His "Responsibility"

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Days pass, most days Ariana keeps to herself and does chores around the tower. She doesn't talk much, she doesn't get close to anyone either. She knows she isn't going to stay for long so what's the point? She also doesn't want to have to go through the pain of losing someone like Maurice again.

The Avengers go on missions, Tony spends most of the time at the tower in the R&D. He doesn't want to mess things up with Ariana and he thinks she would like her space since she doesn't talk to anyone. He also figures that since she is a teenager she doesn't want to be around adults. Ariana thinks that Tony hates her because he never is around when she is. The only time that they really see each other is when they're eating or when everyone on the team is hanging out. She tries to do everything perfectly, she tries to make him like her, she tries to make him happy, but nothing works.

Because she believes Tony hates her, she becomes more distant which makes Tony think she hates him and that she doesn't want him around. Ariana is struggling with nightmares, but at least she doesn't alert anyone and make them come to her room with her screams because she has a soundproof room now. She continues to count her mistakes and add them to the list.

"Hey kid," Stark says, grabbing the coffee and muffin she made for him.

"Hello," she greets him with a smile.

"We were thinking about going somewhere and doing something," he explains.

"Okay," she responds, washing the dishes.

    "Did you have anything in mind?" he asks, taking a bite of the muffin.

    "Hmm?" she hums. She's confused. She doesn't understand that they are going out to do something fun for her. 

    "We could go to the beach," he suggests. "Would you like that?"

    "Oh, no I don't really like swimming," she lies. There's no way she is going to let them see her arms. Even though she is sure that he wouldn't care, hell, she doesn't even think he'd notice since he hates her so much. He takes a sip of his coffee.

    He frowns, lowering the mug from his face, "okay, what about a walk?"

    "Whatever you would like," she shrugs. He sighs, why can't she just say what she wants to do? Why do I always have to make the decisions?

She notices that he doesn't like her answer and her heart beats faster. What did she do wrong? Why is he upset? Wasn't that the thing he wanted her to say? Isn't that the answer that makes sure she doesn't get in trouble?

"Or we could go shopping some more. Don't Natasha and Wanda want to go to the mall again with you?" he questions.

"Oh, I have enough things," she replies, absentmindedly scrubbing a plate.

"You do know that I have money to spend right?"

"Yes, but I don't want you to spend more on me."

"Why not?"

"Because there's no reason for it."

"You're my-" he stops. 'Daughter' was what he was going to say. He believes Ariana probably doesn't see him that way so he settles with, "-responsibility."

Ariana's heart slightly soared when she thought he was going to say daughter, but he didn't. Her heart is crushed when she hears the word 'responsibility'. That must mean that he doesn't see her as a daughter. That he sees her as a burden. Of course, he doesn't see her as a daughter, that would be stupid. She internally kicks herself for even hoping that he cared about her. They've only known each other for a little over a week. He doesn't even talk to her much, why would he think of her as a daughter?

"Okay, I guess we are going on a shopping trip, I'm going to go grab the girls," he announces, taking his coffee cup with him to find the girls. She sighs, she doesn't like spending people's money. She doesn't like being a burden.

    Tony, Nat, Wanda, and Ariana are back at the mall. Wanda is rushing Ariana over to one of her favourite stores, Ardour. They have wonderful dresses, suits, and accessories. They try on a lot of dresses and end up purchasing a lot of new dresses along with some shoes. They stop at a bookstore where they buy Ariana some books, much to her disagreement. On their way back, they stop at a small ice cream parlour.

    "What are you going to get?" Natasha asks the teenager.

    "Oh, I'm not sure," Ariana replies, scanning over all of the options. Natasha and Wanda order their ice cream. After a few minutes of contemplating, Tony orders for himself, leaving Ariana as the last one to order. "I'll have the cherry jubilee in a sugar cone," she says.

    They go to sit outside and eat their ice cream. Tony has ice cream on his face which makes the women laugh at him. Ariana is glad because this is the first time she has got to spend time with Tony. "So, you like cherries?" Wanda asks.

    "Yeah, cherry jubilee is my favourite ice cream because Maurice would always get it for me," she smiles.

    "Who's Maurice?" Natasha asks, putting a spoonful of ice cream in her mouth.

    "Oh, he was my caretaker for a little while," she shrugs.

    Nat nods, "how long did he have you."

    "Oh, not even a year," she states, licking the treat in her hand.

    Wanda frowns, "why would he give you up?"

    Ariana pauses for a second before clearing her throat, "actually, he was one of the ones that didn't give me up. He died."

    "I'm sorry," she looks at her with a pitiful expression.

    She shrugs, "it's okay. It doesn't really bother me anymore." That was a lie. She could still see his blood, still, feel it on her hands, still see his pained expression as he told her to run. The group finishes up their treat and head back to the tower.

    "How was shopping?" Steve asks with a sweet smile, looking up from his book as they exit the elevator. Everyone looks at Ariana for an answer.

    "Uh, good?" she says in an unsure voice. She glances at the figures around her wondering if that was the right answer. As her eyes meet Stark she realises that it wasn't the right answer. She quickly looks at the ground, away from his frowning face.

    "We got some amazing dresses, books, and then stopped for ice cream," Wanda grins, walking over to the kitchen.

    "And you didn't pick any up for me?" Bucky, who is sitting on a couch, jokingly complains. Ariana feels bad, she shouldn't have had that ice cream. If she didn't eat it then she could have given it to him. Although it would probably be melty by the time we got back.

    "Kid?" Tony waves his hand in front of Ariana's face trying to get her attention.

    "Hmm?" she hums, taken out of her trance.

    "Are you good? Kinda went out to space for a second there," he replies.

    She sighs, "yeah, I'm good." Stark nods and goes back to the elevator to disappear to his lab. She walks over to her room to put away her new clothes and makes sure to tally up the mistakes she has made since she last updated it.

Parasite   *•.¸♡ 𝙏𝙤𝙣𝙮 𝙎𝙩𝙖𝙧𝙠'𝙨 𝘿𝙖𝙪𝙜𝙝𝙩𝙚𝙧 ♡¸.•*Where stories live. Discover now