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"CAN YOU do this?" Austin asked Dakota as he started doing some dance moves

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"CAN YOU do this?" Austin asked Dakota as he started doing some dance moves.

"Oh please. I can do that in my sleep." Dakota then pretended to be asleep as she copied the exact moves he had done.

"Okay, but how about this?" Austin then switched up his movements ending with his arms crossed. "Boom."

Dakota laughed and once again copied his moves exactly, but as she texted on her phone. Once she was done she ended with her arms crossed too and Austin's phone buzzed.

He pulled out his phone from his pocket and read the text out loud. It was a text from Dakota. "Boom."

"Guess who got a job in Dez's movie." Trish announced as she and Dez walked in.

"That's right. I'm shooting my first big movie. It's about a giant sand crab that attacks Miami. I call it "Claws; DUN DUN DUN!"" Dez elaborated.

"Ooh, Claws, I like that title." Ally said.

"It's not called "Claws." It's called "Claws: Dun Dun Dun."." Dez corrected.

"Yeah, yeah. Who cares about the title or the stupid crab? My character's the real star: Girl #2." Trish gushed.

Dakota smiled, "That's great Tri—"

"Girl #2 gets eaten in the first scene." Dez interrupted.

"Never mind." Dakota put her lips into a line.

"What?!?!?! You didn't tell me that! If Girl #2 doesn't live until the end of the movie, neither will the director. DUN DUN DUN!" Trish demanded.

"Fine, your character won't get eaten until the end. But just so you know, I'm naming the crab "Trish." 'Cause it's mean, and everyone's afraid of it." Dez pouted.

"Aww, Dez. That's so sweet." Trish lovingly said.

"You're gonna be in the movie too. You're going to play Troy - the handsome lifeguard who battles the crab and saves the town." Dez turned to Austin.

"Awesome! Now I'm officially a quadruple threat! Actor, Singer, Dancer, and Ballooner." Austin smiled.

"Ballooner?" Dakota questioned.

Austin then went to  make a balloon animal, and it actually turned out pretty good.

"Huh, impressive." Dakota said.

Austin popped his collar and leant against the counter, "Thanks."

"And Ally. That leaves just one role left. The cute songwriter who works at the local music store: Sally. I wrote it specifically for the most talented girl I know." Dez said.

"Dez, I'm flattered..." Ally appreciated.

"Not you. Selena Gomez. But she's unavailable, so... do you want to play the part?" Dez sighed.

𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐕𝐄𝐍 𝐈𝐒 𝐘𝐎𝐔, 𝐀𝐔𝐒𝐓𝐈𝐍 𝐌𝐎𝐎𝐍Where stories live. Discover now