Chapter twenty nine

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Scarlett's POV

Me and Lizzie had agreed on her birthday being mature yet kiddish. She was growing up but we still wanted her birthday traditions. Like the bouncy house but we had it match the green and white theme. Green is my favourite colour. If also it the best thing that both my baby's have green eyes and it's the most beautiful shade of green. I have the same eye colour but on them it's stunning. " well I was planning on staying till after novas birthday if that's okay we can get the garden ready and everything else ?" and  he nodded and looked at Lizzie who nodded " maybe the night before but I have to there for the renovations that are getting done in my garden" and we nodded she'd been waiting for time off to get that done. One thing we all knew is how much that women loves her garden and it took all  of our persuading to get her to finally fix the pool. She could of gotten it done in one job when she moved but she liked the old feel but now it's just outdated and she needs a whole new thing so they have to re do the whole pool. But Lizzie doesn't trust people around her plants so she has to be there when they come over. She probably would of left it but rose and nova  love to swim and it wasn't safe for kids to be in there that's why she did it.

" I'll have to get some stuff for me and rose then." I said grabbing my keys " don't wake nova up!" I said walking out. I told rose where I was going and she'd asked for her teddy. If it was up to rose she'd not need anything else  other then her teddy but we were staying for a couple days and I know she has a couple clothes here but she's also grown so I'll just have to update them.

I'd packed and drove home. I wanted to
Pick up a few treats for my girls so that they'd have a nice morning so I went to a bakery and got rose a pastry and nova her muffin. She refused anything else so I didn't have much choice but to get her what she liked. She's extremely fussy and I'd thought when she fist came that's he wa shush being tough for no reason but she genuinely doesn't like the at self some things. Which also includes anything healthy. She's good with some stuff but not everything she liked done frite but not it all and she doesn't like being told she's wrong. Especially if she knows she's right yeah he won't have it. But again that quality comes fro. Me and I've had to apologise to Chris a lot. I'd been asked if I wanted more kids in the future and honestly I don't know. My brother and his wife were having a baby and well I have a very close family so it was like we were all having a baby.

The baby was due soon about next month but really it could be any day. I was excited for the new addition the last Abby we had was rose and that was so long  ago and she's grown so fast.

I'd gotten back to Chris's and I decided to leave the bags in my car till I came back to get the later. I couldn't be bothered so I just didn't. But when I walked in it was weirdly quite except the tv that's as still
On. I went into the living room expecting to see Chris and Lizzie but I saw a sight that makes my heart just burst with happiness. My girls cuddles up together watching cartoons. I really wish they knew hey were sisters Maybe they'd be close did that's possible. Nova was holding rose and I just felt so happy. I love any moment they both are together it's like my world complete. Maybe that's why I'm staying well another reason so I can have my girls spend more time together. Wow I'm really getting bold with my moves lately. But nova hasnt mentioned anything to me and we'll neither had Chris so I don't think they mind. Chris and Lizzie were outside I could see through the window. She had him sweeping leaves and she was looking at the plants she'd planted a few years back. She takes good care of the plants even a few of mine have been planted by her. " oh hey aunt scar" nova said turning to face me. Both my girls were looking at me with such precious looks on there faces I couldn't help but sit and join them. " hello my loves" I cooed. I had moved nova To Lay on me while rose still stayed on her. " shouldn't we help out there" she said looking at her dad and Lizzie and so I shrugged " they'll drag me outside soon I'm still tired I may aswell enjoy my relaxation while I can."  And both my girls giggled and I felt a smile form on my lips. I did get there treats out for them to eat while I got up and headed outside to help I guess.

" and you finally join us?" And I smirked and Lizzie she was covered in dirt but hey I wasn't complaining " yep came to watch" and Chris started to laugh which confused me " oh no miss johansson you're helping me" and I should of stayed inside. " on secound thoughts-" and she grabbed arm which never fails to just give me goosebumps. She's smirking and I swear I'm gonna kill her " what's wrong?" She asked and I glared at her. I grabbed the watering can from the table and walked towards her plants muttering " bloody Olsen and her stupid good looks" I heard Lizzie say " what's that darling?" I heard Chris still laughing so I threw a galre his way that shut him up and turned to see her smirking at me. I groaned and went to work.


Right now im making it something okay I ship Lizzie and Scarlett

Remember to drink water
Eat a full meal
Get a good sleep

My messages are always open

Till the next chapter my loves❣️

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