Alternate Beginning

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Author's Note: this is an alternative timeline to Igor and Elizabeth's beginning. A timeline where she pushed through her fear and they didn't need a fire to begin their relationship. This would take place in "Part of A Family- Part 2" when Elizabeth makes Igor install the telephone. Spoilers, never installs that phone.


I WATCHED MISS ELIZABETH AS SHE WALKED THROUGH MY ASYLUM. Her hair like sunlight wafting through my night. I wondered what it would smell like. I assumed it would smell like the sunshine of its appearance. Like her.
She looked at me with her honey gold eyes. Only a few shades darker than her hair. I could melt in her gaze. She smiled and fire erupted inside me, keeping me warm.
I was curious, I wanted to know how soft those lips were, if her breath tasted as she smelt.
She turned back to the cells and my eyes were drawn to her body. Hidden by her work clothes, which was probably safer. With that gaze I returned to her hair. So long and beautiful, I was used to seeing immortals with hair unkempt. Evan Rachelle gave up caring for her hair a long time ago. But hers, Miss Elizabeth's, there wasn't a leaf or twig, spec of dirt in sight.
After her rounds she joined me but instead of sitting with me, she offered her hand.
Her small delicate hand.
I looked at the curves of her muscles, veins and bones. How delicate and frail they looked in comparison to my own.
I took her hand and my mind raced to such lands with the touch that I nearly tore my hand from hers.
Her hand was as soft and as delicate as it looked. But my mind... I pictured pulling her to me on the seat. Having her sit atop my lap facing me so her legs would be either side of me.
She would be warm beside me. Welcomingly so. Her warmth would feel like heaven. A hearth fire on a winter's day. As we'd kiss, I imagined that her delicate hands would travel as my hands wished to. Wished to find the curves of the physique her clothing hid. Wishing they could cup her small behind to lift her and pull her closer to me.
Elizabeth knelt in front of me and rested a hand on my cheek. I had tensed every muscle in my body so I could not act on the more monstrous, primitive, male instincts that surged through me. Take her. Take the woman as mine.
But she was hurt. She had been hurt by men before. I couldn't do that to her. For her, I would wait.
I'd wait.
She smiled softly. A delicate, tender smile, before moving so she was standing over me. Her legs. On either side of my waist.
Wait, was this happening? Was I getting my wild fantasy?
She lowered herself onto my lap and her hand slid up my arm. I was right. She was warm. I could feel the warmth through our clothes.
Warmth that ignited my primitive monster. I leant to kiss those soft lips but she rested a hand on my face and softly pushed me back into my seat.
I fought with the control of my muscles to keep myself. Though always erect from immortality, I fought to keep him inside its restraint.
"Stay still," she ordered.
Anything you wish, Elizabeth. Anything.
Though it wasn't my exact fantasy, it was better. She sat facing me on my lap. My hands in fists past her hips so they didn't touch anything. Her soft hands explored, leaving a warmth wherever they brushed. It was as if she was painting with warmth over my body and it was magnificent. I held my breath as if it would help my control. At least I couldn't smell her. The proximity of her scent swirled in my head alongside the focal point of her warm, just over my groin.
As her fingers breezed through my beard a growl found it's way up my throat. It had been a mistake. Unintentional. She laughed at it.
I wanted her to laugh again but I didn't want to growl at her intentionally. I kept to her order. Stay still.
She rolled her hips over me. Freeing from his restraint. She did lift herself slightly but with the return of her soft smile, she returned to my lap. Pressing him against her most private and delicate of places.
All that was between her and me was a few layers of fabric.
Another unintentional growl.
Stay still.
She rolled her hips again.
I had never fought so hard for control in my existence. Was she enjoying this? Teasing me? What was going through her mind?
I tried to distract myself of the growing warmth of her groin atop mine... by focusing on why she was doing this. Trying to learn without speaking.
Panic froze me when she leant to me. Though of course I had wanted her to press her lips on mine so I could taste her, feed from her a different meal. Instead she rested her head on my shoulder. Her breath caressed my neck.
I lost control of my hands as the feeling of her breath washed through me. My hands closed down on her behind and she froze atop me. Her muscles tensing with me.
And yet, the warmth over my groin grew.
She was enjoying herself? I had never experienced this before but it felt like she was.
I breathed in her hair that was on my face now.
She sighed. "Stay still," she said. The breath shooting through me again. Another unintentional growl.
Her soft, plush lips brushed my neck. My grip tightened.
"Still," she reminded me.
"Why?" I growled.
"Why what?" she asked. Every word nearly pushing me over an edge she might not want me to cross. "Why do I want you still?"
"Why are you doing this?" I asked.
She rolled her hips and smirked again. This time it was teasing.
She sat straight. Her hands left their spot on my arms and moved to my chest.
"Stay still," she repeated.
Slowly she unbuttoned my shirt. Her hips having to roll back to reach the bottom.
What was she doing?
I held my breath once more as she let her hands wander across my now bare chest.
The muscles in my hips and glutes contracted, pushing me up to her.
She gasped and stood. Staring at me angrily.
"I'm sorry," I whispered, wanting her back.
She then took my hands off her hips and my mind panicked. Was my hellish heaven over? Had I taken that step too far? Had my stupid male drive pushed her away?
Instead she moved my hands to her shirt. She left my hands on her stomach as she pulled it over her head.
Beauty. Absolute perfection. Aphrodite.
Her lower ribs protrude slightly under her bound breasts, her stomach perfectly slim, a perfect line down its centre.
She wanted this, I realised with a surge of unyielding happiness. She was testing her own strength to resist
Testing, I grazed my hand up from her small stomach, up her waist. I could feel her shiver, she was as soft as I could have hoped. As perfect.
I hooked my finger under the contraption that bound her flat.
But there is where I stopped. Though I wanted to see them. I wanted to see her in all of her immortal goddess beauty, every hair, every inch of her luscious skin. I waited for her again. Freezing myself as she had.
Her breath had caught and her eyes had closed as my hands wondered. I now waited for them to reopen.
They didn't so let go of her cage and let my hands travel once more. They travelled back down her waist.
My fingers hooked in her trousers and they clawed their way to where her legs began. It was warmer under her clothes and the warmth beckoned me closer.
I wanted to touch her. To feel that warmth for myself. But it was an invite not given. So I moved my hands quickly back outside her trousers over her hips. She growled.
I smiled.
She tore the remainder of my shirt off. And lowered herself to me again, this time stopping her lips and breath from mine. Both of us holding our breath. Her eyes were closed, enjoying the moment, her brows tight. I could see the soft purple hue of her lids. Like soft pale lavender.
My own eyes drifted shut as her hands travelled from my head to my trousers. Slowly, and with another growl of her own she pulled her lips away from mine. Leaving them feeling colder than ever. But instead she rested her head on my shoulder again.
"Stay still," she ordered in a very sensual groan.
Her hand travelled under my trousers, her fingers brushed me gently. The feeling that created. That surge of desire. Of heat and pain and lust. Anger and passion and the best sort of warmth. Rattled chains I hadn't noticed before. Chains holding back the male monster yearning for her body. Roaring for her where it was silently enjoying her touches before. Now the monster roared for his freedom. Her touch ignored him.
"Stay still," she reminded her.
My breath was in gasps as she separated her fingers around me.
"Still," she groaned into my neck.
Her other hand moved down her own body. I watched for a useless distraction as she tucked her hand into her trousers.
Was she...?
Her warmth radiated far from her. Beckoning me to her centre. And every soft stroke of her finger, I imagined hers, hidden doing the same.
She removed her hands from her trousers and lifted that same hand to my mouth. An invitation.
The taste. The taste was like nothing I had ever tasted or could remember tasting. Elizabeth's unique taste of arousal and pleasure.
The chains broke.
My hands on her hips tore her trousers clear from her and pulled her hips back to me in the same movement. I growled again into her hand. I could feel her damp warmth, just one more layer. But how could I break that without letting go of her? How could I be free of my restraint without losing her touch?
She answered that for me.
Her hand surrounding me tore my trousers so I was laying against her wet warmth. Wetter than I thought she'd be. Though I had never thought of it before this moment. And yet the warmth continued to beckon, pull me to her depth, to feel that dampness around me.
She rolled her hips, sliding me through her folds. The feeling... only making me want to bury myself in her more. Her breath went still against my neck.
"Miss Elizabeth," I growled. Wanting to be closer to her. Wanting to feel her surrounding me. "Miss Elizabeth."
She lifted her head to face me. It put her entrance where'd I'd need only a small push to enter her chamber. The wet warmth beckoning, screaming at me to make that move.
But an invitation has not yet been given.
Her plush lips held to mine, erupting the monster from his chains. I pulled her hips down so I felt her slide effortlessly around. A meaningful well of magic, warmth and lust. I pushed myself deeper into her as she rolled her hips closer.
I lifted her hips to lower them to me again. Engulfing me in her cave one more.
She began doing it herself. Rising and lowered herself around me.
Her lips on mine were forgotten about as she moved herself around me. She groaned as she leant back, one hand bracing herself on my knees as she rocked herself off and on my penis. The other travelled to her body. I decided I'd had enough of being still, so I took over her body. While she kept sliding herself up and off then down and around, I drew circles around the top of her. Where she shuddered the most.
The pleasure swallowed me whole. The feeling swallowed me whole. She was perfect in every way.
Heat and painful pleasurable bliss crept down my body and built inside me as she tightened around up and lower. Milking me. Her legs shook and with my free hand I pulled her neck to me to bite as for the first time in my long life it felt like I had a pulse again. A pulse perfectly in time with the collision of our bodies.
She groaned in her pleasure as her body shuddered. Yet she kept moving so I did too. I found myself growling again as her tightened movements dragged out the pooling heat in my pulsating groin. Spilling the warmth as it escaped me into her. She moaned but kept moving around me.
Her body convulsed. She began milking again tighter, more vigorous than before and my body complied with her orders.

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