Heroine's Dance.

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(All questions will go to the "Hidden Secrets)

(Warnings for whatever comes)

Table of Contents
Going around faster than Surprise
Boom, boom, plan
This Crew is the Definition of Insane


(Going Around Faster than Surprise)

Bonnie yelped as someone clashed with Krokopatra. The speed of the person was incredible and they almost didn't hesitate. Hayden gulped.

"Hey!" A hum followed before a katana came into view.


The guards collapsed. Not even a thought, just drop. The others froze before the person clashed with the Queen again.

"You, Queen Krokopatra, shall fall for your sins."

"Make me."

"Fine." Hearing that, weapons broke the clash before the duel began, Storm clashing with Death. Another group of guards raced forward before the person casted.

"Moon Crescent!"

A white, crescent shaped light hit the guards, gaining screams of pain before they dropped. Death overpowered Storm as the Queen hissed.

"No-" The person appeared behind Krokopatra with a hum.


With a quick slice, she dropped. The person hummed before disappearing. Harper gulped.

"What the-"


Harley froze up. They were against the Pendragon and the Sword of Kings had done nothing.

"Oh shit-" Suzie gritted her teeth before someone shouted behind them.


The sword hummed before glowing softly. Someone raced forward, grabbing the sword from Harley while tossing something behind. A second person caught the object before the first person lifted the sword.


The second attempt of the sacred move work, crashing a blinding light down upon the Pendragon and brought a loud roar. The light faded before the person gingerly placed the sword down and reached back. The second person tossed the object back, revealing a katana. Unsheathing the Mooshu Style Sword, the person pointed to a cave in the back as the light revealed it.

"Moon Serpent!"

A light escaped the cave before something raced forward, zipping into the cave before skidding to a halt next to the person, handing them a vial. They sheathed the katana before taking it.

"Perfect." The second person joined them as Suzie scanned them. The light finally vanished, revealing King Artorius. The lead person went over and handing him the vial. "Your highness."


"Lookie here."

The group turned before seeing the mysterious person, followed by two familiar people.

"It would be a shame if someone had to cut up a shadow queen."


(Boom, Boom, Plan)

First Boom: Sepidius.

Hearing the screams was beautiful. It was near Medulla did Anavell paused.

"So... does someone else want to do this?" Suzie's face said it all.

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