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TODAY was the day everyone returned from Austin's tour and Dakota was the most excited

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TODAY was the day everyone returned from Austin's tour and Dakota was the most excited. The last three months for Dakota were the most boring three months she'd ever experienced.

She had spent it doing the same routine every day. She'd wake up, go to her dance training, grab lunch, go home to change, head back out to work with Ally at Sonic Boom, eat dinner, and then go home to sleep only to wake up and do it all over again the very next day.

Eventually, that routine ended up changing about two months in seeing as Ally had joined the rest of the group on tour. Ally had been having trouble finishing up her songs for her debut album, so she left Miami for some new inspiration.

Dakota was more than welcome to do the same, Austin practically begged her to do the same, but she just couldn't do it.

Before Austin left, he gifted Dakota a card that had a plane ticket to anywhere so she could visit them all while they were on the tour. She ended up giving the ticket to Ally so she could join them instead.

Dakota knew she wasn't going to use it because the dance academy's training program gave them absolutely no days off. Even on weekends they had rehearsal. Dakota didn't want to complain because she knew this is what she had signed up for.

So for the past three months, Dakota had been just counting down the moments until her friends got back from touring. She hadn't realized how much time she really spent with them until she stopped worrying about constantly replacing another drum set Dez had broken. Yes, Dakota called them every day to see how they were doing and hear about all the shows, but it wasn't the same as being with them.

Don't get her wrong, Dakota loved all the new things she had been learning during the program. She'd even made two new friends, Dylan and Hanna. It just didn't felt different than what Dakota had expected, she just couldn't figure out why.

But Dakota didn't focus on that seeing as she was now standing in Sonic Boom with Mr. Dawson, Dylan, and Hanna ready to welcome her four friends home from touring.

Well standing may not be the word, more like jumping up and down continuously.

"Dakota please stand still, you are going to make me throw up from all your movement." Hanna begged.

"I've never seen you jump this much, and that's saying something seeing as we did a jump combo in class two hours ago." Dylan commented.

Dakota stopped jumping, "Sorry, I'm just so excited to see them. Three months is way too long for me to handle, especially after Ally left."

"Oh we know, you complained about it every day." Dylan reminded her. "You even called me once just to say how much you missed Trish getting fired from her jobs."

"It was a terrible three months without her little 'guess who got a job at' whatever place, only to get fired within the hour." Dakota sighed.

"How devastating." Hanna joked.

𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐕𝐄𝐍 𝐈𝐒 𝐘𝐎𝐔, 𝐀𝐔𝐒𝐓𝐈𝐍 𝐌𝐎𝐎𝐍Where stories live. Discover now