Chapter three

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Nova's POV

We spent the day on set. I had done my school work while in dads trailer and well I hadn't even noticed what time it actually was. I heard dads trailer door open and in my head it had only been an hour since they'd left me to my school work. But when I glanced down at the time it had been 5 hours and only now did my back start to hurt. " please tell me you've moved" dad said walking to me but I turned and stretched " No because you insist on me having an education" and he chuckled " having an education doesn't mean not moving from you're seat for 5 hours" Scarlett said behind him and I smiled " it does when you fall asleep" and that's when she spoke again " not funny novs" and I giggled " it was a little" she's always been the more serious out of the adults in my life. I know she just wants me to do well. And the fact she bothers means alot I mean my own mother doesn't give a crap about me but at least I have scar and Lizzie with me. Dad handed me a take out box while Lizzie sat next to me. " maths?" She asked and I nodded she knew I struggled with my maths. And we'll I struggled in general with school but apparently I was good at everything except maths. That I was genuinely shit at. I got told by my teacher if I'd just stay in class instead of getting sent out if understand a lot more. No shit Sherlock but when the teacher refuses to teach me what do I do then?

I opened the box and saw my favourite I smiled to myself I always loved having chicken pasta salad. It's my favourite to eat while we're on set. " so how's filming?" And dad spoke " good Scarlett fell down" he said trying not to laugh but she glared at him i chocked on my food and started to laugh. " novalie" she whined as I giggled away " I'm sorry but that's funny" and she cracked a smile then. She was never really mad at me. It's strange she's got a soft spot for me at least that's what Lizzie and dad say. If I laugh at her she doesn't take it seriously but if dad did she'd kill him.

" Bubs you're school called today again and we've talked-" and I hit him with my own. He went wide eyed but I knew Lizzie and Scarlett were gonna kill me if he finished that sentence. " first ow. Second of its good!" And I sighed but Scarlett looked at me " why would it be bad young miss" my mind went blank " well" Lizzie said and I gulped " nothing I'm a star student yep dad what's it about" I hoped he'd change the conversation but ofcourse he loves how scared I get. Evil little man. " oh yeh they said that you're English paper got the highest mark of the year" and I smiled shyly I'm not one to brag. So he didn't need to just say that now. " img I'm so proud" Lizzie said pulling me into a side hug Scarlett smiled at me " I'm proud love" she said and I scrunched my nose. As scared as I am they've always been super supportive.

I ended up going with them to film here final scene for the day. Mainly dad being concerned I was going to lose my shit if I stayed in that trailer longer. I was also equally worried can't lie. But it was fine. I won't lie and say my life's been perfect. They all know something wasn't right in my childhood. Well I assume they do. Okay dad and Lizzie do. They've mentioned it but I just think maybe Scarlett knows and just never said anything. But I've been told to go try therapy. By all of them. Now that shit ain't happening and I've spoken and put that across that i prefer not to talk about any issues I may have with a stranger. Now eveyone in my life does therapy I don't and I'm not going too.

I've also been told my humour is well dark. Honestly if you can't give with me get lost. Last time I said that to dad he moved around for a week like a puppy. I have been trying to be more open to give myself some sort of credit. Im not amazing and im incredibly stubborn I will hold my hands up and say that. But im a child as I've been told a number of times.

" so matka wants you all over at 4 and don't be late or I'll get told off" Scarlett said. Now matka is her mom. She's polish and well matka in polish is mother but she asks that we all call her that. Even me. I remember when I first met her she was so nice. She did look like she was trying not to cry but I didn't really think to much into any of it. I just kept quite and well she's always treated me like family. I am actually very close with Scarlett's family. Her niece fennon is one of my best friends she's only a year older then me and well we both understand the other. I love spending time with them all and well they love my dad because they always invite us places and they say it's family bonding time. I thought it was awkward for Scarlett at first how much her family would wanna spend time with me. I mean she didn't even spend that much time with me but now they both spend as much time with me. She looks some what happy when I'm with her family. There really nice I've always wished they were my real family. That's another thing I've wanted to know is about my mothers family. I mean they just know I exist and they've never tried to contact me. It just makes it hurt more. But I can't focus on people who don't want me. I focus on my family that do.


New people starting at my woke and I'm stressing about learning names

I just learned eveyone snakes and well I'm still shit at it.

And now more new people

Remember to drink water
Eat a full meal
And get a good nights sleep

Till the next chapter my loves❣️

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