Chapter 4

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Katsuki barely listens to the pre-recorded message this time. He's heard it every day since Eijiro first went missing three months ago. He has the message memorized, and now he just listens to the sound of his love's voice. Some days, he even calls multiple times just to hear it.

"Raccoon Eyes is trying to insist on throwing a baby shower," he starts out his message. "I don't think I could handle an event like that, though. Too many people seeing me like this, all fat and emotional."

"Deku's been staying over again. Apparently my pregnancy has reopened the rift between him and Icy Hot about becoming parents. Deku wants kids, I've always known that. Fuck, when we were kids, I promised him I'd surrogate for him one day if he ended up married to a guy. Fucking Half and Half is afraid of becoming his father, though. He shouldn't fucking worry about it, but he does. He doesn't want kids at all saying his brother can keep the family going without him."

Katsuki drags his hand down his face. "The reason I fucking called is because I found of the gender today. I wish you were here to see them on that screen, and when I say them, I don't mean it in the gender neutral way. There's two of them in me. How the fuck did you manage to get me pregnant with twins, and then disappear. Reminds me of Deku's worthless father who abandoned them after they found out the nerd was quirkless, but you didn't mean to disappear, I know you didn't." The tears have started again. The man hates that he can't control his emotions due to the hormones raging through his body, but he reminds himself that the two little ones, the two perfect mixes of himself and Eijiro will be worth it in the end.

"Anyways, like I was saying, I found out their genders today. They're fraternal, so if we're lucky, one will have my quirk, and the other will have yours. Twin A is a boy and Twin B is a girl. I still have the list of names you wanted for each. Since you can't be here to choose, I'll pick from that. Although, I'm not naming our son Crimson Riot," Katsuki chuckles a little at this. "Nice try slipping that name in the list, but that's a hero name, not something you actually name a kid."

"Deku coming over has been a big help. I mean, he's been helping me since you went missing, making sure that there's always food in the house for Kasumi and I. I can't believe she's one already. Did I tell you about her party last week? It was hard, letting our friends in to see me like this, but it was nice to see them all, and they tried their best to make me feel better. The best part was when she started throwing cake at Dunce Face. Apparently she didn't like the funny faces he was making and wanted to let him know in the only way she could think of. It was hell to clean it all up, but watching her do it was too funny. I got it on video too, and I'll show it to you when you come home."

Katsuki's voice is breaking, and he knows he needs to finish this message soon before he breaks down completely. "Just come home to us, Shitty Hair. I fucking miss you."

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