Iron man - Part 2

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Tony gets off the plane, walks up to the general and greets him. The general welcomes him and says they're looking forward to his weapons presentation. Tony thanks him. Tony is giving a speech, he asks if it's better to be feared or respected then asks if it's too much to ask for both. says that with that in mind, he humbly presents the crown jewel of the Stark Industries Freedom Line. He says that it's the first missile to incorporate their repulsor technology, and says that people say the best weapon is one that doesn't need to be fired. Tony says that he disagrees and he thinks the best weapon is one that only needs to be fired once. He says that that's how his dad did it, it's how America does it and that it's worked well so far.

Tony hung his head in shame at his attitude on screen "So far your father has come up alot in this movie. Was he that important to you?" Flash asked, earning a glare from the front row but no response to his question while others including the avengers besides Nat seemed confused.

He finishes by saying to find an excuse to let one of them off the chain and he can guarantee them that the bad guys won't even come out of their caves, then he introduces Jericho. As he's talking, the missile is fired which results in a large explosion.

"HOLY SHIT!" came from the guardians and the people from the 1940's

"You made that?" Howard questioned Tony, looked at him and said "Unfortunately."

Tony walks away and grabs a glass of scotch and says he'll be throwing one of these in with every purchase of five hundred million or more and then makes a toast to peace. Tony receives a phone call from Obadiah who greets him when he answers. Tony asks him why he's awake. Obadiah says that he couldn't sleep until he found out how it went, then asks how it went.

Rhodey said "Yeah right liar!"

"What do you mean liar?" Steve asked confused

The movie will tell you why don't reveal anything

Everyone nodded and continued

Tony says it was great and that it looks like it'll be an early Christmas. Obadiah congratulates him and asks if he'll see him tomorrow. Tony asks Obadiah why he isn't wearing the pajamas he bought for him. Obadiah tells him goodnight, then the call ends. Tony gets into a hum-vee, Rhodey walks up to him and greets him. Tony apologizes and says that this was the fun-vee and that the humdrum-vee was behind them.

"Really fun wasn't it?" Rhodey asked earning a smirk from Tony

"Oh yeah! Would do so again." Tony responded receiving a glare from Pepper

"Pep it made me change as a person you can't argue that." Tony said confusing those who didn't know about the arc reactor

Rhodey congratulates him and says he'll see him at the base. The next scene is in Tony's first person perspective. He's lying on a bed. There are people performing surgery on him. The voices are muffled. Tony is screaming. When they're done they knock him out.

"What the actually fuck!" Clint shouted

Tony closed his eyes gripping Peters and Peppers hands

"Did they actually do that in a cave to you?" Steven asked Happy nodded in response as others watched worriedly as Tony was trying not to have a panic attack

Tony if you wish the door on the left hand side is a safe room if it is too much to relive it

Tony nodded shakily and left the room not wanting to watch

Tony is now in bed, awake. He feels the tube in his nose and goes to pull it out. He then tries to grab a glass of water but just ends up knocking it over. He pulls at the wires that are coming out of his chest when he turns over. Yinsen, sitting at the side of the bed, tells him that he shouldn't do that. Tony looks down at his chest and takes notice of the bandages. He pulls at them, sees the electromagnet and faints.

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