The Night After

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Note From Author: 
This is the first time I've tried writing a graphic scene like this. I hope it's okay.

Esme's POV

I watched Carlisle as he spoke proudly of our children. When he broke to let another speak, his eyes would connect with mine and he'd smile. I always smiled back. I wasn't sure if I had stopped smiling since we all returned from the clearing.
     I tried not to, always tried to not think of it, but we just faced potential death. So I was undressing Carlisle with my eyes. Remembering the curve of his neck, the softness of his chest.
     Then I made myself stop there. Think of something else. Anything else. Edward didn't need those thoughts.
     Bella and Edward were the first to stand. 
     "We should get home," Bella said. "Get this one to bed."
     "Of course," Carlisle replied and stood with them.
     "The sleeping will stop once she's reached fully grown," Nahuel informed us. "When I was growing, I slept every night, once grown, I could sleep if I wanted but did not have to."
     Bella approached me for her first goodbye. Edward's first goodbye was to Emmett, which at first didn't quite make sense then Edward came to me for a goodbye before Carlisle.
     "You're not alone in your thoughts," he whispered to me during our embrace, so quiet and so soft that I was sure no one else heard him.
     I wasn't alone in my thoughts? What did that mean? Were all the others undressing their mates in their minds? Waiting for the suitable moment to strike? Was Carlisle?
     I felt like blushing. I wanted to. On instinct, though I would never blush, I covered my cheeks before taking a deep breath and lowering my hands. My eyes immediately went to Carlisle saying goodbye to Bella and Nessie, his eyes were already on me.
     Before my mind travelled, I looked away.
     Nahuel was looking at Huilen.
     "We should leave also," he said and stood with his aunt.
     "Feel free to stay as long as you would like," Carlisle encouraged.
     No, please leave. "You're more than welcome here," I added.
     "Thank you, for your hospitality," Nahuel said. "But it has been a long journey for my aunt."
     "Of course, we apologies Huilen, you must be quite thirsty," Carlisle said. "Please, don't be strangers."
     "We will visit once the girl is grown," Huilen spoke with a smile. "My nephew would be excited to meet someone of his own kind, who isn't one of his sisters."
     "We will look forward to that, as I am sure Nessie would, too," Carlisle replied.
     "Well, I'm not satisfied," Emmett said and stood, walking to the door. "I've got so much energy, prepped for a fight. Come on, Jasper, let's go."
     "We'll go to the clearing," Alice chirped in. "You two will need the space."
     Rosalie sighed and rolled her eyes. A new habit I wasn't quite fond of. Then I realised that all the kids would be leaving.
     "You're all going?" I asked.
     "Someone has to make sure they don't tear each other apart," Rosalie said and stood with the boys.
     "Don't worry, Esme. We'll be back in one piece," Alice ran up to me and hugged me tightly.
     "I think I'll stay here," Esme said. "I just went through enough stress, I don't really want more worries of those two tearing each other apart."
     Emmett and Jasper laughed and began running off.
     Rosalie and Alice said their goodbyes before starting to leave. Alice only stopped in the doorway, turned back to us, smiled and said, "have fun" then ran after them.
     Have fun... that was the same thing she said to Bella and Edward at the cottage.
     Then, my mind settled. Carlisle and I were alone.
     I turned to Carlisle, he was still watching where the children disappeared. A tension on his jaw. Tension?
     I rushed to his side and brushed his jaw with my fingers. I felt it soften at my touch.
     I felt the warmth and static that came with touching him, the strength his touch filled me with, and wanted more.
     I glided my other hand down his chest until I scooped under his shirt to his stomach. It clenched then released at my touch.
     His eyes closed when his stomach clenched. As it relaxed, his eyes opened and he was looking at me. His eyes swimming with such happiness and hope. I had to smile back at him.
     He turned so his fill body was facing me and his hands, in a blink, were on my face.
     "So, this is why they all left," Carlisle whispered.
     His hands glided down my neck, shoulders, breasts, stomach until he reached my hips and pulled me closer to him. Mine right beside his. I wanted to kiss him but he moved his lips away.
     "I was trying to conceal my thoughts," Carlisle whispered. His breath... the sweetness of it making my head spiral in the best of ways. "I suppose I was not good enough. Or fast enough."
     "Please," broke through my lips in a breath. I was holding onto his face. Trying to bring him closer.
     There was a soft growl that escaped him. And I finally won my battle.
     His lips on mine relieved a tension I had not known I was holding. His large hands crept up my back, softening me under every brush.
     I wanted him to touch more of me. I wanted to touch more of him.
     One of Carlisle's hands moved to cup my face. He caressed it.
     Carlisle, always the strongest, broke our faces apart. Both of us were gasping for the air we didn't need.
     I opened my eyes. Carlisle's were still closed, and his soft lips were still twitching. Anticipation?
     "Carlisle, what is it?" I asked. "Do you have something on your mind?"
     His eyes opened and I realised how much danger I was in. Carlisle was reigning in a monster. A vampire fuelled by something other than bloodlust.
     "Shall we?"
     I let myself slip out from between his hands. With all the strength I could muster and walked away from him. I felt cold, empty without his touch and craved, longed for his touch again. But not there. Not in the foyer.
     He stayed where he stood on the ground floor until I opened our bedroom door.
     He rushed upstairs.
     I took a few steps in and turned to greet him.
     At least he remembered to close the door behind him.
     Once the door was closed his shirt was quickly removed, taking me by surprise as it always did. And his lips were once against back on mine. This time with a thirst to them. A desire that was so deep.
     A desire I shared.
     While we walked, while very passionately kissing, to the bed I was undoing his trousers.
Carlisle tried to undo the zip of my jeans but tore it instead making himself stop moving. Stop breathing. He hated breaking my clothes. I'd always remember the conversation where he told me it made him feel like a monster.
     "It's just clothes, Carlisle," I had told him.
     But now. At this moment. His momentary freeze was the coldest, the most painful thing I had experienced. So I forced my lips back on his.
     Carlisle was kissing me back but still not moving. So I finished what was left of my bottom half and pushed my hips to his.
     He slid between my legs effortlessly and that growl I loved so much, returned.
     Though in my mind, I wanted to punish him for hurting me like that. So I grasped his shoulders and threw him onto the bed, to quickly climb on top.
     My plan had been to take my time, torture him with my touch and tongue. I was already holding his arms by his side but the moment I felt him at my entrance. Ready. Waiting. Burning. Yearning.
     I could have lost him today. We could have fought with the Volturi and I could have lost him.
     Burning yearning. Craving a touch not yet filled.
     So I lowered myself onto him.
     He groaned and sat up. His hands broke free of their weak restraints and grasped my back and bottom.
     I wanted to kiss him as he tried to bring his lips to mind. But I also wanted to enjoy this.
     It had been the first time we'd done this since Bella and Edward returned from our island.
     Carlisle was trapped under me, inside me, I could feel he wanted to move. Thrust. But he couldn't under me. His lips searching for mine.
     I lifted myself away from him and fought a groan as the friction sent such strength and heat through me.
     Carlisle pulled my hips back down to his. Making my gasp from the sudden, quick, amazing pain of the impact and his eyes fly open in worry. Always worry that he'd hurt me. But never did.
I spared him one little kiss, then pushed him back onto his back.
     "Esme," he groaned as I lifted myself again, and lowered. He began lifting his chest again but I held him down. "Esme."
     I waited until he opened his eyes before lifting myself and dropping. We both gasped.
     I began taking my shirt and bra off. Carlisle watched with a smile of anticipation. Of course, now he wasn't sitting, he had more room to move. So kept doing small movements, moving him around inside me. He brushed something inside that shot heat through me. Craving. Wanting. Yearning for more.
     Instinctively I dropped down so our chests touched. Though I had tried to reign in my own monster. Tried to control her lust. That little brush made me lose all control of my urges.
     So I sped up. I moved my hips more urgently away from and towards his.
     Carlisle sat us up. Getting him a different angle that would brush that tender point with every movement. His hands were firm on my bottom, helping control my vicious rise and fall over him. Around him. Though the more he brushed that tender point inside me, the less I had the strength to work with.
     "Carlisle," I whimpered as my body burnt for release. "Car-"
     Carlisle chuckled against me as the burning of pleasure increased. Carlisle was in full control now. I no longer had the strength. My muscles were weak, trying to help him, but failing through their pending release.
     Carlisle groaned and grasped me tighter. Forcing himself to remain at the same pace for me.
     I felt him inside growing, pulsing. As he grew with his nearing release triggered such power inside as his new firmness and girth brushed that hidden spot on my wall.
     Not wanting to scream too loudly, I bit down on his shoulder as he did mine. I screamed into his shoulder and felt him groan into mine. I felt the dampness. The wet of his release but even done, I wanted more. Craved for more, and so did he. So we kept moving.
     The pleasure was painful but one of the most amazing things I had experienced.
     Moving with Carlisle. Every brush of the point inside sent me a flurry.
     "Car... Carlisle-" I struggled to say. "Carlisle. Please. Please."
     He groaned and grasping me tightly, rolled us over so I was on my back.
     Carlisle separated our faces long enough to grasp my legs and bring them over his shoulders. Then he leaned forward to kiss me while he continued to move himself in, then out. In then out.       In the same, violent, vicious movement. Except, this time it was better. Instead of brushing my sensitive spot, he was impaling it at the same time.
     Brush poke brush, brush poke brush.
     Though with Carlisle now where he was, he had much more freedom of movement and the brushing and poking grew faster and stronger. Harder and faster.
     I was near screaming again before we knew it.
     Carlisle pushed into me once, but then stopped.
     My mind, being what it had just gone through, registered his actions with an oncoming danger. So I listened. I heard nothing, I smelt nothing other than Carlisle and myself filling the room. So if there was no danger, why did he stop?
     "Wait for me, Esme," he pleaded.
     Oh, that's why.
     "I... I'll try."
     He chuckled and moved slower. Brush poke brush. Brush poke brush. Brush poke brush.
     I couldn't focus on anything else. Other than Carlisle's constant sensual movement inside me.
     Brush poke brush. Pop.
     He had slipped out of me when I had approached my release one more.
     Wait for him. How? When he was doing things so painful, so magical and amazing.
     But now he was gone.
     "Carlisle," I whimpered. "Carlisle, please. Please."
     "You're not waiting," he whispered.
     His voice smothered the flames the tiniest bit until he kissed down my chest and bit over my breast. I screamed as my muscles convulsed. He bit suckled, licked my erect breast enough to kindle the flame and not put it out entirely.
     I felt his fingers brush my clitoris and a whole different shock went through me. Another tender point.
     The overbearing sensations as he kept a finger out but slid two of them into my opening.
     So while he was stimulating my breasts, he also stimulated my internal sensitive point and my external one.
     "Wait for me," he whispered into my breast.
     "You're making that impossible," I rushed to speak knowing I wouldn't have the strength soon very shortly.
     He chuckled and kept at it until my release. Grasping his hair and the bed. Tearing the sheets accidentally.
     Carlisle cleaned up my mess before effortlessly sliding himself back in.
     Tender. Sensitive. We weren't in a position where he was poking my sensitive spot anymore but he didn't need to be. I was already burning, swelling, engulfed in the pleasurable heat that even as he grew and expanded with his impending release, and that growth affected and touched me. Once again, our releases came in unison.
     Only this time, did we stop after.
     He remained inside me, so every time his muscles contracted and made him move, it would touch a sensitive area and my body involuntarily groaned.
     "I liked that shirt on you," Carlisle mumbled into my neck. At some point during it all, it had been destroyed in the moment.
     I laughed and he rolled us over so I was on top again. But he sat up to look at me. Still connected, always connected. Now, as we sat there, he was resting against my innermost sensitive area. Initially, I started the fire again, but without movement, the flame quietened.
     "Deep breaths, my love," he whispered.
     I laughed again and finally opened my eyes to look at him once the fire was quiet enough.
     He smiled at me. Smiled like a child caught with their hands in a cookie jar.
     "I am sorry for your clothes," he whispered.
     "They're just clothes, Carlisle," I reminded him.
     "Shh. I will have none of that." I brushed my hands around his shoulders, wrapped my fingers in his hair and rested my head on his shoulder. "Not while sitting like this."
     "Esme, do I have your divine permission to leave for a moment? I wish to take some notes about today's events."
     Ah, he was distracted.
     "You want to leave?" I asked and lifted myself the length of him without letting him fall out. And slowly slid me down him again. Both of us groaned. Hands tightening.
     "No. No, I don't," he said from between his teeth as he tried to push himself further into me.
     But I was in control again. I lifted myself until his end and stayed there. Fighting against Carlisle's urges pulling me back down.
     "Tell me what notes you wished to take," I instructed. "I'm curious."
     "I... Esme..."
     "Tell me?" I was winning.
     "The not–"
     He broke off with a growled as I lowered myself over him again.
     Quick lift to his end. His breath was coming in gasps.
     "The notes?" I asked.
     He opened his eyes and looked at me.
     "Why are you doing this?" He asked. "Esme..."
     I put a finger over his lips, which he parted enough for me to slip it in. While sliding down him, I felt him tense and try not to close his jaw over my finger. That could have ended painfully. Oops.
     "Tell me you love me," I ordered.
     He tore my hand from his mouth and pushed to press his lips on mine. Eager. Forceful. Burning. Yearning.
     "Carlisle," I gasped between kisses "Tell me."
     "I love you," Carlisle said under me. "Esme. I love you, so much."
     I tightened my legs and arms around him, this time I flipped us over so he was on top again.
     "I love you, Carlisle. So, so much."
     He chuckled, grinned, bit my lip and pushed himself into me once more.

Even when the sun came up we didn't stop. The sun came through the window, hitting Carlisle and making him the most beautiful being on the planet.
     We did stop moving, to enjoy each other's monstrous beauty. But him remaining inside me tickled my urges too much. I moved my hips and he returned to me as vigorously as before.

Edward's POV

I sent a text to Jacob while Bella dressed.
     "We should stay here today, love," I suggested.
     "Why?" Bella asked.
     "I'll explain when Jacob gets here," I said. "He will needlessly ask the same question. Do not worry, my love, all is well."
     She slipped a lose fitted grey shirt on. Covering everything perfect about her and still remaining beautiful.
     I had been frozen watching her dress, so now she watched me with a greedy smile.
     With just my jeans on, and not even done up, I looked at my Bella, rushed to her and held my lips to hers once more. The reminders of the previous night filled my head alongside a craving for more.
     She broke my sexual train of thought with one word, "Nessie".
     Right, she would wake up soon.
     So I dressed and we made our way to Nessie.
     She woke and grinned when she saw us. Reached out for Bella and my beautiful bride took our daughter in her arms.
     Nessie had long since developed the mental age making her too old to let me help her with getting ready, but Bella was all too happy to. Nessie chose to dress herself today. In a matching outfit to her mother. I laughed when I saw them.
     We sat in the lounge, reading while Nessie played on the carpet. We were like that when Jake arrived. Phased outside, put his shorts on and rushed in.
     "Jake," Bella said and went to hug her long friend.
     "Hey, guys. What are we doing here?" Jacob asked. "Not back at the big house?"
     Nessie looked up at us. She hadn't realised we weren't going home. We were staying here.
     "Not today," I said feeling embarrassed for my parents.
     "Why?" Bella asked.
     Nessie reached for her mother and pressed a hand to her cheek. While looking at me. Asking us both the same question. Why couldn't she go home to see the others?
     "Alice suggested last night that we not be home for two days," I explained.
     "Why?" Jacob asked. Nessie repeated the question in Bella's mind.
     "To give Carlisle and Esme some much-needed privacy."
     Bella gasped. "Oh!" she said. Her brows raised. "Two days?"
     "Huh?" Jacob asked.
     Nessie had a questioning look on her face. The images she out in Bella's mind were... well one was last night. She had woken up thirsty and had heard noises from our room last night. She hadn't gone to investigate before of another memory. When she had escaped her crib and had found us, we had taught her about privacy.
     She envisioned Carlisle And Esme's faces with a question. The same privacy?
     She already knew that what she heard was to never be shown to anyone else. She made the internal promise to us. Not even Jacob.
     "Yes," I answered.
     "Guys, come on! I'm not a telepath!" Jacob complained. "What's going on?"
     "Just two days?" Bella asked.
     For fucks sake, Jacob thought.
     "Aren't they supposed to be, the supercontrolled, calm parents of a bunch of vamps?" Bella asked.
     "Bella, love, they haven't... enjoyed each other's company, since our return from Isle Esme."
     "Really?" Bella asked.
     Wait... Jake thought. Are they talking about what I think they're talking about?
     "At first they were too worried for you. Then they were too worried for Nessie. Then they were too worried for the Volturi. It's been a long time for them."
     Yep, sex. They're talking about sex. Jacob finally caught on.
     "Do they want a bit longer than two days?" Bella asked.
     "Alice said that two is how long it takes Esme to start having her mind back enough to start missing us."
     Bella chuckled and nodded.
     "Tomorrow then," she said.
     I thought because vamps don't sleep, the doc and missus would be at it every night, Jacob thought.
     "Carlisle and Esme are different to the others," I explained to Jacob. "They have a thing for privacy. They will not do anything, while we're all home."
     "So, are the others coming here then?" Jacob asked.
     "Not all of them," I said and laughed. "Emmett and Rose are breaking trees further north. But Alice and Jasper might later on."
     We had lost Nessie in our words without a proper explanation of what we were talking about.      She didn't like being confused.
     "We'll explain once you're older," Bella promised.
     Nessie repeated that sentence back to Bella. Showing us she'd hold Bella to that.

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