Three Mysteries.

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(All questions will go to the "Hidden Secrets")

(This actually contributes to three major squad series. So take notes for above.)

Table of Contents

Quest of Stars: Mystery of Stars

Kingsisle Sistering Series: Heroine Sisters

Generation of Power: Her Breath of Hope


(Quest of Stars)
(This is one of many formats. May need help)

A tremble crossed the whole region as a loud scream followed. Ash and Serena, who were testing out the league, paused with the Elite 4 before someone ran over.

"Where was that!?" They glanced at the person before Ice paused.

"That looks like Research City."

"Then don't just stand there! Let's go!"


They arrived as the other league members joined them. Kellyn trembled as he tried to call someone, which didn't seem to be working. The person that led the way hugged him as he teared up.

"Shh..." Ash gulped as Kellyn got words out.

"Vitor... he's still in there... he's the only one not responding..." The person rubbed his back as he buried his head into her shoulder. Paul gulped as he took the Ranger into his arms.

"We'll get him out... calm down..." He didn't move before the person gulped.

"I will punch someone into next week-"

"Eyrin, relax."


Vitor couldn't move as he tried to stay awake. Some jerk in a hazmat suit had trapped him in a stasis tank and he was losing connection with reality. He softly blinked before nodding off, hoping for help.


Kellyn's tears got worse as he curled up into a ball, only Paul able to get close to him. Eyrin had tried three different ways to get into the city, all failing. So she was struggling to not break down into tears. Pikachu had a good attempt, one Thunderbolt surpassing the barrier keeping the radiation in and shocked most of the attackers. Sadly, that's all it could achieve without breaking the barrier. Kellyn whined a little before burying his face in Paul's arms.

"Darn it..."


Vitor's mind was still awake, but lost when a light pulled his attention. Mentally, he turned before pausing.

"Hello?" The light hummed before a voice spoke.

"Have no fear, child. I will free you and get you to the safety of your family. Be ready to wake."

He blinked softly before the light blinded him.


Eyrin literally short-circuited.

A powerful light filled the air, forcing the clouds to scatter. The others paused before Harmony shot a glare at Eyrin.

"Which one is it?" She didn't respond as she sat down, her eyes sparkling as she spoke in a soft tone.

"No way..."

No words escaped the light before it raced down, encasing the city before blinding all watching. It took a moment to die down before a fainter light landed near them, carrying a familiar person that got Kellyn moving.

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