A/N : What's to come

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Hey! You guys haven't heard from me in a while ... And that's exactly why I'm publishing this author's note. I couldn't just let you think I was dead, or worse, not coming back to make the sequel.

If you couldn't tell from the fact that I'm writing this here on my completed prequel, and from the fact that there's nothing else on my account yet, I'm not ready to publish book 2. I know I said I'd have it ready around this time, but uh, I don't think I have enough written and edited to put out at the moment. However, I can promise that I'll have it out before Christmas. And to help you make it until then, I'll leave you guys with a few things:

1. The cover of ... REMINISCE! (aka the sequel)

To be honest, I'm not sure how I feel about how this cover turned out or how it compares with the cover of TSATS (book 1)

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To be honest, I'm not sure how I feel about how this cover turned out or how it compares with the cover of TSATS (book 1). Still, I don't think I'm going to be changing it.

2. A little something to keep in mind.

In light of recent events occurring in Tower of God, and me realizing just what kind of complicated issues I'm going to have to deal with, I've come to a bit of an uncertain decision. And that is this: while I'm still going to be writing book 2, I may eventually come back to this story and write an alternate ending. Now I'm only doing this because, while I am a sucker for angst in my writing, I still want to give my characters a decent ending ... and I'm not sure if I'll be able to do that with the plot I'm going to have to work with. So I guess look forward to a possible Chapter 27 and Epilogue 2.0 😅

3. Another something to look forward to.

Soooo my older sister happens to be writing a story for a certain hxh character who slightly reminds me of White (*cough* the clown *cough*). And so, for the fun of it, we've decided to write a little crossover including her two MCs and mine. I'm not sure when we're going to put it out, but it'll likely be on both of our accounts so you won't miss it. In the meantime, go check her out @cordoveyn. You'll definitely like her writing style if you liked mine (since she's the better author tbh).

With that being said, I'll see you guys in either another unexpected author's note/update or in Reminisce! 👋

(If you have any questions regarding this story, the sequel, my thoughts on recent TOG chapters, or anything else, feel free to ask ❤)

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