Chapter Fourty seven

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Chris's POV

After I left nova to sleep I'd gone to update Lizzie and scar on how she was.

Now I had woken up the next morning to rose steaming at the top of her lungs " SPIDER!" And I got up out of bed because nova was Laos afraid, actually I'm sure rose is only this scared because nova has shown her that she's scared. So I went into her room and I saw a half asleep Lizzie and Scarlett stood in the doorway. " you both had a good night" I asked smirking at them both but the glared I received just made it all even better. " don't even start that get ride of it" Scarlett said and Lizzie looked at her which made Scarlett turn red. How there not together yet is beyond me. I went in and saw where the spider was. Okay I get why neither of them wanted to touch that spider it's massive. Oh thank his novas not here right now or I'd be deaf. I trapped it under a glass and put a paper under it. I walked towards the girls and they all screamed which was hilarious. I ended up taking it outside and letting it go in the garden.

" how did it get inside?" Lizzie asked and I replied " well how about we go outside and ask it" which got me a glare but I didn't mind. They send me those looks so often that I'm  immune. Well almost sometimes they scare me.

I heard my phone ring so I went into the other room and it was my manger so I had to answer " Chris my favourite person" he said and I knew something was up " what's happened" and he sighed " it's good news. You got the part!" And I smiled wide but I knew I couldn't take it. Being away for a month and then another month after that would be to much time away from nova. She can't come with me and I can't leave her here  alone. " I can't-" and he stopped me " just think about it. You've framed of this role for so long" and I nodded he wa weight it was my dream role I really wanted it but gingham away without nova being taken care of wasn't an option. " I'll let you know" and he replied " you have a few days to make the choice Chris" and I ended the call. Great not only do I have this whole Scarlett thing going on but now  this. Nova is my first priority.

I walked back into the room and the girls were all looking at me. Rose was occupied with her cartoon while Lizzie and Scarlett were waiting for me to talk. " I got that role" I sighed and they looked confused " that's a good thing why are you upset" Lizzie asked and I looked up " I have a nova. I can't leave her alone" and Lizzie sighed too knowing that I was right but Scarlett looked conflicted " what?" I asked her and she smiled " what if she stayed with me?" And I went wide eyed " Scarlett I don't think-" and that's when she spoke again " I know she hates me. But Lizzie and my family will be there. And it's been you're dream to play this role Chris" and I shook my head " but nova-" and I heard a voice from behind me " will be fine." I looked to where Scarlett and Lizzie were looking behind me and saw nova. She must have just woken up because she looked like she'd just rolled out of bed. " novalie-" and she stopped me " no no you're gonna take the role. It's not something  that come around more then once." And she looked so sure of herlsef. The opposite of what she had been looking like these past few days. " I can't leva e you alone for that long" and she nodded " I know and we'll sort something but you're going" and I smiled Ofcourse my child knows everything and how to get me to go places.

Novas POV

I got  out of bed feeling like my normal self. I knew I had fo talk to dad I didn't wanna talk to anyone else right now. We'll just Scarlett. I remembered what dad had said to me about not starving myself and I didn't wanna upset him so I headed downstairs. But I heard Scarlett speaking " it's been you're dream to play this role Chris" I knew what role that was. He's always said  it's one  he'd never turn down. And the only reason he'd have to turn it down was me. Oh hell no. He's not Turning this down because of me . I know ally's going on but shit like this is important for humans I don't wanna be the reason why didn't do it. Now I can stay with my grandparents or Lizzie I'll be fine. There's always someone for him to leave me with it'll be okay.

He left the room to speak to his agent and I looked at Scarlett who was staring at me. I just turned away and walked in the other direction. " nova" Lizzie called out and I turned raising an eyebrow to ask what's wrong. " erm I need you're help in the garden with some plants" and I knew that was a thing she'd come up with on the spot. Lizzie can't lie to me very well. Usually I'd say not at all but recent events have disproved that theory. " there a lot of weeds and stuff in the plant garden so I need help" she said Softly maybe she did need my help but she didn't need it right now. Also this is a job she could of
Done alone. " okay fine let me get changed"
She nodded smiling wide. I didn't speak to Scarlett and well it felt weird just ignoring her when I know she's right there. Knowing what I. Know she has no reaso. To be sad she made her choice about me.


Remember to drink water
Eat a full meal

My Messages are always open

Till the next chapter my loves❣️

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