Chapter twenty three

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Novas POV

" come on we gotta get going" I said wiping her face with my thumbs. I gently rubbed the ruined mascara and I chuckled to myself " you look like a panda" and she chuckled along with me and sniffled " where would I be without you novalie" and I smiled content that my aunt was gonna be okay. I still don't know what's really wrong and I'll just have to check in with everyone that may know because I can't get it out of my head. Something been bothering her and it's not just now it's been for a while. Out of eveyone in this world I love her just as much as my dad. She's practically raised me as her own and I will not let anything happen to her. Yes she's older then me and she's my aunt but she's someone who has been there every time I've needed her and I don't doubt her.

Lizzie would know or dad but I've got a chance with both as neither can keep fuck all from
Me. I mean they can but Dads easier to break then Lizzie. But the puppy dog eyes will forever be my secret weapon if I really wanted too im pretty sure they would work on aunt scar on getting her to tell me what's up. Or if that doesn't work plan B just ask aunt nessa and see what she says. I can tell when they lie any of them I've gotten good at noticing that I think.

Dads out in the car by the time  we'd gotten down to find him and we just joined Him in the car. He had a meeting in the same buildings as them and Lizzie was on the opposite part of town so she'd gone a lot earlier in the day. " who do you wanna go with?" Dad asked as we left the act and I looked at aunt scar she wa a deep in thought and I honestly didn't feel right leaving her alone with a bunch of strangers. " aunt scar" and he nodded. We went into the buildings nd let me tell you this place isn't cheap. I could tell and I've been to a lot of different places in my life. I can tell from the decorations to the atmosphere to do they have complimentary chocolate at the front desk for anyone to take even non paying customers. This place was passing with flying colours so I knew that I wa angling to have to behave while I was here. And that I'd made the right decision in not leaving her alone with some snobby rich idiots. One wrong move and she may kill someone.

I stayed by her side and kept me close while we walked. Her assistant and manager were both with us and wel they were talking to her about whatever this meeting was and I couldn't keep up I didn't like all of this talking it stresses me out. " we gotta leave the kid out here Scarlett" that one made my ears peek because if I'm getting left alone I'm going to find my father and stay with him. I'm really not doing okay with this whole people thing. There's so much talking but I felt her take my hand and pull me closer " she stays with me" and I coudnt look up I leaned into her side we were still walking but I just wanted to hide. " Scarlett-" and she spoke again " she's not leaving my side. She's my responsibility and I'm not leaving her alone" and I would normally tease her but I can't find it in me right now. The talking quietened down I didn't even notice where I was until I felt her pull away and I held onto her hand before she could move completely. " novie baby it's just me and you baba there all gone breath" and I looked around we were in a office room and she was right it was just me and her. She was sat down on a chair and she was pulling one out for me but I didn't wanna be away from her even if it's a chair so I sat in her lap. I couldn't see her face but she pulled me into her lap more and her hand gently nudged my head into her shoulder. " I've got you baby don't worry nothing gonna happen I'm not going anywhere" and I now realise I was panicking and well I'm glad she noticed or I'd have had a panic attack in her meeting. " there was too much noise" and she hummed and spoke " you wnat me to call you're dad?" Ans I shook my head I can't have him worried about me or even worse he walks out of his meeting to come to us. Omg her meeting " you're meeting you're gonna be late-" and I tried to get up but she pulled me back " novalie you come before any meeting or anything in this world I've told you that. You and rose" she held my face and I nodded I swear she just knows. Like she knows just what to say to make me feel better. I really am lucky to have her. " you okay sweet girl or should we stay here longer?" And I shook my head " I'll be okay come on"
And she looked me in the eyes but I smiled at her nothing good was going to come of me staying hidden all day. She has her meeting so we gotta go. She stood up with me and kissed my forehead " if it gets even slightly too much you tell me and we will leave okay promise me" and I nodded and gave her a smile. She took my hand and we left the room. There weren't many people around but her manager and assistant were outside looking stressed. They were going to speak but she shot them a glares nd they both gave me small smiles " you okay kid?" Her manger asked me and I nodded. They didn't speak as loud and it was one at a time instead of them both speaking over each other at her. We got into the room and she smiled at me and guided me to two seats so I could stay close. " oh Scarlett it's lovely to see you again. And you're daughter looks just like you" ans I just whipped my head to aunt scar do we look alike? I mean I have green eyes and maybe I could see it but why did he assume I'm her daughter. Aunt scar kissed my forehead and said " yes she keeps me on my toes now how about we start I know we're behind on schedule" they all stated to talk but I didn't really pay attention I was leaning on her arm and aunt scar was letting me play with her hand. I could tell she was focused on her meeting but she also had her attention on me.

Scarlett's POV

When we got to the office space and we'll nova was very silent. I had both my Assitant ans manager telling me what the meeting was about and there was lot going on around us. But I felt novas grip go tighter on me when my manager said about leaving her. I shot him a glare and looked at nova but she looked out of it and her eyes were wide. I could see her breathing picking up and I knew that spaces like this can make her feel uncomfortable and yet I brang my baby into this mess." I nee somewhere private and quiet" I said they both looked at me puzzled but the they looked at nova and took me to some room close by. When I tried to pull away from nova and she didn't let go it made my heart ache that she's having to hold onto me but also it makes that small sort of me happy that she needs me. I tried to comfort her that's all I can do and Chris is gonna have to know about this. I love this kid and I should of known. I mean she's usually okay but the fact that eveyone was talking may have set this off. I knew this meeting was important but nothing is more important then my daughter. Weather she knows that or not she still my child and I'll be Damned if I let something like a meeting stop me from comforting my child. I knew they couldn't say anything even if they wanted to. Nova meant a lot to me and well I took her into that meetings skate shee she stayed by my side. I liked how she just Leaned into me. She was playing with my ring and my hand and I just tried so hard not to smile wide. I'd look like a creep. The meeting today is about a new skin care line that I'm trying to get out there. It's a first time I'm meeting with anyone for this idea and we'll it's gone pretty well. New beginnings.


Longest chapter of this book!

Remember to drink water
Eat a full meal
Get a good sleep

My messages are always open

Till the next chapter my loves❣️

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