Alternate Beginning - Part 2

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Author's Note: this is an alternative timeline to Igor and Elizabeth's beginning. A timeline where she pushed through her fear and they didn't need a fire to begin their relationship. This would take place in "Part of A Family- Part 2" when Elizabeth makes Igor install the telephone. Spoilers, never installs that phone.


It was fourteen days before the aching of the thirst reminded me of another need.
     I looked up through the glass as the sun shone through. At first the man in the reflection startled me. A hungry vampire, naked and dangerous. Before I saw the blonde Aphrodite shimmering under him and realised it was just my reflection.
     I didn't look at her as she slipped out from under me. Another soft pop. And ran to the only other door we hadn't explored. It opened and I smelt all sorts of different fabrics. Her wardrobe.
     I looked when she threw something towards me. Clothes.
     I dressed and was surprised they fit. She wouldn't have been the same fit as me for mens, so I was curious. I was going to ask but became distracted as I did up my trousers, she was doing up a dress.
     Hiding away what I loved.
     I wasn't even dressed yet but the desire to touch her before it was gone was overwhelming. I rushed to her and slipped my hand under the buttons before she closed them.
     I didn't touch her breasts, though I loved to, the mood wasn't there, the dry thirst made sure of that. But I still wanted her. I held her lips to mine and her hands ignored her dress and held my face. Tangling her fingers in my hair. Trapping me there.
     I made a mental note to run to my asylum and pick up my restraint before we returned home as I felt the strain against the fabric, itching to be with her again.
     I knew I could kiss her for eternity. I wanted too.
     But the dry burning was becoming more of a distraction as the minutes passed.
     I let my hand linger on her throat before stepping away.
     "Why do you have these clothes?" I asked.
     "Just in case you ever decided to leave your asylum and join civilisation," she answered and finished doing up her dress.
     I slipped on the shirt she threw at me. It was a little long. Good. It would cover what I wanted covered.
     "I knew if you did, you'd find my cottage eventually, and the clothes were waiting. Your fashion is very outdated."
     "I am old."
     She laughed before walking back out her room. Though she stood in the doorway and looked at me.
     "Hunting," she said.
     Yes her black eyes were a dangerous, violent contrast to her hair now.
     "No more white padded platter," I stated.
     I waited to learn what she was thinking. Waiting for her.
     "The..." She swallowed loudly. "Town, is-"
     "Don't tell me where the town is," I said and she looked at me.
     I understood now.
     But like her own weakened control, I knew that if I knew just how close humans were... they wouldn't survive this thirst.
     Which might have been why she swallowed. Thinking of it made her thirsty.
     I took her hand and smiled down at her.
     I realised then, that I had made the decision to be better, to live by her life, the moment she sat on my lap.
     "Are you sure?" she asked.
     "Lead the way."
     I followed her throughout the forest into the mountain range when she stopped.
     "What do you hear?" she asked.
     I wasn't listening for long. I heard the thick, heavy hearts of something. The thirst took over immediately.
     The bear didn't have time to fight back before I had my teeth over it's vein and it's blood filled me. Giving me strength and warmth. It was rich, it tasted bitter but it was enough. Not enough to fill me but enough to make me feel strong again. But my thirst, as the body dropped and I watched Elizabeth leaning against a tree, a cub at her feet, was no where close to satiated.
     "This way," she said and I was following her again.
     We found a herd of deer that became a race.
     I had never hunted with another before. This was... magnificent. After we were finished we followed the scent of the herd and gave chase.
     The deer tasted worse than the bear. But it was enough. I was thirsty enough that I didn't care for the taste.
After we caught two more, before I ran after the next kill she took my hand and pulled me in another direction.
     Curious, I followed and she found more bears. Mated bears this time, with a cub already hiding in the brush. Two cubs.
     Once the bear family was finished, she led me in yet another direction. Except now I knew what we were looking for, the scent, the sounds.
     So we hunted.
     I returned to her side once her eyes were a bright honey gold again. And it surprised me that, in the concave reflection of her eyes, I could see that mine were too.
     Her smile faded when the hurried sound of an immortal approach distracted us.
     Protect Elizabeth.
     I positioned myself between her and them. Ready to attack.
     It took only a moment later to realise I knew the steps. And they meant no harm.
     I relaxed my position as Marius and Rachelle came into view.
     "Your asylum was empty and the humans were dead, we were so worried!" Rachelle gushed and immediately hugged me.
     Keeping her hips distant.
     "With the state of the place we wondered if you'd been killed," Marius joked. In his hand was my restraint.
     I took it off him and slipped it in my pocket before looking at Elizabeth. She wore a look of concern and fear for only a moment before she breathed their pasts.
     "Your eyes," Marius said.
     "They match hers. What happened?" Rachelle asked.
     Miss Elizabeth's face became one of surprise and... grief?
     "Miss Elizabeth?" I turned to her fully. Holding her in my arms. "I assure you they mean no harm."
     "I know," she said. "I know. I..."
     "Igor?" Marius asked.
     "I know you," Elizabeth said. "I mean, I don't remember but I know you."
     "How do you know us if you can't remember us?" Rachelle asked and crossed her arms.
     "She's gifted," I answered for her. Keeping my eyes plastered on Elizabeth's surprised face. "When she gets your scent she knows your past," I explained.
     "All of it?" Marius asked.
     "All of it."
     "Well that's... helpful."
     "And a bit intrusive," Rachelle said.
     "I'm sorry," Miss Elizabeth muttered.
     She turned her eyes to me. Humour and fascination overrun the grief
     "They're your friends," she explained. "Marius and Rachelle, from the army. Who visit your asylum often, checking up on you. Concerned for your loneliness and isolation."
     "Concerned?" I repeated and looked at them.
     Marius laughed.
     "Well, she's certainly good," Rachelle answered.
     "She knows all of our conversations!" Marius said. Still laughing.
     "Unfortunately," I said.
     Elizabeth laughing had my full attention. Like bells, ringing in her happiness spreading sweet music in the night.
     "Well, we don't have to worry about his loneliness anymore," Rachelle said.
     "Quite," Marius said. "That doesn't answer the question. Though. How do we know you?"
     "London," Miss Elizabeth answered. "Just before Cromwell's rule."
     "The London of your youth," I added.
     "Oh my God!" Rachelle gasped.
     I looked at them. Both of them were shocked. Rachelle covering her mouth.
     "What?" I asked.
     "Igor remember how obsessed with helping homeless children Rachelle is?" Marius asked.
     Wait... had they...?
     "Shadow man and Night Lady," Elizabeth said, hearing it made Rachelle whimper. "The vampires that raised me."
     I had no words.
     Rachelle pulled Elizabeth into a tight embrace which she laughed at as she followed.
     So... My friends... had raised my mate, from her birth to keep her alive?!
     "You're so beautiful," Rachelle whispered to her. "Oh, look at you! You poor thing, I knew Alfred would get his teeth in you the second he could."
     "It's why you were banished," Elizabeth nodded. "I know."
     "Of course, you do."
     "Igor." Marius approached me. "We raised her. Consider her our daughter more than any others."
     Was he protective of her? Did Elizabeth open Marius' paternal heart?
Would I be dealing with a protective man?
     "If you marry her, does that make us your parents?" Marius asked.
     Rachelle and Elizabeth both laughed.
     Marry Elizabeth?
     I hadn't thought of it. To have her tied to me under divine law.
     I could remember never wanting to marry before. I had seen the worst marriages in my sisters' and father's second marriage. But to be tied to Miss Elizabeth under the Lord's name. To be united with her like that.
     It didn't seem like a bad idea.
     Actually, it sounded perfect.
     Even if it did mean Marius and Rachelle as kind of parents.
     The thought reminded me of my mothers ring. Still tucked in its hide satchel in the asylum.
     "I have to get something from the asylum," I stated.
     "Now?" Elizabeth asked.
     "I don't plan on going back after."
     "We'll join you," Marius said.
     "We've so much to talk about," Rachelle gushed.
    That was concerning. Then again, there was nothing they could tell her that she didn't already know.
     In my asylum, Elizabeth and Rachelle waited outside while Marius followed me in. Though he turned so I could put on the restraint.
     Uncomfortable again after his season of freedom.
     "Was it everything you thought it be?" Marius asked as I turned back to him.
     He was smirking. It gave the context of his question. Especially as we now stood beside the table I don't fully remember destroying.
     "You just told me you consider her a daughter and then you ask me that?" I asked.
     "You're my brother, Igor. Always will be. So?" Marius pushed.
     "Better," I answered and laughed with him. "So, much better."
     And the reminder, brought that crushing wave of emotions back. The desire to be beside her. Near her. In her.
     But we were with company. Worse than a regular company. Friends who raised her.
     And still, it took all my willpower to not run to her outside and hold her body to mine against the asylum wall.
I took a steadying breath.
     "That feeling never fades, brother," Marius warned. "But you'll get better at ignoring it. Distracting yourself from it. Like we did."
     I heard Elizabeth's approach and turned to face her as she ran to me.
     Her arms immediately around my shoulders. Tight. She was squeezing her hands. She rested on my neck and I felt her. Tense. Warm. I pulled her softly that little closer closer so I felt her most hottest point. Not close enough.
     Marius and Rachelle laughing reminded me to not tear her dress off and join her again. She lifted her head and I saw the burning desire I felt swimming in her eyes.
     "We won't stay for too long," Marius said still laughing.
     "Ah, fresh love," Rachelle laughed. "Don't worry, you'll both get used to it eventually."
     "Do you remember how long it took us?" Marius asked.
     "Thirteen summers," I answered but couldn't speak properly with the overbearing desire for Elizabeth.
     I felt her leg graze against my leg. I held onto her dress tightly to stop myself from grabbing her leg, and raise it at the right height to grant access.
     "I should go back outside," Elizabeth gasped.
     She held her breath as she slowly stepped away from me.
     Rachelle was still laughing as she dragged Elizabeth away.
     It left me cold, hollow, not seeing her.
     "Igor, focus," Marius asked. "You came here to get something. Focus on that. Focus really really hard on your task."
     I wanted to focus really really hard on Elizabeth.
     "Your mothers ring, Igor, where is it? That's why you're here, isn't it?"
     My mind was overrun with Elizabeth as I fought for control.
     I tried to look somewhere else, anywhere else, so I wasn't looking where she disappeared.
     My eyes had moved to the chair. The chair she had teased and tested her strength.
     I remembered her grinding of her warmth beside me, rubbing me free of the restraint. The scent of her hair on my face. The feeling of her stomach.
     I felt empty. Hollow. Cold without her. So I ran to her.
     She was looking at me when I approached. She closed the gap that clamped my lips to hers. Erupting the fire, warning me, starting to build that pool inside me.
     I held her against the asylum wall. Pressing my body to hers. She moaned into my lips.
     I felt her leg graze mine so this time I lifted it, her dress fell free and I held myself to her warmth. Still fabric in the way always fabric in the way.
     I groaned as her hands brushed down, our lips never parting. She undid my trousers and slipped him out of the restraint. He glided effortless in her crevices making her gasp and her hands flying to my head.
     Not the right angle. I felt her damp warmth as I glided by her, unable to get entrance to the cavern of warmth and heat and desire.
     She rolled her hips forward and it helped a little. So I reached and adjusted myself.
     Feeling her wet warmth surrounding me once again felt like a weight off my shoulder. Free again at last. Tension released. Able to relax.
     "Igor," Miss Elizabeth whimpered. "Oh, oh Igor."
     My name ignited the flame that pushed me. And though her body wasn't tightening as it had before, the pushing into her was enough to compel the pooling heat to leave me.
     "Elizabeth," I growled into her lips.
     Keep moving. Never ending.
     I felt her other leg try to move, open wider. So I grabbed it and putting more effort into holding her up, I hitched her leg. I was able to get deeper into her with gravity. But alas, the wall wasn't up for the task.
     We fell and I quickly turned us, so I would take the impact.
     She laughed on top of me and I looked around us at the broken rubble.
     "Oops," I said and she laughed only to sit up and rotate her hips over me.
     She was still wearing her dress, but I did like how it looked on her.
     It took all my focus to simply unbutton her dress so I could admire and have access to her body without ruining the garment.

Twenty nights later we were thirsty again. Surprisingly, we had both been strong enough to keep our clothes not only on, but in tact. Albeit very dirty.
     She tried to shake the dirt and dust off her dress and out of her hair, and I put myself away before running to get what I had initially come to the asylum for.
     When I returned Elizabeth had her arms crossed, shoulders to her ears.
     "Miss Elizabeth?" I asked and quickly approached her.
     "Marius and Rachelle," she muttered. "They were there. My head just completely ignored them."
    I laughed and she pouted and even hit me.
     "Do not think of it, Miss Elizabeth," I told her and took her hand. "You know how many times I've seen them."
     She chuckled and nodded.
     "They understand."
     "It doesn't make it any less embarrassing," she said.
     She was standing in a corner, arms crossed, pouting in her embarrassment. How and why did that make me want her all over again?
     I stepped closer to her, trapping her in the corner. Holding her lips to mine and pulling her hips to me.
     "Still embarrassed?" I asked into her lips.
     "Yes," she mumbled.
     She had done so well teasing me, now I wanted to return that. But the real challenge would be to keep my own head.
     I kissed her nose, her eyes, she sighed as I returned to her lips, down her neck.
     "Igor," she mumbled. "Igor, we need to hunt."
     "Marry me," I said and looked down at her. Holding her to me as I had been.
     She looked up at me in confusion.
     I hadn't initially wanted to ask her like this. Not in the asylum rubble at night. But in the heat of the moment, the question escaped my lips without a thought.
     I held out the little satchel and took the ring out, she gasped while staring at it.
     "I love you, Miss Elizabeth. You have long since become the moon of my endless night. You are my life now and forever more. I love you, Miss Elizabeth, more than my own life. Will you marry-"
     Before I could ask again her lips were on mine.
     Though I was rejoicing in her touch, my mind was reminding me that she hadn't answered.
     Until she broke her face from mine. It looked like it took a lot of effort.
     "Yes," she whispered before giving in to her temptations.
     Not letting her lips leave mine again, I slipped my mothers ring on Elizabeth's finger before lifting her to me and lowering us to an easier level.

Part 3 coming...

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