Night of Rememberance.

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(All questions will go to the "Hidden Secrets")

(Cursing, slightly sexual topics, bloody stuff, and more-)

"Where is he?"


There was no way for the Aloje Waves to not laugh at Green's reaction to Dijon's response. Cedar even supported it by showing up and going to where they were. He looked very ill as he paused and stared at the empty space in front of him. Dijon gently called out.

"Cedar... where were you going?" Cedar paused before looking at the speaker.

"I...." His tired voice said it all as he gripped his head. "I was going to get some medicine cause I woke up to a headache." Dijon smiled before going over and taking his hands.

"Come on... let's go get you to bed. I'll get you the medicine afterwards." They disappeared back through the door. Minutes later, Dijon returned and opened a cupboard. Crepe sighed.

"You can tell he's sick just by knowing he wasn't the second one awake."

"Why's that the reason?" The other Aloje Dexters sent a glare at Sage, who chuckled.

"Because he always wakes up after the early bird unless early bird wakes up later." Sage grinned.

"Sunrise sharp this morning." The others groaned as Lapis frowned.

"Has anyone beaten you?"

"Discounting Dijon staying up all night, no." Dijon chuckled as Sage growled. "And that was uncalled for." Yellow sent a concerning look as the redhead spoke.

"It's called I'm a hunter and sleep on a new moon is like using HYPNOSIS on Noctowl. You're wasting you time. Besides, it fucking pisses people off and I get things done. So get off my back, will ya?" He filled a cup with water and went back to where Cedar was. Moments later he returned and paused. "Speaking of Hunters... I best get going. I have a Hunt meet to go to..."

And then he was gone. With a tap of his foot, he then had vanished. Green frowned at that.


"Oh holy fucking no!"

Dijon's blade already had taken off 5 heads. Don't ask why, but it did. He was currently letting it race around his hand, which just looked unsafe, while glaring at Kincaid. The Dimwit leader gulped before someone called out to the hunter.


And that's when Kincaid lost his head. It wasn't even a 'see you in hell' sort of deal. That thing was off without Dijon moving that far. Someone screamed from afar while a group cheered him on from somewhere. He huffed as a black smoke came from the newly beheaded body and into the sword. He huffed before turning to see the rest of the hunt and the seniors running over. Aria smiled.

"Dude, that was awesome!" He gave a faint smile.

"Better at night."


"Dijon-" Blue sighed as he scanned his junior. "You didn't have to kill him."

"He was testing me."

"Don't test a hunter."

"That's rule #4."

"Are you kidding me..." Dijon grinned before he perked up.

"Last one to the grounds has to grab Arctic."

That hunt was gone faster than Yellow could move. And that was pretty fast. Blue blinked at that as Green sighed.

"Someone has some answers to give."

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