Chapter 8

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I left the club and pulled out my IPod, which I had revived from no battery at the club. Obviously, I didn't learn from when I was kidnapped. I started playing Taylor Swift's new album.
The song that played first after I shuffled the songs was "Out of The Woods".
Great, 'cause I really need a reminder.
I started thinking about how I would explain what happened to the authorities. If I told the truth, they'd think I was crazy, or making up an excuse for not going back to the orphanage. I thought over my story, and tried to say it in many different lights.
I didn't realize the player guy was still following me until he grabbed my shoulders and shoved me to the ground.
I screamed, in utter terror, half in reality and half in a flashback.
He was approaching me and I was scrambling back.
A giant wolf pounced on me.
His skin turned white and fangs protruded from his mouth
Dogboy's wolf stretched its skin until he was a human.
I cut my hand on the concrete, and the vampire's eyes turned red.
A wolf turned human pursued me up a tree.
I forced myself into reality, and the vampire dragged me by my newly injured hand, while I was still screaming. He pulled me close to his body, me struggling to escape his cold, bare arms. He stroked my arm and said in a voice like acid " I am going to make this long and slow."
He then licked my cut wrist, and I froze in fear, tears pouring down my face.
"And now for the main course"
Taylor was still playing, singing "Bad Blood"
'Cause baby now we got bad blood,
You know it used to be mad love...
I screamed a blood-curdling, brain-piercing, heart-wrenching screamed.
While he was briefly distracted by cringing at my outburst, a raised my foot and gave him a hard kick to the groin. He howled.
So take a look what you done
'Cause baby now we got bad blood
He growled and flew toward me with impossible strength. He grabbed both of my hands and held them behind my back, and pulled me towards him.
"That's okay, I like it when my food fights back"
Did you think we'd be fine?
Still got scars on my back from your knife
So don't think it's in the past
These kinda wounds, they last and they last
"Too bad, you could have been a cutie"
The vampire is about to take a chunk off my neck and I brace for the bite.
But there is a growl and a roar and the vampire is shoved off me.
Dogboy and the vamp grapple on the ground. After a few minutes, my heart flutters with thrills as Dogboy turns into his magnificent raven wolf.
The vampire lies on the ground, a stake in his arm, crying out in pain.
Dogboy reaches into his pocket, holding a cross that smells like garlic. The vampire screamed as he slowly was turned to ashes, being burned alive.
Did you think it all through
All these things will catch up to you
And time can heal but this won't
So if you're coming my way, just don't...
I am in so much shock that I don't realize my arm is bleeding hard. I stumble from blood loss, feeling light-headed. Dogboy catches me, and before I think better of it, I snuggle deeper into his arms as black crosses my line of vision.
"What's your name?" slips from my lips.
He smiles. He has such a warm smile.
"Eric" he says.
It's so sad to
Think about the good times
You and IIIIII
That is the last thing I hear before I black out.

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