Videos - Peggy

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Alright so We have a music memorial sort of thing for Peggy and Howard.

Everyone calmed down there laughing at Steve to watch the video

Warning this is about to become emotional also please refrain from talking until the end of the video.

Video ends

Everyone sat in tears as Howard pulled Peggy closer before Tony spoke

"You punched him?" Peggy nodded

"What was he doing flying towards New York?" Steve asked

"I was being mentally manipulated In my head I was over the artic finding you, but really I was flying towards New York about to kill everyone." Howard spoke holding Peggy Tightly as everyone gasped in horror.

Now I have a video of one of the best comic duos in the universe, Peggy Carter and Edwin Jarvis.

Everyone turned to the screen in anticipation

Peggy greets off a plane and Greets Edwin

Peggy and Edwin in a car Edwin talks about how Howard is "Excited" to see her while Peggy slams on the brakes he says "Unsafe"

Some people laugh

Edwin asks Peggy what fire arm he would be carrying while she response with "That would be none"

"Don't knock the man down peg!" Howard said laughing

Peggy tells Edwin to stop pecking like an old mother hen

They leave a mansion talking about a machine

Switched to Peggy telling him that if she gave him a gun she would take it Edwin says he takes offense to that statement Peggy ask where his wrist watch is Edwin goes to remark that its on his wrist but it is not

Everyone is laughing at his voice crack

Peggy talks about an excited moment saying he kissed her and she indulged him before Edwin adds and blushed

She slaps his head for that one as others laugh

Peggy lies on a bed while Edwin works on her talking about the pain

"Wait what happened?" Bucky asked

"I was sort of impaled after falling 20 feet." Peggy responded other just looked shocked who didn't know

Edwin stops the car to look at a flamingo calling him the devil in pink

Some luagh

Switches to Peggy interrupting Edwin while working out

Daniel telling Peggy his engagement was broken off only to go to Edwin who asks why? while listening

"Eavesdrop much?" Clint said smirking

Peggy and Edwin talk while he stands in the work out area

Peggy pops out of a vent making a joke about Edwin's recreation tie

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