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"LET'S try this again

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"LET'S try this again." Ally sighed. "You take the part that isn't a triangle and hit the part that is a triangle. Got it?"

"They've been at this for twenty minutes... how long do you think we have until Ally pops a vein from stress?" Dakota jokingly asked Austin.

"Give or take a few more seconds." Austin replied. They laughed until Dez and Trish had shushed them, turning their attention to their two friends sitting in reclining chairs.

"Excuse me." Ally told the guy she was trying to teach and walked over to Dez in Trish with Dakota and Austin following behind. "Oh, I'm sorry. Was my working at my job getting in the way of your TV show?"

"Yeah. That's why I told you to sh." Dez said.

"We're watching every episode of Crime and Judgement. They just put out a collector's edition of all 182 episodes." Trish explained.

"It also came in this cool crime solving briefcase. Just like the one detective Mitchell uses on the show." Dez pulled out the said briefcase to show them. "Also makes a great picnic basket."

"Yo- hoo! Team Austin and Ally, remember me?" Val walked into Sonic Boom.

"How could we forget you, Val?" Ally fake smiled.

"You're the whacko producer who tried to trick Ally into a five year contract." Austin mentioned.

"You still haunt my dreams." Dakota shivered.

"Oh, so you do remember." Val seemed touch by their statements. "Listen, I need your help. My group, the Stray Kitties, are one big hit away from having... well one big hit!"

"And Ally, I want you and Austin to write the song that's gonna put them on the map! Oh! And Dakota I want you to choreograph the dance that'll blow everyone away!" Val continued.

"Oh we would love to but—"

"Great! Now let's talk money."

"Oh no you didn't let me finish—"

"Ally, don't be rude the lady's talking money." Trish interrupted her.

"Guys we're not gonna write her a song." Austin shot down. "Sorry Val, we're just too busy right now."

"Yeah, between working on our own music and not really trusting you whatsoever. It's just not gonna happen." Ally spoke.

"Well Dakota, will you choreograph the routine?" Val said obviously irritated by Ally and Austin's answer.

"Oh definitely not." Dakota shook her head. "I'm not busy, I just don't like you."

"Okay. Well it was worth a shot." Val then started squeezing her coffee cup super hard that it spilled into her hands. "I wish you all the luck in the world."

"Isn't that coffee hot?" Austin asked concerned.

"Oh, it's scorching." Val then proceeded to walk out.

𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐕𝐄𝐍 𝐈𝐒 𝐘𝐎𝐔, 𝐀𝐔𝐒𝐓𝐈𝐍 𝐌𝐎𝐎𝐍Where stories live. Discover now