Iron man -Part 3

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The plane lands in the air force base. Pepper is standing there with Happy right behind her. Inside the plane, Tony is now wearing a suit and is sitting in a wheelchair. Rhodey helps him get up and tells him to be careful on the ramp. Then two people come into the frame with gurney Tony asks if they're kidding with him and asks to get rid of them. Pepper looks over at him with a smile on her face. Tony walks up to her and says that her eyes are red and asks if she shed tears for her long lost boss. Pepper says that they're tears of joy and that she hates job hunting.

"You guys have a weird way of showing affection." Clint says

"Hey I appreciate the way we show our love!" Tony said causing some laughs

Tony says that her vacation is over. He, Pepper and Happy all get into a car. Happy asks where he's taking them. Pepper asks him to take them to the hospital. Tony denies the request. Pepper tells Tony that he needs to. Tony says that no is his complete answer.

"I understand the hate for hospitals from your side now at least." Pepper said

"I am still not that kind of doctor Tony." Bruce said

"Peter I'm not that kind of doctor either!" Tony said smirking at the kid

"Wait what do you mean by that?" Wilson dared to ask

"Well when the kid meets the barrel end of a gun and isn't quick enough he ends up blooding up my damn lab!" Tony said while looked shook

"YOU betrayed me!" Peter said as May gave him a look

"Wait? How often do you accidentally get shot?" Cindy asked

Peter mumbled then spoke up "Like mhm i don't know maybe 1 a week?" everyone gaped like a fish

Pepper says that a doctor needs to have a look at him. Tony says that he doesn't have to do anything and tells Pepper that he's been in captivity for three months and that there are two things that he wants to do one of them is that he wants an American cheeseburger and the other is-

"Let me guess a bottle of alcohol?" Clint said with a smirk

Pepper says that he's said enough. Tony says that it's not what she thinks and tells her that he wants to call for a press conference. Pepper repeats what he said as a question. Tony confirms. Pepper asks what for. Tony tells Happy to drive and to get the cheeseburger first.

"Not what I expected." Clint said

Happy pulls into a parking lot. Obadiah is waiting outside of the building, he greets Tony as he gets out of the car then he hugs him. Obadiah tells Tony that they were supposed to meet at the hospital. Happy comes up around the back of the car with a paper bag in his hands. Tony tells Obadiah that he's fine. Obadiah makes a comment about Tony stopping for a burger, then asks if they got him one.

"Seriously? He's trying to take your food after you were held captive? Can't a man have some peace?" Steve said looking angry for Tony, Tony looked shocked

Tony, and Obadiah are seen walking through the hallway to be met with a large group of reporters. Tony walks up to the podium. Pepper stares at him. Agent Coulson appears beside her.

"That's not creepy or anything." Maria said causing Bruce and Fury to snort

Coulson asks Pepper if he could speak with her for a moment. Pepper tells him that she isn't a part of the press conference but it is about to start. Coulson tells her that he isn't a reporter and then introduces himself, saying that he's from the Strategic Homeland Intervention Enforcement and Logistics Division. Pepper tells him that that's quite a mouthful. Coulson says that he knows and they're working on it. Pepper tells him that they've been approached by the DOD, FBI and the CIA.

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