Chapter 2

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Katsuki dials the one number he has memorized. He could easily search through his contacts, but dialing each individual number is more satisfying. The phone rings through to voice-mail, and Katsuki chuckles a little at the ridiculous message his husband set up back when they were in high school. The man wishes things were as simple as they were back then.

"You've reached Red Riot. I can't get to the phone right now, but leave a message and I'll get back to you when I can."

Deku's voice yells in the background, "Kirishima-kun, Kacchan's fighting with Kaminari-kun again."

The sounds of explosions precede Eijiro's final words on the recording. "Coming Midobro. Leave a message after the beep."

"Hearing that stupid message from when we were kids makes me wish for simpler times" Katsuki starts the voice message. "You're supposed to be here, Shity Hair. Who the fuck else is going to sit with me and remind me that I'm manly? You know I won't accept it from anyone else, especially fucking Deku, and trust me, he's tried these past two weeks." Katsuki sighs, not ready to say the next part of what he has to say.

"I've been waiting to tell you something." His hand trails to his mostly flat stomach. "I wanted you to be here to hear the news directly, but it's getting to the point I've gotta tell the idiots before they start asking why I'm not on patrol anymore, so it looks like I've gotten tell you over the damn phone." Tears start to spill past Katsuki's eyes. He hates that he doesn't get to see Eijiro's reaction.

"Remember what we decided before the old hag told us about Kasumi, how I was going to stop taking my T so we could start our own family?" The tear flow increases as Katsuki tries, and fails, to hold them back. His voice breaks as he continues. "Fuck, you should be here so I can see your stupid excited face when I tell you this not saying all this to your damn voice-mail for you to hopefully hear it at some point."

The tear flow is officially past Katsuki's ability to control. "Well, it fucking worked. Fuck, I hate every second of this. I need you here to tell me how manly I am to be able to do this. All this bullshit reminding me that no matter how hard I try, I'm still not a true man. We need you here. I can't go through all this without you. How can I bring our child into the world without you?"

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