La Tua Cantante

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This contains references to my OC and MC of Blood Moon.


Clinic duty. I loved working in the hospital clinic and today was no different. The only downfall to clinic duty was the lack of time to speak with Esme. Though there was no difference, today was plenty different.

I walked out to call my next patient, "Catherine Howler". A young woman, the same age as Esme had been. All her notes said on her paperwork was 'pain'. I'd have to educate the nurses on appropriate documentation for admissions.

I waited for a little bit for Catherine to slowly stand from her seat. I noticed how she winced and heard her heart skip. Pain in her legs or abdomen?

Then the door slid open, letting in more guests. The scent was knocked into me more powerful than I had ever experienced. It didn't matter that the fragrance coming off the human was tainted by others. My eyes easily found the owner of the scent. A tourist by the looks of her. Good, no one would recognise the girl. As for the others...

It wouldn't take long at all. Though, in this clinic, there was a lot of collateral. Nurses, other patients.


I could see, and smell, the floral blood pumping through her system. I had considered myself selfish only twice in my life. Now a third time, for I knew that I needed to taste her.

The nurses, the other patients.


The clinic was not busy in the hour. I could easily lock the main doors. Though this was a hospital and the elevator and door to the remainder of the hospital would be the biggest issue. I'd have to deal with them first.

Unless this traveller, whose life would be not extended beyond today, ended up being assigned to me. Then there would be less collateral. The secret is better kept.

Catherine Howler was still struggling to stand as I made my plans.


I sat at the computer. I was organising a new wardrobe for my sisters, niece, and mom. Esme was standing behind me. She wasn't giving opinions, she was just observing how I'd select an article or outfit, put it in the cart, look ahead to the future to see how they'd look in it and if I didn't like what I saw, I simply removed it from the cart.

Edward was on his piano as per usual. Bella and Nessie were playing chess, Nes was going to win. Jake was on a run, Jasper and Emmett were having a match outside and Rose was watching them. Everything was wondering. I was happy. Everyone was happy.

Suddenly my vision was in the hospital clinic. I recognised the inside of Carlisle's room; he always had the same one when on clinic duty.

I could hear Edward's playing slowed down as we watched. Why was I seeing...

A woman walked in. Young. I didn't recognise her from anywhere in town. A traveller perhaps?

I screamed when... when Carlisle's jaw closed over the girl's throat. Edward stopped playing his piano, his hands frozen on one singular note. The girl's final cord.

"Edward?" I heard Bella ask.

I could feel Jasper behind me, resting his hands on my shoulder since I had screamed. Suddenly, the vision changed. Esme decided to call Carlisle. It saved the girls life because of course he'd answer her call. She'd call his mobile, not his work phone so her name would be on the screen.

"Esme, love, I'm with a patient, can I call you back?" he would ask her.

"Alice has had a vision, Carlisle. She screamed," Esme would quickly say.

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