Chapter 3

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Katsuki has just put Kasumi down for a nap when he grabs his phone. Eijiro has been missing for a month now, and he has called every single day in hopes that the phone will pick up. He needs the phone to be picked up.

"I wish you would pick up the phone just once, Shitty Hair. It always rings through, so I know your phone is being charged. If you've been listening to these messages, please, just turn on your location settings so we can find you."

Katsuki decides to move on to telling Eijiro everything that he's missing out on. "Kasumi finally said her first word. Or well words because she said two at once. She was asking for you. Her first words were 'Where's Papa?' I wish I knew the answer to that question for her. We need you home."

"I finally told everyone about the baby. Deku already knew because we work at the same fucking agency, but everyone else was shocked. I mean, I guess it is kind of shocking since I never told anyone about me, but once they all got past that, they started congratulating us. If only you were here for them to say it to you."

He rubs his eyes planning on taking a nap himself after he finishes this message. "Eyebags finally fucking proposed to Dunce Face. With how many years those two have been dating, I honestly would have thought he would have done that ages ago. Dunce Face was half tempted to ask Eyebags. I mean, you and I have been married for seven years, and we got married three years after we graduated UA, so that's ten years that he's kept Dunce Face waiting. I fucking asked you at graduation."

"Round Face and Sonic are about to have baby number two as well. She's like five months along, and the girls are making her host a gender reveal. Go figure, the damn frog is the one who knows and gets to set everything up. Raccoon Eyes is the one who convinced her to do it, though. I'm not surprised, she'd do anything to have a party for something."

"Dunce Face says you need to get your ass home. Says he needs to return the favor of you asking him to be your best man by asking you the same, but if you're not back by the time they get married, you're being replaced by Tape Face."

"Please, Eijiro, just answer just once, or turn your location settings back on. We need to find you. Please. I love you. I need you."

Katsuki throws his phone on charge before collapsing on the bed. He doesn't know how much more of this he can take. With his husband missing, and the dysphoria his pregnancy is inducing. The only things holding him even slightly together are the fact that Kasumi needs him, and the hope that the baby comes out looking like Eijiro.

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