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Ariana is pacing in her room.

Nerves have been eating away at her insides all day. Despite her many attempts to get out of this, her father stood firm.

She is meeting Peter and his friends today and there is no getting out of it.

"Ariana, Mr. Stark is requesting your presence in the kitchen," Friday informs her.

Ariana sighs. No point in prolonging this. Maybe they won't pay her any mind. They'd probably rather talk to the Avengers anyway. She might not even have to interact with them that much.

When she arrives in the kitchen, she sees her dad with three strangers. Her dad and the slim brunet are conversing whilst the other boy marvels at the room. The girl seems rather unimpressed, almost like she'd rather be anywhere else but here. That probably means that Ariana won't be making friends with her. That girl probably too cool to be friends with a loser like her anyway.

"Ari! I'd like you to meet Peter and friends," Stark smiles, ushering his daughter towards them. Ariana sends them a tight smile.

"Hey, I'm MJ." The pretty girl nudges the other guy, "and this loser is Ned."

"Well, I'll leave you guys to it! Have fun!" Stark exclaims, not wanting to be any later for the meeting he is supposed to be at right now. Pepper would probably kill him. Ariana sends him a pleading glance, practically begging him to stay so she doesn't have to be alone with these strangers. He just sends her a reassuring smile before kissing her gently on the forehead. "Call me if you need anything. Don't burn down the tower. Love you!" Stark calls out as he books it to the elevator.

Ariana just sighs. Great. Now she's all alone with these strangers. They're probably disappointed now that there are no superheroes around.

"Well," Peter drawls out, fiddling with his loose sweatshirt, "I'm not sure what you do for fun, but Ned and I brought some LEGOs."

"LEGOs?" Ariana furrows her brows. Peter and Ned's jaws drop.

"Dude, you don't know what LEGOs are?" Ned questions incredulously.

She bites her lip, looking between the three. Should she know what those are? They sound kind of familiar. She just can't place where she has heard that before. Gosh, she probably looks like such a loser right now. If MJ's face is anything to go off of, she's not leaving a great first impression.

"Well, how about we show you? If you don't like it we could always do something else," MJ mentions with a shrug of her shoulders. She has to hold in her eye roll at the boys and their dramatics.

Ariana agrees; what's the worst that could happen? She can just pretend she's having fun if they like it so much.

They all move into the living room where there are three backpacks scattered around along with a couple of colourful boxes. Peter gives her one of the smaller sets, not wanting to overwhelm her with one of the bigger ones. He smiles upon seeing her facial features brighten. He's glad she doesn't seem as tense and unsure as before.

She remembers these! She used to play with them when she was with Maurice. He'd always let her play with his vast collection of figures and buildings.

They spend at least an hour talking and building in the living room. Ariana is actually quite glad that her father forced her to do this. Peter, MJ, and Ned are actually really great people. She couldn't believe she was worried about it.

Peter notices her gazing at the floor, so he comes over to sit next to her on the couch.

"Are you okay?"

Parasite   *•.¸♡ 𝙏𝙤𝙣𝙮 𝙎𝙩𝙖𝙧𝙠'𝙨 𝘿𝙖𝙪𝙜𝙝𝙩𝙚𝙧 ♡¸.•*Where stories live. Discover now