Iron man - Part 6 {Final}

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Pepper walks into Tony's lab where Tony is repairing his suit. Tony asks if she's busy and if she could run an errand for him. He says he needs her to go to his office, hack into the mainframe and retrieve all recent shipping manifests. He hands her a lock chip and tells her that it will allow her access, he tells her that the information is likely under executive files, and that if it isn't its on a ghost drive and that if it is she needs to look for the lowest numeric heading. Pepper asks what he plans to do with the information.

"So that was the plan?" Coulson asked Tony nodded

"Why do I feel like it didn't go to plan?" Bucky asked

"Because it didn't." Fury said

Tony tells her that Obadiah's been dealing under the table and he needs to stop it, then tells her that he's going to find his weapons and destroy them. Pepper says she'd help him with anything, but she won't if he is going to start this again. Tony says that there's nothing but this, he says there's no opening, no benefit and there isn't anything to sign. He says that there's nothing but the next mission.

"That's a bad rabbit hole to fall into." Daniel said getting some encouraging nods Tony just sighed

Pepper tells him that she's quitting then tosses the device on the table and starts to walk away. Tony says that she's stood by his side when he was reaping benefits of destruction and asks her why she's walking out when he's trying to protect those that he put in harm's way. Pepper tells him that he's going to get himself killed and that she wants no part of it.

"Tony..." Nat started before he turned to her and said

"Listen I know don't put that stress on her I understand now

Tony says that he shouldn't be alive unless there's a reason. He says that he isn't crazy and he just finally knows what he needs to do and that in his heart he knows it's the right thing. Pepper walked back over and picked the device up from where she tossed it and told him that he's all she has too.

"And so begins the iron family." Harley said smirking causing some snorts and a gentle smile from Tony

"We should make that a shirt" Pepper said smiling causing some laughs

Pepper gets out of an elevator and walks into Tony's office. She uses the device Tony gave her to log into his computer. 'Warning: security breach' pops up on the screen, a few seconds later 'access granted' appears on the screen. A large number of files pop up. Pepper goes through each of them. When she gets to the 3rd one, pictures of the Mark appear on screen. She notes that it's sector 16 and asks herself what Obadiah's up to.

"That can not be good." T'Challa said

She opens a new file and the video The Ten Rings shot of Tony starts playing. Pepper types 'translate' into the computer. One of the men says that Obadiah didn't tell them that the person he paid them to kill was Tony Stark. Pepper is horrified at this.

"He knew!" Rhodey said, causing some confused looks before he realized and finished his thought "Like I know he knew you were almost killed I didn't expect him to have known you were being held hostage while being held hostage." Getting some looks of horror

The man says that Obadiah's lies will cost him, and that the price to kill Tony has gone up. Pepper copies everything onto the flash drive. Obadiah walks into the room and asks what they're going to do about this. Pepper gasps and looks at him. Obadiah pours a glass of some type of alcohol, and tells Pepper that he knows what she's going through.

"I don't like this at all." Betty said as they turned to look at the students who looked scared from what they we're watching.

He sniffs the bottle and makes a comment about Tony always getting the good stuff. Pepper smiles and nods, she covers up the flash drive with a newspaper and clicks on the screen saver. A picture of Tony's car pops up. Obadiah walks over to her. Obadiah says he was happy when Tony came home.

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