Chapter 17

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Alice's POV
I wake up to the vaguely familiar feeling of a canvas bag against my cheek. My head hits a rock and I go out.
I wake up again, and the canvas bag is opened. Some far-off part of my brain wonders if I will get brain damage from being knocked out so much. I shout and scream. A foul-smelling cloth is shoved against my nose, and black clouds my vision.
I wake up again, except I am in a cold, dark, stone room. It is circular, and rusty chains hold my arms to the wall. A door resides about five feet away from where my chains allow me to move.
It is very dusty, and I cough.
"Not the greatest conditions" a deep voice says to my left. I scream as a man emerges from the shadows like he didn't just give me a heart attack.
"Why am I here? What do you want? Where is this place? Where is my home? Where is Eric?"
"That is a lot of questions that will go mostly unanswered."
I start to shake with sobs.
"Please, just answer one"
"Fire away" he says sharply.
"What do you want from me?"
He laughs a sharp, harsh laugh.
"Why, dear, you're the tool to break Alpha Eric."
"How will I hurt Eric?"
I see the slightest sign of a smirk flash across this mystery man's face.
"Like this"
I feel a never ending pain in my neck as the skin is punctured. My captor is no longer where he was standing. His fangs dig into me, and I feel like ice is moving down my veins.
He is gone as soon as he came. I fall and begin to shake violently. I try in vain to cover the bite with my hand, but I soon realize the wound is the least of my worries.

I flop around like a fish, and my lungs burn. I can't breathe I can't breathe I can't breathe. When I can breathe again, I scramble to the corner of the room, past the vampire, who is standing their silently, unsurprised.
I lean over, and throw up in the corner. I vomit again, except I throw up blood. Again. And again. My forehead burns with fever. The last thoughts I have are the panicked cry of an animal, wondering "Why me?" and "I'm tired of blacking out"
I wake up in the same room, with the same chains, but I am not the same.
I feel cold, but strong. I feel an unfamiliar feeling.
Power is hard to cone by when you're an unassuming orphan in a small town without much to offer.
A mirror is propped against the cold wall. When I look into it, I scream and scoot away.
In it is a monster.
She is beautiful, her porcelain face framed by long brown hair. Her eyes are not mine, they are a deep violet.
But her skin is pale. Her eyes hold hatred and a look that belongs to a predator.
Two-inch fangs protrude from her mouth.
She moves with me, and sobs exactly as I do as I wonder who is voodooing me.
As I wipe my eyes, my throat catches fire. An inhuman, unnatural, animal thirst takes over me as I go into overdrive.
I don't have time to think, this hunger feels like it could overtake me in minutes.
I no longer have control, my body moves of it's own accord, but I don't care as long as it satiates this thirst.
My captor walks into the room, with a smile on his face. I stand, without fear.

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