more about my mother and why they gave me up. Wa sit her idea? Did they both just not want me? Did he just take me back because he felt guilty? Had I already met her?


Welcome not sure if we are gonna like this book but I like this story so get along.

Remember to drink water

And get enough sleep

Eat a full meal

My messages are always open

Till the next chapter my loves❣️

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