Chapter eighteen

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Noah's POV

I woke up and well I smiled to
Myself I was still in aunt scars arms. She never let's go she's like a big teddy bear especially when it's late night cuddles. Apparently she's not much of a hugger but she and her while  family are just a bunch of teddy bears who can hug for ages if given the chance. We had Jimmy today so I didn't have to get up early they film like half way threw the day so I should be fine. " nova" aunt scar said she was trying a small failing to get me to wake up without complaining. She's always waking me up in different ways to see which one would work. She's always trying to make me happy no matter what she's going through. And I know for a fact she's gonna through a lot because well I have the internet. And her dad and Lizzie speak very loudly when I'm sat on the stairs listening to their conversationS when I'm supposed to be asleep. I mean they all know I'm not. Smirking person so I will say I've woken up angry and grumpy and those have not been my finest moments. Dad usually jokes that it's like roulette waking me up that you don't know which nova you're were getting.

" come on novalie I got you a chocolate muffin" and that was a sure fire way to get me up and out of bed. My favourite breakfast and well it was amazing and it works. I do know that I am alot of work and well it's not really any of their jobs to take care of me except dad he's literally legally and we'll kinds obligated to take care of me. Does he have too no but does he yes. And I am aware I sound stupid but aunt Scarlett has always said she would love to stem gagt job. And we'll there is one thing I have always wanted to ask them. I love Lizzie and she's my person but dad and aunt scar are so close and have been since I can remember honestly yet she's not my godmother? Maybe they asked her and she said no? But I'd that is the case then why does she do so Much with me? Omg does she feel like guilty or is this all her way of making it up to me for saying no. Okay I really gotta stop overthinking and just get up.

I enjoyed my breakfast me and dad had eaten our muffins he'd decided to make them fresh. Now this man did not have an once of a clue how to cooks anything to bake anything. He wa a very bad but I've the years especially with my favourite foods he's learned and is he Gordon Ramsey no is he hell. But he's spent so much time trying to elan and well now he's Maoist perfected it all. His muffins were now amazing so yes he's progressed and hopefully he only can get better.

Aunt scar and Lizzie were enjoying their coffee and dad was chomping on toast. Ofcourse I'm not even aloud to touch coffee apparently is extream my bad for me and I'm young and it can mess with my insides . I did go upstairs to get ready

It wasn't feeezing but it's cold for LA weather and well I'm usually getting told of if I wear something like this on a normal day but if it's cold then I shouldn't with bay luck

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It wasn't feeezing but it's cold for LA weather and well I'm usually getting told of if I wear something like this on a normal day but if it's cold then I shouldn't with bay luck.

Dad was still in the same clothes so we're the other two but that's because they will change there and there is no point in them changing so many times so yeh they just end up in there pjs unless it's like a full ass met a gala then they take hours to get ready. Even my dad takes hours like he puts face masks on and pampers himself because I'm apparently so stressful ans I've taken all the youth from his old body. I may have added the old but he sounds the same.

One thing with my dad that man loves to take care of himself. And that means me too apparently. If he works out then in his work there is some rule that says let me torture my child and make her workout too or my workout isn't complete.

We drove to the set and well they all get ready separately but I just go inbetween the rooms. I've never been told I can't go in expect one time with Scarlett where it was a new hairstylist or something Rachel her normal girl wasn't in so she was using someone I'd never met. Well I walked in and Scarlett was changing but the women turned to me and said " you can't be in here" she wasn't rude but she was like head up her own ass if that makes an ounce of sense. I was very much taken aback but I did say " I can be in here if I want" and that didn't go down well she was ready to tell the crew to take me out when Scarlett walked in. I think she'd heard the conversation because she was half dresse and she looked pissed when she said " what's going on here? Nova you okay" and. I nodded but then she spoke to the lady " that's Chris's daughter. She's always aloud wherever I am no matter what. Novie sit down I'm gonna fiancé getting changed" she's always stuck up for me even if an interviewer has asked her about me she's always said that I am my own person not just Chris's daughter. That is ofcourse what I'm. Known for or well that's what I think at least.

I did end up going with dad to his because dad always requests snacks the ones I like. My aunts pick healthy platoons like fruit or kale chips or crap like that but dad gets the roller stuff which is so funny when he gets told of by my aunts. That's also been something that's a big conversation how much vegetables and fruit I eat. Since I was a kid dad doesn't force me to eat healthy he knows I don't like it and we'll my aunts did not give up they thought I was being a brat but I swear I just don't like the taste or even how certain ones are made. So yes while dad gets ready I am sat eating a bowl of M&Ms and am I upset by this no not at all.


I'm trying to get more backstory on all of their relationships

Remember to drink water
Eat a full meal

Get a good sleep

My messages are always open

Till the next chapter my loves❣️

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