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It took Izuku a long time, but he finally managed to figure out where the man who had had Eijiro's phone for so long lived. The twins are four years old now, and he wanted to take Katsuki and all three kids to visit Eijiro so Katsuki can tell him about their quirks. The hardest part was keeping Katsuki in the dark about it the whole time. He has one other plan as well, something that he can only do at Eijiro's grave.

The group finally arrives at the cliff face as night is falling. It would have taken the two heroes far less time if they weren't taking a five-year-old and two four-year-olds with them, but it's worth it to give them the closest thing that they'll get to meeting their other parent.

At the sight of the grave, Katsuki gasps. He can literally see Eijiro through the crystal clear structure. Eijiro looks perfect, like he's simply sleeping there in his hero costume. It makes him want to take the man back home with him and place the entire structure on their favorite cliff to hike to from when they were teenagers. He'll have to ask Deku if it's possible later. Right now, he wants to kiss the green haired man for this. It's the closure he needed to truly let himself be happy in his relationship with Deku.

"You four talk to him," Izuku tells Katsuki. "I'm going to call Aizawa Sensei to see if he can set something up for bringing him back."

Katsuki nods. It seems the other man thought of the same thing he did and plans to call their teacher who is now the new head of the hero council. So much in the hero world has gotten better since Eraser Head took charge. There have been far less hero deaths, and heroes have been given more time to spend with their loved ones.

"Hey, Eijiro," Katsuki says staring at the man he loved, still loves if he's being honest with himself. "You've been gone for a long time now. Kasumi starts school next year, and the twins just came into their quirks." Katsuki smiles and looks to his kids. "Kaito, Akari, why don't you tell Papa about your quirks."

Akari bounds forward, her short, dark hair bouncing with each step. "Papa, my body hardens like you. I want to be a hero like you and daddy one day."

Kaito slowly steps forward. "I just got grandma's quirk. It's not really useful, just keeps my skin looking nice and makes it slightly harder for me to get cut. But that's okay. I don't know what I want to do yet, but dad says that's okay. He says grandpa was a fashion designer and grandma was a model, and that I can be anything I want to be." Kaito gently tugs at his skirt. "I like skirts and pretty clothes. Daddy says I can wear what I want and I can be who I want."

Katsuki smiles as Kasumi steps forward. "Hi, Papa. Daddy says I got to meet you when I was really little, but I don't remember it. My quirk is like daddy's, but I don't want to use it to be a hero. I just want to help people. Daddy says I still have a long time to decide what I want to do. Daddy misses you. He cries sometimes holding onto an old handkerchief that he says you used to wear around your head when your hair needed to be dyed again."

Katsuki pats each of their heads as he gets closer to Eijiro's grave. "You've missed so much, Eijiro. I've done my best to keep the kids from turning out like me with my temper. I think I've done a good job at that. Kaito seems to be the most like me if you get what I mean. I've told him that he's my son until he tells me otherwise. I don't think he quite understands now, but when he does, I hope he feels comfortable enough to tell me." Tears pool in Katsuki's eyes. "I miss you so damn much. It's easier with Deku, but there are days where even he can't help me. At least he understands that he'll always have to share my heart with you. I love you, and I always will."

Later that night, after they've set up camp and the kids are asleep, Katsuki feels Izuku get up from his place beside him. He gives his boyfriend a moment before following after him. What he finds brings a smile to his face and tears to his eyes.

"Hey, Kirishima-kun. I'm sorry I didn't talk to you earlier, but I thought I'd give you some time with your family before I asked the question I really want to." Izuku pulls something out of his pocket. "I've loved Kacchan for most of my life, but I knew that I never stood a chance, especially after you came into the picture. I hate that your death is what brought us together, but I really do love him. You had him first, so I feel it's only right that I ask you this before I ask him. Kirishima-kun, will you be okay if I ask Kacchan to marry me? You're not going to haunt me or anything if I do, right?"

Katsuki chuckles. "Pretty sure Shitty Hair would be happy to know that I'm happy with you, you damn nerd."

"K-kacchan, how l-long have you been standing there?"

"Long enough." Katsuki gives Izuku a sly smirk. "You might as well ask now since I already know."

Izuku gulps nervously, then steadies himself, trying not to stutter from the nerves. "Kacchan, I've loved you our whole lives. I know it sounds weird that I loved you even when you were being a bully, but I did, and I still do." He drops to one knee. "I know you were the one who asked Kirishima-kun, but this time, I want to be the one who asks. Bakugou Katsuki, will you do me the honor of becoming my husband?"

Katsuki smirks, walking closer to his nerd. He pulls something out of his pocket. "Only if you do the same for me, you damn nerd."

Both men smile wide as they swap rings.

"While I'm sure Eijiro would be happy to see us together, maybe we should walk out of his sight before kissing," Katsuki suggests, pulling Izuku with him. Deku may not have been Katsuki's first love, but he's definitely glad to have him by his side now.

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