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HANNA had successfully convinced Dakota to go to prom and Austin was panicking

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HANNA had successfully convinced Dakota to go to prom and Austin was panicking.

Dakota had walked into the room in a black sparkly dress, she had bought it months in advance. Prom was always something she was excited about, so when the time came she immediately went shopping for dresses.

Her searching for the perfect dress was obviously a success by the way Austin had been looking at her the second she entered the gym.

He liked Piper, he knew he did, but he loved Dakota. And he was regretting the fact that she currently wasn't his date.

Dakota had walked over to get some punch, when she was met with Austin and Piper, who was currently on his back.

"Hey guys." Dakota smiled at them.

"Hey, Dakota." Austin smiled nervously and Piper waved. "You decided to come."

"Wow. You look great." Piper complimented her.

"Pfft! I guess she looks okay. I mean, I've seen her look better." Austin scoffed. "Well, see ya."

The blonde immediately walked off leaving Dakota very confused.

"Hey, Dakota! You look amazing!" Ally walked over to her. "What's wrong?"

"Thank you and I don't know." Dakota said, seeing as she really didn't know.

Austin had told her earlier that she always looked great trying to convince her to go to prom, and now he was avoiding her like the plague.

NOT much had been going on the whole night, other than Dakota being fairly entertained by Carrie trying to maneuver around in her very tight dress that didn't even allow her to sit, and Trish trying to juggle two dates at once, Jace and Chuck.

Eventually, Chuck got back together with his on and off again girlfriend Sun Hee getting Trish off the hook and getting to spend her time with Jace.

It soon came time for prom king and queen to be announced, and the always peppy head cheerleader, Kimmy, walked onto the stage.

"I hope you're all enjoying tonight." Kimmy said. "I'm not my date has chickenpox!"

"She knows she doesn't have to smile for everything right?" Dakota leaned towards Trish.

"I feel like if she doesn't smile, she'll blow up or something dramatic since she's a cheerleader." Trish replied.

"Anyway, it's time to announce this year's prom queen and king!" Kimmy cheered. "This year's prom king is... Austin Moon!"

Everyone clapped for him as he walked up to receive his crown. They were all pretty much expecting it. Come on, he's an international pop star. Of course they were all going to vote for him.

"And this year's prom queen is... Dakota Evans!" Kimmy announced shocking the girl completely.

It hadn't shocked anyone but her. Dakota was a quiet girl, but she was apart of almost everything she could be apart of at school. She was nice to everyone she met, and she was Austin Moon's choreographer. Who wouldn't vote for her?

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