Iron Man - Part 4

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The scene shows Rhodey talking to a group of soldiers. He asks if the future of air combat is manned or unmanned. Then says that in his experience no unmanned aerial vehicle will trump a pilot's instinct, insight, judgement or the ability to look into a situation beyond what's obvious and discern an outcome. Then Tony walks in and asks why not the pilot without the plane and then he shakes a soldier's hand. Rhodey says to look who fell out of the sky, then he introduces Tony. Tony says speaking of manned or unmanned Rhodey should tell them about the time that he guessed wrong at spring break.

"Wait! we never got to hear this story!" Clint said smiling

"Tony had to stop messing with my soldiers like that." Rhodey said getting a laugh from Tony

Tony says to remember spring break 1987 and reminds Rhodey of the 'lovely lady' he woke up with then asks what his name was. Rhodey tells him not to do that. Tony asks if it was Ivan. Rhodey tells him not to do that because the soldiers would believe it. Tony tells the soldiers it was a pleasure meeting them. Rhodey tells the soldiers to give them a couple minutes and turns to Tony and says he didn't expect him to be walking around so soon. Tony says that he's doing a little better than walking.

"Yeah so well!" Pepper said sarcastically getting some laughs and pout from Tony

Rhodey questions him. Tony tells him that he's working on something big and he came to talk to him because he wants him to be a part of it. Rhodey says that he's about to make a lot of people happy because what he pulled at the press conference was a 'doozy'. Tony says that this isn't for the military and that it's different. Rhodey asks if he's a humanitarian. Tony says that he needs Rhodey to listen to him. Rhodey says that what he needs is to get his mind right. Tony says okay. Rhodey tells him that it was nice to see him. Tony thanks him and Rhodey leaves.

"Wait, you didn't believe him?" Steve asked

"I mean he just came back from being held hostage and tortured. Would you have believed him?" Rhodey said justifying himself

"I wouldn't have." Tony said backing him up

Tony is in his lab typing on a weird keyboard. He asks JARVIS if he's up. JARVIS says he always is and calls Tony 'Sir.' Pictures of the mark 1 Iron Man armor appear on the screens. Tony drags it to a table where it appears as a hologram. He says he'd like for JARVIS to open a new file, indexed as Mark two. JARVIS asks if he should store it on the Stark Industries central database. Tony gets up and walks over to the table. Tony says he doesn't know who to trust so they should keep everything on his private server. JARVIS asks if he's working on a secret project. Tony takes some things out of the armor and puts them in a holographic trash can. Tony says that he doesn't want what he's working on to end up in the wrong hands and that maybe it could do some good for him.

"Yet it still ended up with a monster." Pepper mumbled getting some confused looks from the people with super hearing

People are in a desert and they are digging. One guy holds up the face plate. They start speaking in a foreign language. Raza appears on screen with a large burn mark on the side of his face. The man who found the mask brings it to Raza.

"This man just needs to die already!" Loki said border line angry and upset getting confused looks

"Aww reindeer games do you care about me?" Tony said smirking

"Of course I don't but only I'm allowed to try and hurt you." Loki said smirking

"You what!" Peggy and Howard said

"You know I read an article the other day that said something about how people can grow attached to others who have been in the same situation as themselves even without meeting them. Makes you wonder." Tony said smirking at his comeback

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