If Jacob wasn't quick enough - Alice's POV

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I missed Edward. I knew I missed Edward. I also missed feeling as if I missed him rather than the acceptance Jas kept making us all feel.
He was somewhere near Rio now. Still running. Still hunting Victoria. I wish I could help him but I haven't seen Victoria since we left Forks and that worried me as much as I missed having Edward around.
I was searching for her. Always. While Carlisle and Esme unknowingly flirted over a game of chess that would lead to the rest of us giving them some privacy tonight. Rose was reading while Emmett and Jas watched a baseball game on TV. I was searching. For both Victoria and keeping an eye on Edward.
Then suddenly, I wasn't looking at either of them. I was looking at Bella. She was standing on the edge of the cliff. Had she lost weight?
I felt a pang of guilt realizing I should have been keeping a closer eye on her, but she had become harder to see as well.
"Alice," I heard Jas gasp as he ran over to me.
He must have looked at me wanting to know why I suddenly felt guilty.
"What is it? What do you see?" He asked.
"Is it Edward?" Esme asked, her voice full of hope that he'd come home.
"Bella," I whispered. Then she jumped. "No!"
I pushed past Jas to grab the keys to the Mercedes. I'd need the tint. But before I could grab them Jasper's hands went around me.
"Let me go! I'm going to be too late!" I cried. Grief. Pain. Guilt. I should have been keeping a closer eye on her.
"Alice, please. What did you-"
"Bella's going to jump off a cliff! She hits the water so maybe there's a chance of survival but she disappears after that. I have to go!"
The silence following was deafening.
"I'll come with you-"
"No. No, Jas. Stay here. Please. Stay. I'll call you. Carlisle, I need your car."
"Take it. Be quick, call if you need us," he said.
I also heard the words under it. Call if her heart is still beating enough to survive the change. If it came to that I'd bite her myself. Then drag Edwards stupid ass back home kicking and screaming if I had to.
While driving I kept slipping in and out of my vision. I got a brief flash of Edward calling me. His monthly check-in. But I didn't answer it. I couldn't tell him. Not yet.
So I let my phone ring out when he did call and I kept watching Bella jump over and over again.
If she survived I'd kill her.
I quickly checked on my family. Just to make sure they all had stayed like I told Jasper too. I had ruined Carlisle and Esme's night. Rose was still reading but the game had been abandoned on the screen. Emmett wanted to come help but Jas and Rose wouldn't let him.
Emmett... oh if only Bella knew how much he already loved her as he loved me.
Bella... please be alive.
I pulled up to the empty house and stayed in the car. And waited. Praying. Hoping. Why couldn't I see them? I couldn't see Charlie, Victoria... and now that I wasn't near Jasper the anxiety this blindness was giving me crept in. I tried to not let it take over. I had a job to do. I had to focus.
I kept looking.
Then I saw Charlie at the Hospital. Should I go there? Should I wait? Just in case?
I couldn't see Charlie anymore. Why? Why had he so suddenly vanished?
Curiosity took over and I turned the car towards Forks Memorial. I couldn't see the whole Hospital. What was going on?
I parked the car across the road and ran over but didn't go in. Trying to hear something. Or see through a window.
I looked through the window to the waiting room. Charlie was sitting there, head in his hands. He looked so... sad. He was surrounded by huge men and some women. One of the men's hair and shorts were wet.
Had he dragged her from the water? Why hadn't I seen that? Because his rescue attempt was unsuccessful?
One of them looked up and his eyes held on me. But that was impossible, I was too far away. No human could see me. So why did it feel like this one could?
He said something to another of the men, who looked out the window to me.
Oh, they definitely could see me.
But I had to stay. Had to know.
I guarded myself and prepared for anything when one of the buff men came out and I heard him quickly approach me.
"Are you all back?" He asked.
"What?" I asked.
"Are you all back? Do we need to retreat back to our lands to keep the treaty in peace?"
Oh my God, they were the werewolves! Carlisle has told Jas and me about them and how they'd be in the La Push area near Forks.
And now I know why I couldn't see them. Werewolves.
Which probably explained why I hadn't seen Bella either. The silly girl always hanging out with monsters. She should have gone to Florida with her mom.
"No," I answered. "It's just me. Why's everyone here? I came to check on Bella after we left."
"That's not your business anymore."
"Look, dog, she's my friend and I love her in ways you'd never be able to comprehend. Was she pulled out of the water? Where is she?" I snapped.
Sam held his hands up and sighed.
"Jake pulled her from the water." Jake must have been the one who was wet. "She's in there right now. The Doctors are trying to revive her."
Suddenly a very sullen looking Doctor walked into the waiting room. No one had seen him yet. Doctor Earl Bishop. I knew him. An older man and always envied Carlisle for his youthful look.
Now he had never looked older. Grief.
"No," I whimpered.
Doctor Bishop approaches the group and Charlie only lifted his head.
"Charlie, I... I'm sorry," he said.
Charlie sounded like he was choking. I felt like it too.
Bella was dead.
I had to hold onto the tree for a moment as the wave of crushing guilt bore down.
I should have been watching. Should have seen it coming.
I needed to see her. So I ran around the hospital, to the emergency rooms. She was in one without windows but I could hear. A few nurses were in there. I could hear them doing something with Bella. Cleaning her up?
I was too far to hear any heartbeats, but I had to know. Had to see.
So I snuck in through one of the staff entrances and held my breath as I ran fast enough that no one even saw me. I hid from view until the Nurses left to get Charlie and I then snuck in to see her.
"Bella," her name caught in my throat.
She was still dripping wet. She had sand in her hair. She was paler than normal. Almost grey.
And without a heartbeat.
"Come on, Bella. Please. Please," I pleaded. "Please."
Nothing. There was nothing.
She really was dead.
But I didn't have time to cry. I was suddenly watching Edward. In Volterra. Asking the Volturi to kill him.
"Edward's killing himself, too," I whimpered. "I don't know what to do. I don't know what to do. Bella, help me. I don't know what to..."
I looked at her as her heart very slowly made a very weak beat.
Was I just imagining it?
So now what?
I waited to see if it happened again but I kept thinking of Edward making his way to Volterra from Rio.
I didn't want to. But I needed help. And I needed to get out of this room, Charlie and the nurses were coming.
"Stay fighting, Bella. We can save you. Stay fighting," I whispered. "For me. For Edward."
I kissed her forehead then ran to Carlisle's old office. It was completely empty which was perfect, and I called them.
"Hello?" Carlisle answered.
"I don't know if it's enough but I heard her heart. Carlisle, please. I... she..."
"Alice, calm down," Carlisle said softly. "I'll try and get there but I'm not sure what I can do. I said in the treaty-"
"I didn't," I heard Esme say. "I didn't promise I'd never bite someone. If you help me, I'll do it."
"I don't know if you get here in time. Please. Also, I need ..." No. If I took Emmett and Jasper with me to Volterra, Carlisle and Esme would be vulnerable if the wolves don't like us saving her. If we even could.
I needed to get to Volterra alone.
"Bring the others. The wolves are here with Charlie," I stated and hung up and snuck out the window.
I went back to the waiting room window where there were a lot more tears now. Phone calls were being made. One of them had Charlie's phone and was calling Renee.  And it gave me an idea.
The one who had come out to talk to me looked at me.
"Can you hear me from in there?" I asked and he nodded. "Her heartbeat is very faint. But we can save her if you let us. Our venom has brought people back from worse conditions. Carlisle's on his way. Please. Let us save her?"
The one who was crying, Jake, looking up at me. His eyes were puffy from tears.
Jake nodded.
"Do it," the older one growled.
As I ran I texted Carlisle that the wolves had given us permission to save her. I added a lie, for Jasper, that I'd be staying there and listening. Make sure her heart stayed beating even weakly. But I wouldn't be able to get her out. She wouldn't be alone again until she was in the morgue.
I could see that, so that was a good thing, right?
I tried to see it as a good thing as I ran back to the car and raced for Port Angeles airport
I kept watching Edward and Bella. I knew I had to meet Edward at Volterra but what was I going to do? He'd think I was lying in my thoughts... but if I gave them to Aro...  every thought I'd ever had couldn't lie to him. Then the real trouble. Getting Edward and me out safely.
I planned on the plane. I closed the window and pretended to be asleep while I watched. Planned.
I saw how Jasper would see the Mercedes in the airport car park. He'd see my phone where I left it in the car.
Carlisle and Esme would keep him there. After all, maybe I was too distracted and simply left it there, after supposedly dropping the car off for them.
Jasper was going to be so angry with me when he learns the truth.
I tried to not focus on Jasper. I focused back on Edward and Bella.
I could still see Bella. I could see that we'd be quick enough. Carlisle would take her from the morgue as he had done Esme. And with the wolves permission to save Bella, Esme wouldn't have to torture herself.
I could now see that Bella was okay. Bella would be okay. It was firm. She had kept fighting. She'd make it. Now I only had to worry about Edward.
I knew my plan. There'd be a yellow Porsche in the airport car park. Quick. Easy to spot for me. Tinted windows which I'd need. All within easy reach for me.
I had learnt enough car mechanics from Rose to be able to start the car without its keys. Then get to Volterra. Quickly.
I was probably a little too quick when the seatbelt sign turned off in Italy and I rushed to make sure I was the first off the plane. Rushed to try and stay out of the sun while I went to the car. Started it. And drove.
I floored it. And was trying to not enjoy the speed of the car. Definitely faster than Edward's menial Aston Martin.
As I drove I saw the Volturi's decision. They wanted him and his talents. So they weren't going to kill him. So he'd make them.
"Edward, no! You idiot!"
I coached the dial further. Pushed the car faster. The engine purred in its acceptance and willingness to do what I asked.
"Good girl," I whispered to the car.
Would I get to Edward in time?
It was going to be hard. It was Saint Marcus day in Volterra. Too many humans. I worked to find a way around them.
I had no idea how but I knew I would.
I parked the Porsche amongst the thousands of other cars. And ran. They were all wearing red. So many heartbeats.
I stole a hat and scarf from a shop and got running again. I'd worry about evidence when Edward wasn't about to kill himself. I kept running. I went around the back of their castle and broke through the door. I knew immediately I'd be facing two guards. I could dodge them. Manoeuvre myself around them and keep running.
So when one of them pounced on me I ducked and pushed myself off the ground in time to dodge the second. And kept running.
Edward was leaving the main room. His plan was set.
I could hear the growling behind me from the guards chasing me.
"Edward!" I yelled. "Don't!"
"Alice..." Edward sighed. I could hear him.
He planned on being quick running outside right then and there.
"No! She's alive! She's alive, Edward wait!"
I planned on tackling him. But thought of tripping him. Watching his feet and how I'd be able to trip him at just the right moment before he reached the door.
I was close enough to him for him to hear me. I pushed all visions from my head. Filled it with images of Bella back in Forks. How Esme and Carlisle were with her. She was changing.
She was becoming a vampire. She had been strong enough to keep fighting.
Somehow I had successfully tricked Edward and flipped him over my head onto his back.
"Dammit, Edward! She's becoming one of us!" I yelled at him.
"You're lying," he said. He sounded so... defeated.
"Am I?" I knelt down to him. "Look, come back with me to Aro. Let me show him my mind and  you'll see I'm not lying."
"I know," I interrupted.
I had already foreseen how Aro would want my visions once he saw them. He didn't have anyone like me in the guard.
"But my mind can't lie to Aro. So please. And even if you're still not convinced... well then I'm dragging you back because I'm not leaving here alone!"
"Yes, you are. Alice. Go back to Jasper-"
"Believe me, I want to. But someone's gotta come save your stupid butt."
I pushed him back down the corridor.
"I'm not letting you kill yourself."
He growled deeply but turned to walk back down the corridor. Jane was there around the corner with a raised brow.
"Sorry for that," I said.
"It was amusing," she grinned and turned as well to go back to the main room.
I knew how they'd be sitting. On their thrones at the head of the room. Aro would stand and approach us. I'd hold my hand out. And he'd take it. Someone had left Edward and my confrontation and told him who I was and my purpose here.
And that's how it played out. Edward stayed like a statue in the room while Aro looked through my mind.
"Amazing," he whispered. "To see what you have seen before it has happened."
"But you can see it, right? Bella?" I pushed. "You can see that I'm not lying about her."
"Yes," Aro nodded softly. "I can see that she will become one of us in a few short days... magnifico... you have an amazing talent, Alice."
I didn't like how he said my name. So I ignored him and turned to Edward.
"See? I wasn't lying. I went to the hospital and saw her myself. Her heart was still very faintly, very weakly, very slowly beating. But Carlisle got there in time. Come home, Edward. She'll need you."
"She won't want to see me," Edward mumbled.
But I could already see it. He'd come home with me. We'd go back to Forks and he'd be there with the rest of us when she wakes up immortal.
"That's not what I see," I grinned.
"Impossible," Edward gasped at my vision of how she'd be furious at him when she sees him. So furious she'd attack but before she'd even start hurting him it got very passionate.
"Come on, Edward. you've got no reason to be here. We've got Bella and Jasper waiting for us so let's go home to them. If we can," I said looking back to Aro.
"Of course," Aro smiled. "It makes me so happy to know that no lives are lost. Go, be with your mates. We will see each other again, I am sure of it."
Me, too.
"Give Carlisle my love," Aro parted with as I dragged Edward from the room and straight back to the Porsche.
Neither of us spoke until we were back in Port Angeles.
"Alice..." Edward mumbled.
I had been too focused on Jasper's reaction to my return to even realise Edward had been trying to say something.
So I changed my vision to him.
He wanted to apologise. Say thank you. But the seventeen-year-old in him didn't know how.
"Buy me a Porsche and we're even," I said for him and grinned. "A yellow one, that goes really fast."
He chuckled weakly then nodded.
"She'll be beautiful, Edward."
"She already was."
"You know what I mean."
His jaw snapped closed as we walked to the car park. They had left his Volvo for us, realizing I must have gone for Edward.
Edward drove back to the house, his hands tight on the steering wheel. I could hear it protesting.
"I'm fine."
"Look, I don't know why she did it. But I can already see that she doesn't blame you so don't blame yourself."
"She jumped off a cliff, Alice."
"I know," I sighed and looked ahead to the road. "We're luckier than we deserve that she survived. Luckier than we deserve that the wolves gave us permission to save her without breaking the treaty."
"Alice, can you-"
"I'm not going to lie to them for you, Edward," I sighed.
He didn't want everybody to know he'd gone to Volterra.
"I've already lied to him enough. Them. Lied to them."
"You know Jasper will forgive you," Edward smirked.
"I know."
I went back to looking at what I'd be getting myself into back home.
"Do you mind?" Edward snarled.
I tried to not look into my personal future with Jasper. Instead focused on the drive and Bella. She'd wake a vampire that's for certain.
Back at the house, we didn't even get out of the car before we could hear Bella's screams. I got out of the car first. Jas was on the porch watching me.
I ran around to the driver's side and opened the door for Edward. He was looking up Carlisle's office. Listening to her screams.
"Come on, Edward," I said trying to be soft and encouraging.
Carlisle came outside to us and took my place by the door. I ran into Jasper's arms and he immediately curled himself around me.
"I had to save him. I'm sorry," I whispered into Jasper's ear. "I couldn't let him die."
Carlisle looked over his shoulder briefly to me then back to Edward.
"I have to believe she will forgive you," Carlisle said so softy to Edward.
"She will," I stated. "Well, she'll be pissed then she'll forgive him and then a decade later they come home."
"A decade?" Emmett laughed.
"Give or take. I didn't look for specifics."
"She still loves him," Esme sighed. She was with Bella. "Bella, honey? Edward's here. Edward's home."
He finally got out of the car, his eyes never leaving the window.
Vision. Bella was going to say his name. He'd run to her and Jas and I were in the doorway.
I pulled Jasper out of the way as Bella broke through her screams and we all heard her force out, "Edward".
I was right. He bolted past us and straight to her side.
"I'm here," he said and we all went inside to join him. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, Bella."
"Don't," she managed to force out before she started screaming again.
Esme joined us downstairs.
"He was in Volterra, wasn't he?" Carlisle asked as he sat down on the stairs. "He went to them?"
"How'd you guess?" I chuckled.
"Because he's a seventeen-year-old drama queen," Emmett said with his stupid grin.
Edward growled at him from upstairs.
"Just sayin', Ed," Emmett's next laugh was short-lived and when it was over he was looking at Rosalie. "That and I would have done the same."
"Emmett," she gasped.
"Can you see Bella?" Esme asked me as she sat beside Carlisle. Making him put his arm around her shoulders.
"She'll wake up tomorrow. Initially, she's going to be angry at Edward for obvious reasons, but it's short-lived. She hardly attacks him before things get... intimate."
"I want to talk to her," Esme muttered. "Check if she really is okay. One jumper to another."
"Well unless you wanna wait ten years you may want to be there when she wakes."
Esme nodded.
And she was. We all were when Bella woke because Jas wasn't convinced by my visions of just how short-lived Bella's anger with Edward would be.
Bella was so still when her heart stopped. She didn't move a muscle. Like a statue.
"Take your time, dear," Esme said softly.
Before I could even blink. Bella was standing on our side of the bed. Eyes wide open looking at all of us.
Yet another wave of calm washed through us all.
"How are you?" Esme asked.
Bella's jaw snapped and another wave of calm.
"Oh, Jas give her a break! She's going to be fine!" I grumbled and walked around him.
I wasn't anticipating my annoyance with her. Didn't see it. "Now I'm sorry but I don't wanna wait ten years for answers. Why did you try to kill yourself?"
"Alice," she beamed at me.
"I'm happy to see you too, answer the question."
"I didn't," she spat out.
"I saw you jump," I accused.
"I was cliff diving. Recreationally," she looked at us all as Emmett held back a laugh. "It would have been fun had I survived."
"Recreational cliff diving?" I repeated. That didn't sound like the Bella I knew.
"I had my reasons."
"Because you're stupid?"
She chuckled and lowered her head.
"Yeah, let's go with that," she said.
"How are you feeling?" Carlisle asked as he stepped forward. "This can be a traumatic experience, but we will help you through it."
Her hands flew to her throat.
"Edward, will you take her hunting? We'll meet you two back at our new home," Carlisle suggested.
Bella immediately turned to Edward and a growl bubbled from her throat.
I held my hand out to stop Jasper from approaching.
"I told you she's fine," I stated.
Bella ran up to Edward, her hands held onto his face. But when she was right there at him, the growling stopped.
Edward was able to pry her hands off his face, it looked painful.
"Let's go, shall we?" He asked. "Get away from all these eyes."
She nodded stiffly and they both jumped out the glass door in Carlisle's study leading to outside.
"A decade?" Carlisle asked.
"A decade," I chuckled.
"A decade?" I heard Bella ask from the trees.
"I'll explain later," Edward responded.

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